The Common Law Part 35

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347/2 1 Spence, Eq. 189, note, citing Hickes, Dissert. Epist., p.


347/3 Glanv., Lib. VII. c. 2 (Beames, p. 150).

347/4 Ibid., c. 8 (Beames, p. 168).

347/5 Reg. Maj., Lib. II. c. 39.

348/1 Fol. 61 a.

348/2 Sachsensp., II. 60, Section 2, cited in Essays in Ang. Sax.

Law, p. 221; Grand Cust. de Norm., c. 88.

348/3 Britt., fol. 64 b (Nich. ed. 163); Fleta, Lib. II. c. 62, Section 10. Cf. Bract., fol. 37 b, Section 10.

348/4 Bracton, fol. 61 a, b. "Item quaero an testator legare possit actiones suas? Et verum est quod non, de debitis quae in vita testatoris convicta non fuerunt nec recognita, sed hujusmodi actiones competunt haeredibus. c.u.m antera convicta sint et recognita, tune sunt quasi in bonis testatoris, et competunt executoribus in foro ecclesiastico. Si autem competant haeredibus, ut praedictum est, in foro seculari debent terminari, quia antequam communicantur et in foro debito, non pertinet ad executores, ut in foro ecclesiastico convincantur."

349/1 Bracton, fol. 62a.

349/2 Y.B. 20 & 21 Ed. I. 232; cf. ib. 312.

349/3 Oates v. Frith, Hob. 130. Cf. Y.B. 5 Hen. VII. 18, pl. 12; Popham, J., in Overton v. Sydall, Poph. 120, 121 (E. 39 El.); Boyer v. Rivet, 3 Bulstr. 317, 319-322; Brooker's Case, G.o.db.

376, 380 (P. 3 Car. I.).

349/4 Bain v. Cooper, 1 Dowl. Pract. Cas. N. s. 11, 14. Cf. Y.B.

14 Hen. VIII. pl. 5, at fol. 10.

350/1 Bract., fol. 66 b, 76 b, and pa.s.sim; Y.B. 20 Ed. I. 226, 200; Littleton, Section 241. The same thing was said where there were several executors: "They are only in the place of one person."

Y.B. 8 Ed. IV. 5,pl. 1.

350/2 Comm. 385.

350/3 Cf. Glanv., Lib. VII. c. 3; F. N. B. 21 L; Dyer, 4 b, 5 a.

351/1 Cf. Bract., fol. 80 b.

351/2 Charta Divis. Reg. Franc., Art. IX. & VIII. Cf. 3 Laferriere, Hist. du Droit Francais, 408, 409.

351/3 Glanv., Lib. IX. c. 1 (Beames, pp. 218, 220); Bract., fol.

79 b.

352/1 Brooker's Case, G.o.dbolt, 376, 377, pl. 465.

352/2 Dyer, 1 b. Cf. Bain v. Cooper, 1 Dowl. Pr. C. N. s. 11, 12.

354/1 In the American Law Review for October, 1872, VII. 49, 50, I mentioned one or two indications of this fact. But I have since had the satisfaction of finding it worked out with such detail and learning in Ihering's Geist des Roemischen Rechts, Sections 10, 48, that I cannot do better than refer to that work, only adding that for my purposes it is not necessary to go so far as Ihering, and that he does not seem to have been led to the conclusions which it is my object to establish. See, further, Clark, Early Roman Law, 109, 110; Laferriere, Hist. du Droit Frang., I. 114 et seq.; D. 1.5. 4, Section 3; Gaii Inst. IV. Section 16; ib. II. Section 69.

356/1 Erbvertraege, I. 15 et seq.

356/2 Hist. du Droit Franc., IV. 500.

357/3 "Quantum dare voluerit aut totam furtunam eui voluerit dare . . . nec minus nec majus nisi quantum ei creditum est." Lex Sal.

(Merkel), XLVI.

357/4 Lex Sal. (Merkel), Cap. XLVI., De adfathamire; Sohm, Frank.

Reichs- u. Gerichtsverfa.s.sung, 69.

357/6 Beseler, Erbvertraege, I. 101, 102, 105.

358/1 "Omnem facultatem suam. . . seu cuicunque libet de proximis vel extraneis, adoptare in hereditatem vel in adfatimi vel per scripturarum seriem seu per traditionem." L. Rib. Cap. L. (al.

XLVIII.); cf. L. Thuring. XIII. So Capp. Rib. Section 7: "Qui filios non habuerit et aliurn quemlibet heredem facere sibi voluerit coram rege . . . traditionem faclat."

357/2 Ed. Roth., cap. 174, 157; cf. lb. 369, 388; Liutpr. III. 16 (al. 2), VI. 155 (al. 102). Cf. Beseler, Erbvertraege, I. 108 et seq., esp. 116-118. Compare the charter of A.D. 713, "Offero . . .

