The History of Dartmouth College Part 38

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Parker, Joseph Torrey, Nathan W. Fiske, George Bush, and Alpheus Crosby.

In Industrial literature, the names of Henry Colman and John L. Hayes will be honored so long as agriculture and manufactures shall have a prominent place among human pursuits.

In Medicine, a goodly proportion of her most eminent sons have given to Dartmouth their personal services as teachers; we have only to recall in this connection the honored names recorded in a preceding chapter,--Mussey, Perkins, Crosby, and Peaslee. But other names claim our notice. Amos Twitch.e.l.l, by tireless industry and fidelity in his regular professional work, and his boldness and skill as an operative surgeon, gained a reputation equaled by few in New England, and extending to the Old World. The name of George C. Shattuck s.h.i.+nes with equal l.u.s.tre, as the benefactor of his Alma Mater, and the friend of suffering humanity in the metropolis of New England.

Luther V. Bell wrote his name as plainly upon the foundations of the McLean Asylum, at Somerville, as did his honored father, Samuel Bell, upon the jurisprudence of New Hamps.h.i.+re. The name of John E. Tyler is scarcely less conspicuous upon the superstructure.

New Jersey will never forget her obligations to Lyndon A. Smith for the earnest efforts which gave to that State a similar inst.i.tution.

Nor should we be silent in regard to the services of living men who are now conducting or prominently connected with similar inst.i.tutions; among them, Jesse P. Bancroft, Clement A. Walker, John Ordronaux, Homer O. Hitchc.o.c.k, William W. G.o.dding, and John P. Brown.

As Medical lecturers, we cannot fail to notice other honored names; among them, Josiah Noyes, Joseph A. Gallup, James Hadley, Jesse Smith, Arthur L. Porter, Gilman Kimball, Benjamin R. Palmer, Noah Worcester, Abner Hartwell Brown, Nathan S. Lincoln, and Phineas S. Conner.

A reference to all the living medical alumni of Dartmouth, who are acting the part of useful pract.i.tioners or teachers, added to the above, would take us to nearly every leading medical inst.i.tution, and nearly every family, in our broad land.

In Productive industry and the development of our national resources, the alumni of Dartmouth have an honorable place.

Eastern New England will never be unmindful of her obligations to William A. Hayes, for his successful efforts to introduce a better grade of wool than had ever before been produced in that region; nor will the country or the world forget their obligations to his honored cla.s.smate, Henry Colman, the American pioneer in scientific agriculture. The names of Thomas G. Fessenden and Amos Brown also deserve notice in this connection.

Petroleum, instead of being at the present time a leading American product, might have remained, in large measure, in its ancient bed, but for the skillful, persevering enterprise of George H. Bissell and Francis B. Brewer.

In Railroad enterprise, the names of Erastus Hopkins, Thomas M.

Edwards, and Francis Cogswell, in the East, and James F. Joy, in the West, are "familiar as household words."

The sons of Dartmouth have performed honorable service in the field.

More than a score were soldiers of the Revolution. Among them John S.

Sherburne, who lost one of his limbs; Absalom Peters, whose efficient service in Vermont contributed largely to the protection of our Northern frontier; and Ebenezer Mattoon, who by forced marches with his gallant men furnished cannon which "told" at Saratoga.

In the War of 1812-1815 they acted well their part. Eleazer Wheelock Ripley, at Lundy's Lane, after General Scott had been disabled (with the aid of the gallant Miller), wrested victory from an almost triumphant foe, on the bloodiest field of the war.

In that War, too, Sylva.n.u.s Thayer gained a measure of the renown which has rendered the name of the most efficient founder of the Military Academy at West Point ill.u.s.trious in both hemispheres.

In the late War one of the most valuable coadjutors of two of its leading captains--Grant and Sherman--was Joseph Dana Webster.

In letters of living light we write many other names, among them Charles and Daniel Foster--par n.o.bile fratrum--Samuel Souther, Charles Augustine Davis, Isaac Lewis Clarke, Calvin Gross Hollenbush, Valentine B. Oakes, Franklin Aretas Haskell, Arthur Edwin Hutchins, Lucius Stearns Shaw, Horace Meeker d.y.k.e, Edwin Brant Frost, William Lawrence Baker, Charles Whiting Carroll, George Was.h.i.+ngton Quimby, George Ephraim Chamberlin, Charles Lee Foster, Henry Mills Caldwell, and Stark Fellows, who at Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, and elsewhere, gave their lives in defense of the American Union.

