The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 75

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Later his pupil, Dr. Spurzheim, claimed that the moral and religious features belonging to it greatly modified these characteristics of Dr.

Gall's work. The chart of the human head as invented by Dr. Gall represented 26 organs; the chart as improved by Dr. Spurzheim makes out 35 organs. This is the chart now generally used and which is shown on a preceding page. The number specifies the location of each organ, which is followed by its phrenological name, and cla.s.sified as follows:

Propensities. (1) Amativeness. (2) Philoprogenitiveness. (3) Concentrativeness. (4) Adhesiveness. (5) Combativeness. (6) Destructiveness. (6a) Alimentiveness. (7) Secretiveness. (8) Acquisitiveness. (9) Constructiveness.

Lower Sentiments. (10) Self-esteem. (11) Love of Approbation. (12) Cautiousness.

Superior Sentiments. (13) Benevolence. (14) Veneration. (15) Conscientiousness. (16) Firmness. (17) Hope. (18) Wonder. (19) Ideality.

(20) Wit. (21) Imitation.

Perceptive Faculties. (22) Individuality. (23) Form. (24) Size. (25) Weight. (26) Color. (27) Locality. (28) Number. (29) Order. (30) Eventuality. (31) Time. (32) Tune. (33) Language.

Reflective Faculties. (34) Comparison. (35) Causality. The judgment of the phrenologist is determined by the size of the brain in general, and by the size of the organs that have been formulated, and these are estimated by certain arbitrary rules that render the boundaries of the regions indefinite.

The controversy over phrenology has served undoubtedly the very useful purpose of stimulating research into the anatomy of the brain.

It is generally conceded that any psychological theory which correlates brain-action and mental phenomena requires a correspondence between the size of the brain and mental power, and generally observation shows that the brains of those whose capacities are above the average are larger than those of the general run of their fellow men.

A study of the cuts and comparison of the sizes of different heads and their shape will prove very entertaining with most any group of persons intellectually inclined, and it will be found that persons who are naturally good readers by instinct of human nature can, with its help, make remarkable readings in the delineation of character.


List of Motions Arranged According to Their Purpose and Effect.

[Letters refer to the rules below.]

Modifying or amending.

8. To amend or to subst.i.tute, or to divide the question K

To refer to committee.

7. To commit (or recommit) D

Deferring action.

6. To postpone to a fixed time. C 4. To lay on the table A E G

Suppressing or extending debate 5. For the previous question A E M To limit, or close debate A M To extend limits of debate. A

Suppressing the question.

Objection to consideration of question A H M N 9. To postpone indefinitely. D E 4. To lay upon the table. A E G

To bring up a question the second time.

To reconsider-- Debatable question D E F I Undebatable question A E F I

Concerning orders, rules, etc.

3. For the orders of the day. A E H N To make subject a special order M To amend the rules M To suspend the rules A E F M To take up a question out of its proper order A E To take from the table A E G Questions touching priority of business A

Questions of privilege.

Asking leave to continue speaking after indecorum A Appeal from chair's decision touching indecorum A E H L Appeal from chair's decision generally. E H L Question upon reading of papers. A E Withdrawal of a motion. A E

Closing a meeting.

2. To adjourn (in committees, to rise), or to take a recess, without limitation A E F 1. To fix the time to which to adjourn B

Order of Precedence--The motions above numbered 1 to 9 take precedence over all others in the order of the numbers, and anyone of them, except to amend or subst.i.tute, is in order while a motion of a lower rank is pending.

Rule A--Undebatable, but remarks may be tacitly allowed.

Rule B--Undebatable if another question is before the a.s.sembly.

Rule C--Limited debate allowed on propriety of postponement only.

Rule D--Opens the main question to debate. Motions not so marked do not allow of reference to main question.

Rule E--Cannot be amended. Motion to adjourn can be amended when there is no other business before the house.

Rule F--Cannot be reconsidered.

Rule G--An affirmative vote cannot be reconsidered,

Rule H--In order when another has the floor.

Rule I--A motion to reconsider may be moved and entered when another has the floor, but the business then before the house may not be set aside.

This motion can only be entertained when made by one who voted originally with the prevailing side. When called up it takes precedence of all others which may come up, excepting only motions relating to adjournment.

Rule K--A motion to amend an amendment cannot be amended.

Rule L--When an appeal from the chair's decision results in a tie vote, the chair is sustained.

Rule M--Requires a two-thirds vote unless special rules have been enacted.

Rule N--Does not require to be seconded.

General Rules.

No motion is open for discussion until it has been stated by the chair.

The maker of a motion cannot modify it or withdraw it after it has been stated by the chair except by general consent.

Only one reconsideration of a question is permitted.

A motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, or to take from the table, cannot be renewed unless some other motion has been made in the interval.

On motion to strike out the words, "Shall the words stand part of the motion?" unless a majority sustains the words, they are struck out.

On motion for previous question, the form to be observed is, "Shall the main question be now put?" This, if carried, ends debate.

On an appeal from the chair's decision, "Shall the decision be sustained as the ruling of the house?" The chair is generally sustained.

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The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing Part 75 summary

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