S. P. ecclesia quam mihi heredem" (Mem. di Lucca V.

b. No. 4.) Troya III. No. 394, cited Heusler, Gewere, 45, 46. Cf.

ib. 484. This, no doubt, was due to Roman influence, but it recalls what Sir Henry Maine quotes from Elphinstone's History of India (I. 126), as to sale by a member of one of the village communities: "The purchaser steps exactly into his place, and takes up all his obligations." Ancient Law, ch. 8, pp. 263, 264.

357/3 (Merkel) Cap. LVIII., De chrenecruda. Sohm, Frank. R. u. G.

Verf., 117.

358/1 A.D. 679: "Sicuti tibi donata est ira tene et posteri tui."

Kemble, Cod. Dip., I. 21, No. xvi. Uhtred, A.D. 767: "Quam is semper possideat et post se cui voluerit heredum relinquat." Ib.

I. 144, cxvxi. ("Cuilibet heredi voluerit relinquat" is very common in the later charters; ib. V. 155, MLx.x.xIL; lb. VI. 1, MCCXVIIL; it). 31, MCCx.x.x.; lb. 38, MCCx.x.xIV.; and pa.s.sim. This may be broader than cui voluerit herealum.) Offa, A.D. 779: "Ut se viverite habe . . . deat. et post se suoe propinquitatis homini cui ipse vo . . . possidendum libera utens potestate relinquat." Ib. I. 164, 165, Cx.x.xVII. Aethilbald, A.D. 736: "Ita ut quamdiu vixerit potestatem habeat tenendi ac possidendi cuic.u.mque voluerit vel eo vivo vel certe post obitum suum relinquendi." Ib. I. 96, Lx.x.x.; cf. ib. V. 53, MXIV. Cuthred of Kent, A.D. 805: "Cuic.u.mque hominum voluerit in aeternam libertatem derelinquat." Ib. I. 232, CXC. "Ut habeat libertatem commutandi vel donandi in vita sua et post ejus obiturn teneat facultatem relinquendi cuic.u.mque volueris." Ib. I. 233, 234, CXCI.; cf. ib. V. 70, Mx.x.xI. Wiglaf of Mercia, Aug. 28, A.D. 831: "Seu vendendum ant commutandum i cuic.u.mque ei herede placuerit dereliaquendum." Ib. I. 294, CCXXVII.

359/1 "W. et heredibus suis, videlicet quos heredes const.i.tuerit." Memorials of Hexham, Surtees Soc. Pub., 1864, II.


359/2 Cf. Y.B. 27 a.s.s., fol. 135, pl. 25. Under the Welsh laws the champion in a cause decided by combat acquired the rights of the next of kin, the next of kin being the proper champion. Lea, Superst.i.tion and Force (3d Ed.), 165. Cf. ib. 161, n. 1; ib. 17.

361/1 D. 38. 8. 1, pr.

361/2 "c.u.m is, qui ex edicto bonorum possessionem petiit, ficto se herede agit." Gaii Inst. IV. Section 34. Cf. Ulp. Fragm.

XXVIII. Section 12; D. 37. 1. 2. So the fidei commissarius, who was a praetorian successor (D. 41. 4. 2, Section 19; 10. 2. 24), "in similitudinem heredis consist.i.t." Nov. 1. 1, Section 1. Cf. Just. Inst. 2. 24, pr., and then Gaius, II. Sections 251, 252.

361/3 Gaii Inst. II. Sections 102 et seq. Cf. ib. Sections 252, 35.

361/4 Gaii Inst. IV Section 35: "Similiter et bonorum emptor ficto se herede agit." Cf. ib. Sections 144, 145. Keller, Roemische Civilprocess, Section 85, III. But cf. Scheurl, Lehrb. der Inst., Section 218, p. 407 (6th ed.).

361/5 Paulus in D. 50. 17. 128.

362/1 "In re legata in accessione temporis quo testator possedit, legatarius quodammodo quasi heres est." D. 41. 3. 14, Section 1.

362/2 D. 41.1.62; 43. 3. 1, Section 6; Gaii Inst. II. Section 97; Just. Inst. 2. 10, Section 11.

363/1 "[Accessiones possessionum] plane tribuuntur his qui in loc.u.m aliorum succedunt sive ex contractu sive voluntate: heredibus enum et his, qui successorum loco habentur, datur accessio testatoris. Itaque si mihi vendideris servum utar accesssione tua." D. 44.3.14, Sections 1, 2.

363/2 "Ab eo . . . in cujus loc.u.m hereditate vel emptione aliove quo iure successi." D. 43. 19. 3, Section 2.

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