No aggregation of volumes would adequately portray the whole work of Dartmouth's alumni. In quiet places, the great majority, day by day, and year by year, have performed their allotted tasks. In such places all over America, and in other lands, they have built their most enduring monuments. The calm l.u.s.tre of their lives is almost as widely diffused as the morning light.

Eleazer Wheelock founded the college, in faith and hope, for the enlightenment and evangelization of future generations in that mighty storehouse of thought and action, central New England.

John Wheelock carried forward the work with energy and zeal, and a large measure of success.

Francis Brown gave a valuable life for the protection of his still youthful Alma Mater.

Daniel Dana was a man of kindred spirit, and not less devoted to his work.

Bennet Tyler magnified his office, and, laboring in season and out of season, added "goodly ornaments."

Nathan Lord added new halls, new departments and modes of instruction, gave larger prestige, and left the impress of a great mind upon two thousand pupils.

Asa D. Smith added yet other halls, secured new endowments, and provided a long line of scholars.h.i.+ps, for the development of latent talent, and the encouragement of genuine worth.

Samuel C. Bartlett brings to the accomplishment of his task the name of an ancient and honored family, and the experiences of an earnest and fruitful life.

Dartmouth has blessed New England and Old England, North America and the whole world.

Her location, unrivaled in many respects by that of any sister inst.i.tution, her history, so full of romance and of reality, and her work, recorded first in the history of the eighteenth century, and indelibly impressed upon the history of the nineteenth, all warrant the hope that her walls may stand, through all the ages of the future, strong as the everlasting hills, and beautiful as the celestial dome.




s. d.

