Romantic Interludes Part 26

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The song ended, and everyone clapped. Taking a deep breath, I made way toward the two of them. Arwen's eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Hi, Jada!"

"Hi, sweetheart. You look so pretty."

"You're pretty, too," the little girl replied happily. "Would you like to dance with Daddy?"

Nathan's eyes remained on the floor.

"I would love to dance with your daddy. I need to tell him how sorry I am."

Arwen looked confused. "What'd you do?"

"I made a mistake."

"That's okay. Daddy says everybody makes mistakes."

Nathan's mouth twitched as he tried not to smile.

Annalise's husband appeared, asking Arwen if she'd like to dance again. She giggled happily, and I smiled my thanks at Devin as the two of them found a spot on the dance floor. Another slow song began to play, and I stepped closer, taking his hand in mine. He didn't pull away, and it gave me hope.

"Please dance with me," I whispered.

He drew me close to his body, wrapping his arms around me. My hands slid along his shoulders, weaving around his neck, and we began to sway to the music.

"She's always going to come first, Jada," he whispered gently. "I thought you understood."

"I do understand," I said softly, gazing up into his eyes. "Nathan, I thought she was a real date. I mean, I thought she was a woman."

He furrowed his brow. "That's why you were avoiding me? You thought I was bringing an actual date?"

I nodded. "I have no right to be jealous. We've only known each other for two days."

Nathan sighed softly and leaned his forehead against mine. "Jada, didn't you listen to any of my messages? I explained all this. I told you Arwen was so excited that she was getting to be a princess and go to a ball, and that my mom had taken her to some expensive store in the mall to buy a dress."

I felt so foolish.

"No, I didn't listen to any of them."

"I wish you had," Nathan said, "because you would have heard me pour my heart out like a lovesick puppy, telling you how much I couldn't wait to see you tonight. And I told you that I wished I could take you tonight, and that I really hoped you didn't have a date, because I knew I couldn't handle seeing you in the arms of another man."

A tear trickled down my cheek. "I'm sorry. I just a.s.sumed . . ."

Very gently, he wiped away my tears with his fingertips.

"You were jealous."

I nodded.

Nathan smiled softly. "I would have been jealous, too."

"This is insane. We barely know each other."

He glanced across the room. I followed his gaze, finding Arwen sitting with Annalise and Devin. She was giggling and happy as she bit into her pink cupcake.

"Come with me," he said softly.


Tugging me by the hand, he led me through the dancers and out onto the balcony. It was dark and deserted, and the chilly air nipped at my bare skin.

Fortunately, I wasn't cold for long.

Nathan gently pushed me against the exterior of the building. Heat radiated from him as his body pressed against mine.

"I know it's fast," he said softly, gliding his nose against mine. "I know we barely know each other, but I want to know you, Jada. I want to know everything, but right now, there's something I absolutely have to do, and you have to let me. Please say you'll let me."

His blue eyes were blazing with need. With hunger. With a desperation that made me tremble.

"I'll let you do anything," I whispered.

With a groan that ignited my blood, he crashed his lips to mine. I moaned, pulling him closer, loving the taste as his tongue tangled with mine. My hand gripped his hair, and the growl that resonated from his chest only excited me more.

Breathless and panting, he pulled away, staring at me with his scorching gaze. After a few seconds, he kissed me again. This time was gentle and sweet, and I sighed when his hands tenderly framed my face as we kissed over and over again. I'd never been kissed like this, not even when I was married. No one had ever been so pa.s.sionate one minute and so heartbreakingly tender the next.

I was immediately addicted to his kisses.

I was addicted to him.

When we returned to the party, Arwen was waiting at the table with Annalise and her husband.

"Did you say sorry?"

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. "Yes, I did."

She looked up at her father. "Did you forgive her?"

Nathan pulled me close, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I forgave her," he said softly, winking at me.

"Good. Can we dance now?"

Everyone laughed as Princess Arwen grabbed her father's hand and pulled him toward the dance floor.

Nathan Reynolds was a man on a mission.

Over the next few weeks, getting to know everything about me had become a religion to him. He quizzed me incessantly about the most mundane things, such as my favorite color and my best subject in school. I learned that he loved to play guitar and really did have a beautiful singing voice, which I had the pleasure of hearing night after night as he sang his daughter to sleep.

After our bedtime story, of course.

It had become our little ritual, and while Annalise was still afraid we were moving too fast, and that I was becoming too attached, my nights with Nathan and Arwen were some of the happiest I'd ever known.

