The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 4

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Baffin's Bay is no bay at all.

Arabic figures were invented by the Indians.

Turkish baths are not of Turkish origin.

Blacklead is a compound of carbon and iron.

Slave by derivation should mean n.o.ble, ill.u.s.trious.

Turkeys do not come from Turkey, but North America.

t.i.tmouse is not a mouse, but a little hedge sparrow.

Dutch clocks are of German (Deutsch), not Dutch manufacture.

Salt (that is table salt) is not a salt at all, but "chloride of sodium."

Galvanized iron is not galvanized--simply iron coated with zinc.

Ventriloquism is not voice from the stomach, but from the mouth.

Kid gloves are not kid at all, but are made of lambskin or sheepskin.

Pompey's Pillar, in Alexandria, was erected neither by nor to Pompey.

Tonquin beans come from Tonka, in Guinea, not Tonquin, in Asia.

Fire, air, earth, and water, called the four elements, are not elements at all.

Rice paper is not made from rice, but from the pith of Tungtsau, or hollowplant.

j.a.pan lacquer contains no lac at all, but is made from the resin of a kind of nut tree.

Pen means a feather. (Latin. "penna," a wing.) A steel pen is therefore an anomaly.

Jerusalem artichoke has no connection with Jerusalem, but with the sunflower, "girasole."

Humble pie, for "umbil pie." The umbils of venison were served to inferiors and servants.

Lunar caustic is simply nitrate of silver, and silver is the astrological symbol of the moon.

Bridegroom has nothing to do with groom. It is the old English "guma," a man, "bryd-guma."

Mother of pearl is the inner layer of several sorts of sh.e.l.l, and in some cases the matrix of the pearl.

Sealing wax is not wax at all nor does it contain wax. It is made of sh.e.l.lac, Venice turpentine and cinnabar.

Cleopatra's Needles were not erected by Cleopatra, nor in honor of that queen, but by Thothmes III.

German silver is not silver at all, but a metallic mixture which has been in use in China time out of mind.

Cuttle-bone is not bone, but a structure of pure chalk imbedded loosely in the substance of a species of cuttlefish.

America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, a naval astronomer of Florence, but he did not discover the New World.

Prussian blue does not come from Prussia. It is the precipitate of the salt of protoxide of iron with red prussiate of pota.s.s.

Wormwood has nothing to do with worms or wood; it is the Anglo-Saxon "wer mod," man-inspiriting, being a strong tonic.

Honeydew is neither honey nor dew, but an animal substance given off by certain insects, especially when hunted by ants.

Gothic architecture is not that of the Goths, but the ecclesiastical style employed in England and France before the Renaissance.

Sperm oil properly means "seed oil," from the notion that it was sp.a.w.n or milt of a whale. It is chiefly taken, however, from the head, not the sp.a.w.n of the "spermaceti" whale.

Whalebone is not bone, nor does it possess any properties of bone. It is a substance attached to the upper jaw of the whale, and serves to strain the water which the creature takes up.


To "strike a flag" is to lower the national colors in token of submission.

Flags are used as the symbol of rank and command, the officers using them being called flag officers. Such flags are square, to distinguish them from other banners.

A "flag of truce" is a white flag displayed to an enemy to indicate a desire to parley or for consultation.

The white flag is a sign of peace. After a battle parties from both sides often go out to the field to rescue the wounded or bury dead under the protection of a white flag.

The red flag is a sign of defiance, and is often used by revolutionists.

In the naval service it is a mark of danger, and shows a vessel to be receiving or discharging her powder.

The black flag is a sign of piracy.

The yellow flag shows a vessel to be at quarantine or is the sign of a contagious disease.

A flag at half-mast means mourning. Fis.h.i.+ng and other vessels return with a flag at half-mast to announce the loss or death of some of the men.

Dipping the flag is lowering it slightly and then hoisting it again to salute a vessel or fort.

If the President of the United States goes afloat the American flag is carried in the bows of his barge or hoisted at the main of the vessel on board of which he is.


The following is said to be the sentence of death, word for word, p.r.o.nounced against Jesus Christ:

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The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 4 summary

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