His Most Gracious Majesty 200 Mr. Isaac Akerman 5 5 0 Mr. John Atkins 5 5 0 Messrs. Adair, Jackson & Co. 5 5 0 Mr. William Ames 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Armitage 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Aldersey 2 2 0 Mr. Ebenezer Atkinson 2 2 0 Mrs. Allovine 2 2 0 The Rev. Mr. Ashworth of Daintree 1 0 0 Mr. Atwell, A. B. 10 6 Mr. John Anther 10 6 Anonymous 5 3 Mr. Andrews 5 0 Mrs. Sarah Axford 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Sam. Brewer's Collection 141 2 6 Messrs. Day. Barclay & Sons 31 10 0 Mrs. Brine 20 0 0 Robert Butcher, Esq. 10 10 0 Mr. John Bradney 10 10 0 Mr. Diederick Beckman 10 10 0 Mr. John Bonus 10 10 0 Messrs. Bland & Barnett 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Brooks 10 10 0 Jam. & Hen. Baker, Esqs. 10 10 0 Thom. Smalley Browning, Esq. 10 10 0 John Bond, Esq. 10 10 0 Bank Note, K 483 10 0 0 Sir ---- Blackmore 6 6 0 Robert Bird, Esq. 5 5 0 Mrs. Sarah Bradney 5 5 0 Mrs. B. W. 5 5 0 Mr. Blunkett of Peckham 5 5 0 John Buchanan, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Clement Bellamy 5 5 0 Mr. Geo. Baskerville 5 5 0 Mr. Michael Barlow 5 5 0 Mr. John Bayley 5 5 0 Mr. Frederick Ball 5 5 0 Mr. Jonathan Bond 5 5 0 Mr. Bowles 5 5 0 Mr. Bush 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Brown 3 3 0 Mr. William Butler 3 3 0 Mr. Guy Brian 2 2 0 Mr. J. Bosley 2 2 0 Dr. Bragge 2 2 0 Mrs. Bragge 2 2 0 Mr. Jonathan Bowles 2 2 0 ---- Brooks, Esq., of Cambridge 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Burch 2 2 0 B. C. 2 2 0 Mrs. Blakesly 1 11 6 Mr. Henry Burder 1 1 0 Mr. Burkitt 1 1 0 The Rev. Charles Bowles 1 1 0 Mrs. B-f-t 1 1 0 Mr. George Braithwaite 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Barnardistone 1 1 0 Mr. Ba.s.singtine 1 1 0 Mr. William Brown 10 6 Mr. Biggs, Junior 10 6 A Banker's Clerk 10 6 Mr. Wt. B. 7 0 Mr. Ball 5 3 Mr. John Baker 5 3 Mr. William Baker 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Coles 20 0 0 Messrs. Capel, Hanbury, Oswald & Co. 10 10 0 Mr. James Crafts 5 5 0 Mr. William Cross 5 5 0 Mr. Cranch, in the Borough 5 5 0 Mr. James c.o.x 5 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Clempson 3 3 0 Mr. Lawrence Charlesson 3 3 0 Mr. Creswell, of Stourbridge per Mr. Micklin the Mercer 3 3 0 Mr. Cross 2 2 0 Mr. Benjamin Champion 2 2 0 Mr. Compson 2 2 0 Mr. John Collier 2 2 0 Mr. John Colebrooke 1 11 6 C. T. F. 1 3 0 Mr. John c.o.x 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Cowper 1 1 0 Mr. William Coombes 1 1 0 Mr. Cooper 1 1 0 Mrs. Cooper 1 1 0 Mr. John Cobb 1 1 0 Mr. William Crooke 10 6 Mr. Joseph Clarke 10 6 Mr. Henry Cowling 10 6 Rt. Hon. William, Earl of Dartmouth, a Trustee and President 50 0 0 Messrs. Deberdt & Burkitt 20 0 0 Mr. John d.i.c.k 5 5 0 D. T. 5 5 0 Mrs. Davis 5 5 0 Mr. William Dermer 5 5 0 Phil. Dotton, Esq., of Plymouth, per Mr. Sheppard 2 17 0 Mr. Darnford 2 2 0 Miss Dixon 2 2 0 Mrs. Dewn 1 1 0 Mr. Denne 1 1 0 Mr. James Donald 1 1 0 Mr. James Deethait 1 1 0 Mr. James Duncan 1 1 0 Mr. D. 1 1 0 Mr. Benjamin d.i.c.kers, per Dr. Gibbons 1 1 0 Mr. D. D. 10 6 Mr. Dudds 10 6 Mr. Dell 10 6 Mrs. Davis 5 3 Mr. Zephaniah Eade 6 6 0 Mrs. Anna Eade 6 6 0 Mr. Samuel Ewer 1 1 0 Mr. Edwards 1 1 0 Mr. E. H. 1 1 0 Mr. John Elliott 1 1 0 Mr. Eaton 1 1 0 Dr. Fothergill 21 0 0 A Friend of the Cause 20 0 0 Mr. Fuller & Son 10 10 0 Thomas Fletcher, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Forsitt 5 5 0 The Rev. Mr. Ford. 5 5 0 Dr. John Ford 5 5 0 Mr. William Fisher, Sen. 5 5 0 Messrs. Flight & Halliday 5 5 0 Messrs. Freeman & Grace 5 5 0 Mr. William Fletcher 3 3 0 Mr. George Flower 2 2 0 Mr. Fa.s.sett 1 1 0 Mr. F. P. 1 1 0 Mrs. Flight 1 1 0 Mr. David Field 1 1 0 A Friend in the Country 10 0 Sir John Griffin Griffin 20 0 0 Mr. William Grace 10 10 0 Mr. Daniel Gallopine 10 10 0 Mr. Gerrish 5 5 0 Mrs. Sarah Gale 5 5 0 Mrs. Gumley 5 5 0 Mr. Grainger 5 0 0 Mr. John Geere, Sen., collected by him 4 14 6 Mr. Robert Griffiths 4 4 0 Mr. Daniel Goodwin 3 7 6 Mr. John Geere, of Hythe 3 3 0 Thomas Gibbons, D.D. 2 2 0 Mr. Walter Gelly 2 2 0 G. E. 2 