"You look so happy," Nathan whispered. He was sitting in his usual spot on her bedroom floor with his sketchbook in his lap. The only sound in the room was our relaxed breathing, his daughter's soft snores, and the scratching of his pencil against the paper.

s.h.i.+fting on the bed, I ruffled Arwen's curls and sighed contently. "I am very happy. Do you know what would make me even happier?"

"What's that?"

"If you'll show me whatever it is you're drawing."

Nathan grinned shyly, his eyes never leaving the paper. "It's not done yet."

"You keep saying that."

"Because it's true."

"You've been working on it for weeks. Since our first dinner, actually."

He hummed and continued to draw. I loved watching him work. He was always focused-so determined to catch every little detail in whatever his subject might be. I loved the way his brow would crease whenever he'd have to erase a line, and I loved how the tip of his tongue would just barely be visible as he worked on a particularly detailed part of the picture.

I loved him.

And I loved his daughter.

Was it too soon to tell him?


I carefully climbed out of bed and placed Arwen's favorite stuffed animal in her arm, tucking the blanket around her. Leaning down, I kissed her forehead.

"Sweet dreams, baby girl."

When I turned around, Nathan was standing next to the door. His eyes were soft and warm as he moved closer to the bed. After kissing his daughter's cheek, he reached for my hand and slowly led us out of her room, closing the door behind us.

"It's ready," Nathan said softly.

"The picture?"

He nodded.

Grinning like a kid at Christmas, I tried pulling him toward the living room, but he wouldn't budge.

"In here," he whispered, and my stomach did somersaults as he led me to his bedroom. I'd never actually seen his room, only pa.s.sing it on my way to Arwen's each night. The room was definitely masculine, decorated in deep chocolate and hunter green. The king-sized bed was facing the mounted plasma screen, and sliding gla.s.s doors revealed a pretty terrace. A love seat was nestled in the corner, and that's where Nathan led me. Once we were settled, he handed me the sketchbook.

"First page." His voice trembled slightly.

"You don't have to show me, Nathan."

"I want to. It's just . . . it's quite possibly the most meaningful sketch I've ever drawn, so I'm a little nervous."

Very slowly, I lifted the cover of the sketchbook, my eyes instantly filling with tears when I saw the image on the page.

It was Arwen's bedroom, and she and I were nestled in her bed with a storybook in my lap.

I quickly wiped my cheeks. The last thing I wanted was to ruin his beautiful drawing with my sentimental tears.

"Do you like it?" He sounded so uncertain, as if there was some way I wouldn't absolutely adore it.

"I love it."

A heartbeat pa.s.sed-a mere second-and that's when I heard his sweet voice.

"I love you."

I smiled down at the picture and then into his beautiful blue eyes. His love was obvious. If I ever doubted it, all I'd have to do is look at this drawing. I could see it in every detail. Every line. Every stroke of the pencil.

"I love you, too."

A million emotions crossed his face before he reached for the sketchbook. He took it out of my hands and placed it on the floor. Pulling me into his lap, he gazed sweetly into my eyes, wiping away what was left of my tears. He kissed me tenderly, holding me close as his hands stroked up and down my spine.

"I left my door open, hoping it would help me resist the temptation to carry you to my bed tonight."

Smiling, I trailed my fingers through his hair. "Yes, that would be a very bad idea with a seven year old just across the hall."

Nathan dipped his head, gently kissing along the column of my throat. I groaned softly. Oh, how I wish he'd closed the door.

"Tomorrow is Friday," Nathan murmured against my skin. "Arwen is spending the night at Grandma's house. I was thinking . . . we could have a sleepover of our own."

My entire body tingled with excitement.

"I think that's a great idea," I whispered breathlessly.

Your kiss makes me weak . . .

Your love ignites my soul . . .

"I never thought I'd say this, but I think your sappy greetings are giving me a toothache," Annalise said with a grin.

She was peeking over my shoulder, which was something I usually despised, but today was Friday. I was in love with a man who loved me, and we were having a sleepover.

Nothing could spoil my day.

By the time the cab dropped me off in front of Nathan's apartment, I was bouncing with nervous energy. With my overnight bag in hand, I made my way up the stairs, waving at the sweet doorman and hurrying toward the elevator. By the time I knocked on his door, I was vibrating with antic.i.p.ation.

The door swung open, but I wasn't greeted by the man I loved. Instead, it was a smartly dressed woman who looked to be in her fifties. She beamed at me with her pretty blue eyes.

This has to be his mother.

"You must be Jada," the woman said, smiling warmly. "I'm Nathan's mom, Evelyn."

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Romantic Interludes Part 26 summary

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