Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 24

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"He is a cruel man. Are you sure he will punish you?"

"Yes, ma'am," groaned Ann. "He'll whip me almost to death if I don't bring home half a dollar."

"You can tell him you fell down and broke the candy," suggested the lady.

"He won't believe me; he'll say I sold the candy and spent the money.

O, dear me."

"You can show him the pieces."

"Boo, hoo, hoo! Then he'll say I broke it on purpose, because I was too lazy to sell it; and then he'll kill me--I know he will."

"I will go and see him, and tell him about the accident. Where do you live?"

"Down North Square. He ain't to home now," replied Ann, who was not quite prepared for this method of treating the subject.

"Poor child! I pity you," sighed the lady.

"O, dear me!" cried Ann, exerting herself to the utmost to deepen the impression she had made.

"How much do you want to make up the value of your candy?"

"Half a dollar."

"There it is, poor child! If it will save you from abuse, you are welcome to it."

"Thank you, ma'am. It may save my life," replied Ann, as she took the half dollar and put it in her pocket.

"What an awful liar she is!" said Katy to herself, as the lady hurried on, probably much pleased with herself as she thought of the kind act she supposed she had done.

Katy was curious to know what her unworthy a.s.sistant would do next, and she followed her down Hanover Street, and saw her stop before the American House. She could not believe that Ann would have the hardihood to play off the same trick again so soon; and she was very much surprised and very indignant when she saw her begin to cry with all her might, just as she had done before. While the deceitful girl's eyes were covered with her ap.r.o.n, in the extremity of her grief, Katy contrived to get on the hotel steps behind her, so that she could see and hear all that pa.s.sed.

"What is the matter with that girl?" asked a gentleman, who presently appeared at the door, addressing another who was just behind him.

"It is the broken candy dodge," replied the second gentleman. "That trick has been played off a dozen times within a week."

"What does it mean?" asked the first. "I don't understand it."

The second explained the trick, precisely as Katy had just witnessed it in Court Street.

"Now, don't say a word," he continued. "I have a counterfeit half dollar in my pocket, and you shall see how it is done."

With this announcement of his purpose, he accosted Ann, who told him about the same story she had told the lady, and he finally gave her the counterfeit half dollar, which Ann did not suspect was a bad one.

"How abominably wicked she is," exclaimed Katy, as she followed her up the street. "But I will soon spoil all her fun, and cut off her profits. I will teach her that honesty is the best policy."

It was easier for Katy to resolve what to do than it was to do it; for the wicked girl could easily get her stock through another person. As she walked up the street, Ann lightened her load by eating the pieces of broken candy, upon which she seemed to feed with hearty relish. At a window in Court Street, Ann stopped to look at some pictures, when she was joined by another of the candy sellers, and they walked together till they came to an unfrequented court, which they entered. Katy could hear enough of their conversation, as she followed them, to ascertain that they were talking about the tricks Ann had practiced. In the court they seated themselves on a door-stone, and as they talked and laughed about the deceit, they ate the pieces of candy.

"There," said Ann, "I have made a dollar and ten cents this afternoon.

You don't catch me walking all over the city for twenty-four cents, when I don't get but eight of that."

"I ain't so smart as you," modestly replied Julia Morgan, the other girl.

"You'll learn," said Ann, as she took out her money and exhibited the two half dollars.

"I don't think people would believe me, if I should try that game."

"Try some other. I think I shall, for I've about used up the broken candy game."

"What other?"

"I have one," replied Ann, prudently declining to divulge her secret; "and when I've tried it, I'll tell you all about it."

"Why don't you try it now?"

"I would if my candy wasn't broken."

"I will let you have mine."

"Then I will."

"Give me fourteen cents."

"I will when I've done with it."

"No, you don't," laughed Julia, who justly inferred that if Ann would cheat one person, she would another.

But Ann was so much interested in the experiment that she decided to give the fourteen cents, and took the candy. Katy wondered what the new game could be, and wanted to see her carry it out, though her conscience smote her for permitting the lady to be deceived, when she could have unmasked the deceit. She resolved not to let another person be deceived, and followed the two girls into State Street, as much for the purpose of exposing Ann's wickedness, as to learn the trick she intended to play.

"Now you go away," said Ann to her companion, as she placed herself on the steps of the Merchants-Bank.

It was nearly dark by this time, and as there were but few persons in the street, Ann did not commence her part of the performance till she saw a well-dressed gentleman approach; whereupon she began to cry as she had done twice before that day.

"Boo, hoo, hoo! O, dear me! I shall be killed!" cried she, so l.u.s.tily, that the well-dressed gentleman could not decently avoid inquiring the cause of her bitter sorrow.

"I haven't sold out," sobbed Ann.

"What if you haven't? Why need you cry about it?" asked the stranger.

"My mother will kill me if I go home without half a dollar."

"She is a cruel woman, then."

"Boo, hoo, hoo! She'll beat me to death! O, dear me! I only got ten cents."

"Why don't you fly round and sell your candy?" said the gentleman.

"I can't now, the folks have all gone, and it's almost dark. O, I wish I was dead!"

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Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 24 summary

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