2 0 Mr. Griffin 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Gibbon 2 2 0 Mr. Gardner 2 2 0 Mr. Grote 2 2 0 Mrs. Nellaby Gibson 1 1 0 Mr. John Gould 1 1 0 Miss Gould 1 1 0 Messrs. G. 1 1 0 Mrs. Ann Gusthart 1 1 0 Mr. Samuel Gordon 1 1 0 Mr. Owen Griffith 1 1 0 Mr. Good 10 6 Mrs. G----s 10 6 Mr. William Gardiner 5 0 Isaac Holles, Esq. 100 0 0 The Rev. Mr. Holden's collection of Deptford 51 2 0 Sir Charles Hotham, a Trustee, deceased 50 0 0 Mrs. Halsey 50 0 0 Charles Hardy, Esq., a Trustee 25 0 0 Mr. Robert Hodgson 20 0 0 Sir Joseph Hankey and partners 10 10 0 Mr. William Hervey 10 10 0 Edward Hollis, Esq. 5 5 0 Thomas Hollis, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Hawtyn 5 5 0 Mr. Peregrine Hogg 5 5 0 Mr. Hugh Humstone 5 5 0 Mr. John Hose & Son 5 5 0 Richard Hill, Esq. 5 5 0 Thomas Hall, Esq., of Harnfel Hall, near Henley 5 5 0 Messrs. Higgins, Garrett & Hartfield 5 5 0 Mr. Joseph Hart 5 5 0 Mr. Benjamin Horrocks 3 3 0 Miss Hillier 3 3 0 Mr. Howell 2 12 6 Mrs. Ann Holloway 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Heckley, per Dr. Gibbons 2 2 0 Mr. Holdgate 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Houston 1 1 0 Mr. William Heathfield 1 1 0 Mr. Horton 1 1 0 Mr. Nathaniel Hillier 1 1 0 Mr. Hett 1 1 0 Mr. Hunt 10 6 Mr. Heath 10 6 Mr. Harley 10 6 Mr. Richard Hatt 10 6 Mr. William Hunter 10 6 Mrs. Harle 10 6 The Rev. Mr. Hatham, of Loughborough 10 6 Mrs. Halford and Son 7 6 Mrs. H. P. 5 0 I. S. 20 0 0 Mr. Jackson, of the Temple 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Justis 5 5 0 Mr. John Jones 3 3 0 Mr. Edward Jefferies 2 2 0 J. P. 2 2 0 I. R., per John Sabatier 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Jefferys 2 2 0 Mr. Jacomb 1 1 0 Mr. Jackson, Basinghall St. 1 1 0 Mr. J. G. 1 1 0 Mr. Judd 10 6 Mr. Richard Jeffreys 10 6 Mr. Philip Jones, at Upton in Worcesters.h.i.+re 5 3 Mr. Robert Keen, a Trustee 25 0 0 Mr. William Kelly 5 5 0 Mr. King 3 3 0 Mr. John Kennedy 2 2 0 Miss Kingsley 1 1 0 Samuel Lloyd, Esq. 21 0 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. John Langford's 13 0 0 Mr. George Lowe 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Lowe 10 10 0 Mr. John Laurence 5 5 0 Mr. L. F. 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Luck 2 2 0 Mr. L. G. 2 2 0 Mr. Robert Lathroppe 1 1 0 Mrs. L. G. 1 1 0 Mr. L. D. 1 11 6 Mr. John Lefevre 1 1 0 The Rev. Dr. Langford 1 1 0 Mrs. Lavington 1 1 0 Mr. Lawrence 10 6 His Excellency, General Monckton 21 0 0 Mr. B. Mills 20 0 0 Messrs. R. H. & R. Maitland 10 10 0 The Rev. Mr. Martin's Collection at Deptford 5 10 0 Mr. James Mabbs 5 5 0 John Mills, Esq. 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Maltby 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Mason 5 5 0 Mr. Samuel Moody 5 5 0 Mr. Maine, of Kensington 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Mayor 5 5 0 Mrs. Marlow, per Dr. Gifford 5 5 0 The Rev. Mr. Madan 5 0 0 Mr. Millet 4 5 0 Mrs. Molineaux 3 6 6 Mr. Mangles 2 2 0 Mr. Brough Maltby 2 2 0 Mr. Messenger 2 2 0 Mr. Samuel Matthews 2 2 0 Mr. Peter Mallard 2 2 0 Mr. Morris 2 2 0 Mr. Mace 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Matravers 1 1 0 Mr. Moggridge 1 1 0 Miss March 1 1 0 Mrs. M. 1 1 0 Mr. Marston 1 1 0 Mr. D. Maitland 1 1 0 Mr. Morrison 1 1 0 Mr. James Murray 10 6 Mr. Samuel Mason 10 6 Mr. Samuel Munday 10 6 M. C. 10 6 Mr. Robert Newton, per Charles Steer 50 0 0 Mr. Ric. Neave & Son 21 0 0 Mr. Edw. Thomas Nelson 2 2 0 Mr. and Mrs. Noyes 2 2 0 Miss Nichols 2 2 0 Mr. Noton 1 1 0 Mr. Abraham Ogier 2 2 0 Mr. John Orton 2 2 0 Mr. Olney 1 1 0 Mr. John Oldham 1 1 0 Mr. John Oliver 10 6 Thomas and Richard Penn, Esqs. 50 0 0 Messrs. Pewtress & Robarts 10 10 0 Mr. James Pearson 5 5 0 Mr. Pomeroy 2 2 0 Mrs. Rachel Phipps 2 2 0 Mr. Michael Pearson 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Prettyman 2 2 0 Mr. Rowland Page 2 2 0 Mr. John Prentice 1 1 0 Mr. John Page 1 1 0 Mrs. P. 1 1 0 Mr. John Price 1 1 0 Mr. Chancey Poole 1 1 0 Mr. Petree 1 1 0 Mr. Parks 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Pitts 1 1 0 Mr. George Prettiman 