Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 20

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"I think I can do something at it," added Ann, as she regarded with much satisfaction the first money she had ever earned in her life.

"You can, if you work it right; but you must be very gentle and patient; you must keep yourself clean and----"

"Well, I guess I know all about that," interrupted Ann, who did not like this style of remark.

"Katy," said her mother, who was sitting in her rocking-chair, by the fire.

"What, mother?"

"Come here a moment."

Katy crossed the room to her mother, to hear what she wished to say.

"You must not talk to her in that style," said Mrs. Redburn, in a tone so low that Ann could not hear her.

"Why not, mother? I was only telling her how to do."

"But you speak in that tone of superiority which no one likes to hear.

You are but a child, as she is, and she will not listen to such advice from you."

Katy wondered what her mother would have thought if she had heard what she said to Ann the day before. Yet she was conscious that she had "put on airs," and talked like a very old and a very wise person.

"I suppose you would like to go out again this afternoon," resumed Katy, joining her a.s.sistant again.

"I don't care if I do."

"Well, come this afternoon, and you shall have some more candy;" and Ann ran home to get her dinner.

"I think my plan will work well, mother," said Katy, when she had gone.

"It has so far, but you must not be too sure."

"I mean to go out after dinner and hunt up some more girls, for you see I shall have no candy to sell myself this afternoon, when I have given Ann two dozen sticks."

"I hope you will not attempt to lecture them as you did her."

"Why, mother, I know all about the business and they don't know anything."

"I doubt not you are competent to advise them; but the manner in which you address them is more offensive than the matter. Your knowledge of the business makes you treat them as inferiors. You must not think too much of yourself, Katy."

"No danger of that, mother."

"I am afraid there is. Persons in authority, who are gentle and kind, and do not act like superiors, are more promptly obeyed, and more loved and respected, than those who are puffed up by their office, and tyrannical in their manners."

"But I am not a person in authority, mother," laughed Katy.

"You will be, if you employ a dozen girls to sell candy for you."

After Katy had eaten her dinner, and fitted out Ann Grippen, she left the house in search of some more a.s.sistants. She was well known to all the boys and girls in the neighborhood; and when she stated her object to one and another of them, she was readily understood. To help her cause, it had begun to be known that Ann Grippen had been seen with a clean face, selling candy in the street. She had no difficulty, therefore, in procuring the services of half a dozen girls, who were delighted with the plan especially when Katy informed them of Ann's success.

On her return home, she found that Simon Sneed had called to see her, and she immediately hastened to his house. When she knocked, he came to the door and invited her into the parlor.

"Well, Katy, I have hit upon something," said he.

"I am glad you have."

"I went down town after I saw you, and hearing of a place in Tremont Row, I went to apply for it."

"Did you get it?"

"Not yet, but I hope to get it. They agreed to give me three dollars a week if everything proved satisfactory; but they wanted a recommendation from my last employers."

"Of course they will give you one."

"No, they would not; they were offended because I left them."

"Then you asked them?"

"Yes, I went after one this afternoon, and they would not give it to me. I did not much expect they would, and so I informed Messrs. Runn & Reed, the firm to which I have applied for an engagement. I told them exactly how the case stood; that I had demanded higher wages, and the Messrs. Sands were angry with me for doing so, and for that reason refused the testimonial. They saw through it all, and understood my position. When I spoke to them about my friend the mayor, they looked surprised, and said a recommendation from him would satisfy them. So you see just how I am situated."

"Why don't you go to him at once, and ask him for the recommendation?"

said Katy wondering why he hesitated at so plain a case.

But Master Simon had some scruples about doing so. He was old enough to know that it was rather a delicate business to ask a man in a high official station for a testimonial on so slight an acquaintance. The mayor was interested in Katy, though she did not presume to call him her friend. She had twice called upon him, and she might again.

"I don't like to ask him, Katy. I feel some delicacy about doing so."

"I should just as lief ask him as not, if I were you. I am afraid you are too proud, Master Simon."

"I am proud, Katy: that's just it. I was born to be a gentleman, but I submit to my lot. I am willing to sell my talents and my labor for money. If I can once get in at Runn & Reed's, I am sure they will appreciate me, and consider it a lucky day on which they engaged me."

"If you want me to go to the mayor's house with you, I will," said Katy, who did not clearly comprehend Simon's wishes.

"Well, I think I will not go myself," replied Simon.

"Why not?"

"I do not like to place myself in a humiliating posture before great men. If I were mayor of Boston, I should like to do him the favor which I ask for myself. When I am--"

"You haven't asked him, Master Simon."

"In a word, Katy, I want you to ask him for me. You will do me a great favor."

"I will," replied Katy, promptly.

"The mayor is a very fine man, kind-hearted, and willing to help everybody that deserves help; and if he were not my friend, I should feel no delicacy in asking him myself. You can state the case, and inform him who I am, and what I am; that you know me to be honest and faithful. You can tell him, too, that I am a gentlemanly person, of pleasing address."

"But I can't remember all that," interposed Katy.

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Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 20 summary

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