Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 7

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"So you have been fawning and cringing upon Mrs. Gordon," growled he.

"Probably you have told her more lies than you dared tell me."

"I told her nothing but the truth, and she sent her man down here to find out all about us, said Katy, smartly.

"Very well; this paper will only delay the matter for a few days; when I have exposed you to her, she will acquiesce in my views;" and Dr.

Flynch threw down the receipt and left the house.

"We are well rid of him, at any rate," said Katy.

"Now I will get you some dinner, for I must be at Mrs. Gordon's at three o'clock; and I want to tell you about my plan too, mother."

The active little girl made a cup of tea for her mother, and the dinner was soon dispatched.



Katy had not time then to tell her mother about the candy speculation she had in view, and she was obliged to wait till her return from Temple Street. Promptly at the hour, she presented herself at Mrs.

Gordon's, and they went to the house of the mayor; but that distinguished gentleman was not at home, and the lady promised to go again with her the next day.

As she walked home, she thought of what she should say to her mother in favor of the candy project, for she felt sure her mother's pride would throw many obstacles in her path. The best argument she could think of was, that the business would be an honest calling and though she was too proud to beg, she was not too proud to work, or to take a very humble position among the people around her. She did not look upon the act of selling candy to the pa.s.sers-by in the streets as degrading in itself, and therein she differed very widely from her mother, who had been brought up in ease and affluence. Before she got home she had made up her mind what she should say, and how she should defend her plan from the a.s.saults of pride.

"Now, mother, you shall hear my plan," she continued, after she had announced the ill success of her visit to the mayor's house. "I am going into business, and I expect to make a great deal of money."

"Are you, indeed?" replied Mrs. Redburn, smiling at the enthusiasm of her daughter.

"I am; and you must not be angry with me, or object very much to my plan."

"Well, what is your plan?"

"I am going to sell candy," said Katy, pausing to notice the effect of this startling declaration. "You know what nice candy you used to make for me. Mrs. Sneed and Mrs. Colvin said a great many times that it was a good deal better than they could buy at the shops."

"But, child, I am not able to make candy now. I cannot get off my bed."

"I will make it; you shall lay there and tell me how. I am sure I can make it."

"It is very hard work to pull it."

"I won't mind that."

"Suppose you can make it, how will you sell it?" asked Mrs. Redburn, casting an anxious glance at the enthusiastic little girl.

"O, I shall take a box, and offer it to the folks that pa.s.s along the streets."

"Are you crazy, Katy?" exclaimed the mother, raising her head on the bed. "Do you think I could permit you to do such a thing?"

"Why not, mother?"

"What a life for a child to lead! Do you think I could let you wander about the streets exposed to the insults and rude jests of the vicious and thoughtless? You do not understand what you propose."

"I think I do, mother. I don't see any harm in selling candy to those who are willing to buy."

"Perhaps there is no harm in the mere act of selling candy; but what a life for you to lead! It makes me shudder to think of it."

"It is your pride, mother."

"I am thankful I have: some pride left, Katy."

"But mother, we can't be poor and proud. We haven't got any money to proud with."

"I am proud, I know; I wish I could banish it," replied Mrs. Redburn, with a deep sigh.

"Let me try the plan, mother, and if I can't get along with it, I will give it up."

"It will subject you to a great many trials and temptations."

"I can manage them, mother."

"Can you submit to the insults of evil-minded persons?"

"Yes, mother; no decent person would insult me and I don't care for others. I can pity them, and run away from them. I am not afraid of anything. Do let me try."

Mrs. Redburn saw that Katy was too earnest to be thwarted; that, impelled by a n.o.ble purpose, she had set her heart upon making the attempt, and she did not like to disappoint her. It is true, she keenly felt the degradation of such a life, and even feared that Katy might be led astray while pursuing such an occupation; but she gave a reluctant consent, trusting that one or two experiments would disgust her with the business.

Katy clapped her hands with joy as her mother's scruples gave way, and she found herself at liberty to carry her plan into execution. It seemed to her as though she had crossed the threshold of fortune and had actually entered the great temple. She had an opportunity to accomplish a great work, and her enthusiasm would not permit her to doubt in regard to her final success.

"I must begin now, mother, and make all the candy this afternoon, so that I can commence selling it early to-morrow morning. I will go to the grocery now and get the"

"Poor child; you have nothing to get it with. We have no money; you did not think of that."

"Yes, I did, and I have the money to buy the I borrowed it,"

replied Katy, evincing some confusion.

"You borrowed it? Pray who would lend you money?"

"Miss Grace Gordon."

"Did you borrow it, Katy?" asked Mrs. Redburn, casting a reproachful glance at her.

"Yes, mother, I did. I would not accept money now, after what you have said to me. Miss Grace wanted to give it to me; but I told her I could not take it. She laughed at me, and I said I was poor and proud. She would make me take it, and said so much, that, at last, I told her if she would lend it to me, I would take it."

"It was the same as a gift," said Mrs. Redburn, blus.h.i.+ng with shame at the thought of accepting alms.

"No, it wasn't; she may think it was, but I mean to pay her, and I shall pay her; I know I shall."

"If you can," sighed the proud mother.

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Poor and Proud or the Fortunes of Katy Redburn Part 7 summary

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