10 6 Mrs. Mary Parker 10 6 Mr. John Payne 10 6 Mr. N. Paul 5 3 The Rev. Mr. Phillips 5 0 Mr. Peakes 2 6 The Rev. Mr. Romaine's Collection at St. Anne's, Black Friar's 107 13 3 Samuel Roffey, Esq., a Trustee 50 0 0 Mrs. Roffey, of Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 10 0 Marchioness of Rockingham 10 10 0 Mr. Samuel Rickards 10 10 0 Mrs. Russel 10 0 0 Mrs. Radcliffe 10 0 0 Mr. Henry Rutt 3 3 0 Mr. John Robarts 5 5 0 Mr. Matthew Randall 5 5 0 Mr. George Rutt 3 3 0 Mr. and Mrs. Rawlins 2 2 0 Miss Rymers 2 2 0 Mr. John Robin 1 1 0 Mrs. Russel, of Greek Street 1 1 0 Mr. Stephen Roe 10 6 Mr. Rumley 10 6 Mr. Robarts 5 3 Right Hon. Earl of Shaftesbury 81 10 0 Mr. Samuel Savage, a Trustee 100 0 0 Samuel Sparrow, Esq. 50 0 0 Rev. Dr. Stennett's Collection 42 10 11 The Rev. Mr. Charles Skelton's Collection 13 13 0 The Rev. Mr. Stafford and his Friends 10 10 0 William Stead, Esq. 10 10 0 Mr. Robert Stuart 10 10 0 Mr. Baron Smythe, a Trustee 6 6 0 Mr. Samuel Stainton 5 5 0 Mr. Sherland Swanstone 5 5 0 Mr. James Smith 5 5 0 Mr. J. Short 5 5 0 Mr. John Striteal 5 5 0 The Rev. Sam. Martin Savage 5 5 0 Mr. Sainsbury Sibley 5 5 0 Mr. Smith (partner with Mr. Nash) 5 5 0 Mrs. Sowdon 4 4 0 Mr. Thomas Smith 3 3 0 S. W. 3 3 0 Messrs. Simmonds & Co. 3 3 0 Mr. Self 2 12 6 The Rev. and Hon. Mr. s.h.i.+rley 2 2 0 Mr. R. Saddington 2 2 0 Mr. Sarney 2 2 0 Mr. Joseph Smithers 2 2 0 Mr. Somerhayes 1 1 0 Mrs. S. G. 1 1 0 Mr. John Seaber 1 1 0 Mr. Shrapnell 1 1 0 S. F. 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Spilsbury 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Savage 1 1 0 Mr. James Still 1 1 0 Mr. Thomas Spicer 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Sheppard 1 1 0 Mr. James Smith 1 1 0 Mr. John Sparks 1 1 0 Mr. William Slow 1 1 0 Mr. Edward s.h.i.+ckle 18 0 Mr. Statham 10 6 Mr. Francis Simpson 10 6 Mr. Stibbs 10 6 Mrs. Scott 5 3 S. S. 5 3 John Thornton, Esq., a Trustee and Treasurer 100 0 0 Barlow Trecothick, Esq. 21 0 0 Sir John Toriano 20 0 0 Sir John Thorold, Bart. of Cranwell 10 10 0 Mr. William Tatnall 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Turville 10 10 0 A Lady Unknown, per Mr. Thompson 10 10 0 The Rev. Mr. Thomson 5 5 0 Mr. John Townsend 5 5 0 Mr. Robert Trevors 2 2 0 T. B. 1 1 0 Mr. Robert Territ 1 1 0 Messrs. Tredway & Bayley 1 1 0 T. 1 1 0 Mr. Twelves 1 1 0 Mr. John Thorne 1 1 0 Mr. Timothy Topping 1 1 0 Mr. Taylor 12 0 Mrs. Tomkins 10 6 Miss Ann Tayleure 10 6 A Person Unknown 50 0 0 A Gentleman and several Ladies to be unknown 30 9 0 James Vere, Esq. 20 0 0 Mr. Vowell the Stationer 2 2 0 A Providential Guinea 1 1 0 A Lady Unknown 5 5 0 A Person Unknown 2 2 0 Ditto 2 2 0 Cash Unknown 2 2 0 Unknown 10 10 0 Unknown, four entries, each 1 1 0 A Lady Unknown 10 6 Unknown, nine entries, each 10 6 Ditto, per Rev. Mr. Traile 10 6 Ditto, per Rev. Mr. Franks 10 6 Mr. Veck 10 6 Unknown, four entries, each 5 5 Wm. Wilberforce, Esq. 25 5 0 Mr. Rich. Wilson and Lady 25 5 0 Dan. West, Esq., a Trustee 25 0 0 Samuel Wordsworth, Esq. 10 10 0 Miss Ann Wordsworth 10 10 0 Mr. John Wallaston 10 10 0 Mr. Stephen Williams 10 10 0 Messrs. Welch & Rogers 10 10 0 Mr. Thomas Whitehead, per Rev. Mr. Romaine 6 14 9 Mr. Jonathan Wathen 5 5 0 Mr. Rob. Waller, at Gosport 5 5 0 Mr. Nathaniel Weeks 5 5 0 Mr. Robert Watkinson 5 5 0 Mr. Thomas Wilson 5 5 0 Mr. Moses Willatts 5 5 0 Mr. George Wilkinson 5 5 0 Mr. William Willatts 5 5 0 Mr. John Wathen & Son 3 3 0 Mr. James Walker 3 3 0 Mrs. Mary Ward 3 3 0 Mr. Wheelar 3 3 0 Messrs. Thomas & John Wellings 2 2 0 Dr. Wray 2 2 0 Mr. Woodroffe 2 2 0 Mr. Walker, in Whitechapel 2 2 0 Mr. Walcot, of Dartmouth 2 2 0 Mr. Whiten & Co. 1 1 0 Mr. Wilson 1 1 0 The Rev. Mr. Watson 1 1 0 Mr. Caleb White 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Wolmer 1 1 0 Mr. Wells 1 1 0 Mr. Samuel Williams 1 1 0 Mrs. Waddilove 1 1 0 Mr. Wilton 1 1 0 Mr. Wells 1 1 0 Mr. Withers 1 1 0 Mr. Wallis 1 1 0 Mrs. Wordsworth 10 6 Rev. Dr. Worthington 10 6 Mr. Welch 10 6 Mrs. Williams 5 3 Mr. William W. 4 0 X. Q. 50 0 0 Y. R. 1 1 0 Z. 5 3 ------------ Total in London 3165 3 8


