The Mother of Parliaments Part 33

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Lowell, A. L., Governments and Parties in Continental Europe.


Lucy, Sir H. W., Memories of Eight Parliaments. 1908.

Luttrell, N., A Brief Relation of State Affairs from 1678 to 1714. 1837.

Lytton, Lord, St. Stephen's and the New Timon. 1860.

Lytton, Lord, Speeches, etc. 1874.

Macaulay, T. B., Essays. 1860.

Macaulay, T. B., History of England. 1852-61.

MacCullagh, W. T., Memoirs of Richard L. Sheil. 1855.

MacDonagh, M., The Book of Parliament. 1897.

MacDonagh, M., Parliament: its Romance, its Comedy, its Pathos. 1902.

McCarthy, J. H., History of Our Own Times.

McGee, T., O'Connell and His Friends. 1845.

Mackintosh, Sir J., Memories of the Life of. 1836.

Maddyn, D. O., Chiefs of Parties. 1859.

Malmesbury, Lord, The Malmesbury Correspondence. 1870.

Malmesbury, Lord, Memoirs of an Ex-Minister. 1884.

Malmesbury, Lord, Political Diaries and Correspondence. 1844.

Martin, Sir T., Life of the Prince Consort. 1875-80.

Martin, Sir T., Life of Lord Lyndhurst. 1884.

Martineau, H., Biographical Studies. 1869.

Martineau, H., History of the Peace. 1877.

Marvell, A., Works. 1875.

Marvell, A., Flagellum Parliamentarium. 1827.

Ma.s.sey, W. N., History of England during the Reign of George III.


Maty, M., Memoirs of Lord Chesterfield. 1777.

May, Sir T. E., Const.i.tutional History. 1866.

May, Sir T. E., Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usages of Parliament, 1844-96.

May, T., History of the Long Parliament. 1812.

May, T., A Breviary of the History of the Parliament of England.


Men and Manners in Parliament, By the Member for the Chiltern Hundreds. 1874.

Mill, J. S., Representative Government. 1861.

Mirabeau, H. de, "Reglements observes dans la Chambre des Communes pour debattre les matieres et pour voter." 1789.

Molesworth, W. N., History of the Reform Bill. 1865.

Montesquieu, Works of. 1777.

Moore, T., Life of Byron. 1838.

Moore, T., Life of Sheridan. 1825.

Moore, T., Memoirs. 1856.

Moritz, C. P., Travels (edited by J. Pinkerton). 1808.

Morley, Rt.-Hon. J., Walpole. 1889.

Morley, Rt.-Hon. J., Burke. 1902.

Morley, Rt.-Hon. J., Life of Gladstone. 1903.

Mountmorres, Lord, The History of the Irish Parliament (1634-66).


Mowbray, Sir John, Seventy Years at Westminster. 1900.

Mozley, Rev. T., Reminiscences. 1882-85.

Napier, Macvey, Correspondence of. 1879.

Naunton, Sir R., Fragmenta Regalia. 1870.

Nicolas, Sir Nicolas Harris, Proceedings of the Privy Council of England. 1834.

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The Mother of Parliaments Part 33 summary

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