Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 6

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There was something in the eloquence and earnestness of the child that deeply impressed the mind of the lady, and she could hardly resist the conclusion that her agent had, in this instance, made a mistake. But she had great confidence in Dr. Flynch, and she was very unwilling to believe that he could be so harsh and cruel as the little girl represented. She had heard of the tricks of the vicious poor, and while she was disposed to be very tender of a needy tenant, she must be just to her agent.

"It is now half-past ten," continued Mrs. Gordon.

"You shall remain here, my child, and I will send Michael down to Colvin Court to inquire into the situation of your mother. He must be impartial for he knows nothing about the case."

"Thank you, ma'am," said Katy, with a promptness which a.s.sured Grace, if not her mother, that the little girl was honest.

Mrs. Gordon rang the bell, and when Michael answered the summons, she attended him to the street door, where she instructed him to call upon Mrs. Redburn, and also to inquire of the grocer at the corner, and of her neighbors, what sort of a person she was. The lady returned to the sitting-room when he had gone, and asked Katy a great many questions about herself and her mother, and thus nearly an hour was consumed, at the end of which time Michael returned. Katy had answered all the lady's questions fairly, though without betraying her family history, which her mother had cautioned her to keep to herself, that she was prepared to receive a favorable report from her man.

"Well, Michael, did you find the woman at home?" asked Mrs. Gordon, as the man presented himself.

"Indeed, I deed, marm."

"What was she doing?"

"She was fast in bed, and told me she hadn't been out of it for twelve weeks come"

"What does the grocer say?"

"He says she is a very good woman, but poor and proud. She always paid him every cent she owed him, and he'd trust her for half he has in his shop."

"That will do, Michael; you may go;" and the man retired with a respectful bow.

Katy's face wore a smile of triumph, as Michael was dismissed. Her mother's truthfulness had been vindicated, and it was the proudest moment she had known for many a day.

"How long has your mother lived in my house?" asked Mrs. Gordon.

"About three years, ma'am; and she always paid her rent till this month," replied Katy.

"If she had not, Dr. Flynch would have turned her into the street,"

added Grace; and it was evident the beautiful young lady had no special regard for that worthy gentleman.

"We have tried hard enough to pay the rent this month," continued Katy; and she proceeded to tell the story of the silver watch, that had belonged to her father.

"This is dreadful, mother; let us do something about it," said Grace.

"What a wretch the broker must have been!"

"We will endeavor to get the watch back for her," replied Mrs. Gordon, as she seated herself at a table and wrote a few lines on a piece of paper. "Here, my child, is a receipt for your month's rent. When Dr.

Flynch comes for the money, you show him this, and he will be satisfied;" and she handed her the receipt.

Katy took it, and thanked the good lady, a.s.suring her that her mother would certainly pay the money as soon as she got well.

"My mother is poor and proud, just as the grocer said, and she don't ask any one to give her anything. I am going to earn some money myself, and I hope I shall be able to pay the next month's rent," added Katy, as she moved towards the door.

"But the watch, mother?" interposed Grace.

"If the little girl will come here this afternoon or to-morrow morning, we will take her to the mayor who will have the case attended to."

"I will come any time, ma'am."

"The mayor is my friend, and I will call at his house with you this afternoon at three o'clock."

Katy could not but think the mayor had a great many friends, for there was Master Simon Sneed, and Mrs. Gordon, and she knew not how many more. She thanked the lady very warmly for her kindness, and promising to come at the time stated, she took her leave.

She was followed to the door by Grace, who detained her there.

"Katy, I am sure you are a very good little girl, and here is a dollar for you. It will buy something good for your mother."

"I thank you very much, Miss Gordon. I am poor, but proud, like my mother," replied she, as a flush of shame mantled her cheek.

"What a foolish little girl!" laughed Grace. "Take it; you will oblige me very much by taking it."

"No, ma'am, I can't; my mother wouldn't own me if I should take money as a gift."

"But you must take it, Katy; I shall be angry if you don't."

The little girl looked up into her pretty eyes beaming with pity and love; and she could hardly resist the temptation to oblige her by accepting the gift; but since she had heard the story of her mother's life, she understood why she was so much prouder than other poor people; and as she thought of her grandfather in his fine house in the great city of Liverpool, she felt a little of the same spirit--she too was poor and proud. Besides, as Grace jingled the two half dollars together, there was a harmony in the sound that suggested a great heap of good things for her mother. And there was another powerful consideration that weighed with great force upon her mind. One of those half dollars would be a sufficient capital upon which to commence her candy speculation. It would buy ever so much of the very best quality. As she thought of this, she was disposed, at least, to compromise with Miss Grace.

"I cannot accept the money as a gift, but you may lend it to me, if you please," said Katy, after she had reflected a moment.

"Just as you like," laughed Grace; "but I shall not feel bad if you never pay me."

"I shall certainly pay it again," persisted the embryo candy merchant.

"I would not take it if I thought I could not."

"Very well; but you must know I think you are a very singular little girl."

"I am poor and proud; that's all."

Katy took the loan, and with her fancy fired with brilliant expectations in regard to the candy operation, ran home to her mother as fast as her feet would carry her. Mrs. Redburn was much displeased with her at first for what she had done. Her pride revolted at the thought of begging a favor; but Katy explained the matter so well that she was satisfied, though nothing was said about the loan she had obtained.

Punctually at the appointed hour came Dr. Flynch for the rent.

"Have you got the money?" he demanded in his usual bland tones, though Katy thought she could see a wicked purpose in his little gray eye.

"No, sir; but----"

"That's all I desire to know, Mrs. Redburn," interrupted the agent.

"You must leave the house."

"But, sir, I have something that will do as well as the money," added the sick woman.

"Have you, indeed?" sneered Dr. Flynch "I think not."

"Will you read that, sir?" said Katy, handing him Mrs. Gordon's receipt.

The agent took the paper, and as he read, the wonted serenity of his brow was displaced by a dark scowl. His threats had been disregarded, and he had been reported to his employer.

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Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 6 summary

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