Mr. Joseph Butlar 21 0 0 Mr. Joseph Tomkins 10 10 0 Mr. William Tomkins 10 10 0 Mr. Benjamin Tomkins 10 10 0 Mrs. Tomkins 10 10 0 Mr. Nathaniel Roberts 5 5 0 Rev. Mr. John Moore 2 2 0 Miss Palmer 2 2 0 Mr. Thomas Flight 2 2 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Flight 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Fuller 1 1 0 Mrs. Sarah Fuller 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Daniel Turner 1 1 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Turner 10 6 The Public Collection 5 6 6


The Rev. Mr. Bradford, of Buckfastleigh 5 5 0 Mr. Richard Bennett, etc. 1 14 3 Mrs. Mary Berry 13 0 Mrs. Susannah Bennett 3 0 Mr. c.o.c.ksley 10 6 Miss Eals 10 6 Mr. Peter Fabyon, etc. 1 6 9 Mr. Nicholas Fabyon, etc. 15 0 Mr. James Furman 10 6 Mr. Richard Harris 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Leaman 10 6 Rev. Mr. Naylor, vicar of Ashburton 1 1 0 Mr. Walter Park and Family 2 0 0 Mrs. Mary Rennell, etc. 18 9 Mrs. Sowter 10 6 Miss Soper and Sister, each 10 6 Mr. Soper 5 3 Messrs. John, Richard & Moses Tozer 1 16 6 Mr. Nicholas Tripe 10 6 A Person Unknown 7 6 Samuel Windeat 10 6 Mr. Winsor 5 3 The Rev. Mr. Waters 10 6 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Waters' 8 16 7


Collected at Rev. Messrs. Hiron's and Gill's 22 2 2-1/4


Mr. Benjamin Harrison 1 1 0 Collected at the Rev. Mr. Brook's 9 1 9-3/4 Do. at Rev. Mr. Gillabrand's 5 0 0


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The History of Dartmouth College Part 38 summary

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