The Mother of Parliaments Part 34

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Noorthouck, J., A New History of London. 1763.

North, Lord, A Narrative of Some Pa.s.sages relating to the Long Parliament. 1670.

North, Lord, Correspondence with George III. 1867.

North, R., Lives of the Norths. 1826.

Northcote, Sir J., Notebook. 1877.

Observations, Rules, and Orders collected out of Divers Journals of the House of Commons. 1717.

O'Connell, John, Recollections and Experiences. 1849.

O'Connor, T. P., Gladstone's House of Commons. 1885.

O'Flanagan, J. R., Annals, Anecdotes, Traits, and Traditions of the Irish Parliaments. 1879.

O'Flanagan, J. R., Lives of the Irish Chancellors. 1870.

Oldfield, T. H. B., History of the House of Commons. 1816.

Oldfield, T. H. B., Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland. 1816.

Onslow, Rt.-Hon. A., The Onslow Papers (History MSS. Commission, vol.

xiv. app. ix.). 1895.

Orders, Proceedings, Punishments, and Privileges of the Commons House in England. 1641. Harleian Miscellany, vol. v. p. 258.

Ostrogorski, M., Democracy and its Organisation of Political Parties.


Palgrave, Sir R. F. D., The House of Commons. 1869 and 1878.

Palgrave, Sir R. F. D., The Chairman's Handbook. 1883.

Palgrave, Sir R. F. D., Lectures on the House of Commons. 1869.

Paris, M., English History. 1854.

Parry, C. H., The Parliaments of England. 1839.

Paston Letters, The. 1896.

Pearson, J., Political Dictionary. 1793.

Peel, Sir R., Memoirs. 1856.

Peel, Sir R., Opinions. 1850.

Pellew, Dean, Life of Sidmouth. 1847.

Pemberton, T., Letter to Lord Langdale on the recent proceedings in the House of Commons on the subject of Privilege. 1837.

Pepys, S., Diary. 1848-49.

Petyt, G., Lex Parliamentaria. 1690.

Petyt, W., Miscellanea Parliamentaria. 1680.

Petyt, W., Jus Parliamentarium. 1739.

Phillips, C., Curran and His Contemporaries. 1850.

Pike, L. O., Const.i.tutional History of the House of Lords. 1894.

Pope, A., Works of. 1882.

Porritt, E., The Unreformed House of Commons. 1903.

Prior, Sir J., Life of Burke. 1826.

Prior, Sir J., Life of Malone. 1860.

Privilege and Practice of Parliaments in England, The. 1680.

Pryme, G., Autobiographic Recollections. 1870.

Prynne, W., A Brief Register of Parliamentary Writs. 1664.

Prynne, W., Opening of the Great Seale of England. 1643.

Raikes, T., Journal. 1858.

Raikes, T., Popular Sketch of the Origin and Development of the English Const.i.tution. 1851.

Ralph, T., The Use and Abuse of Parliaments. 1744.

Redlich, J., The Procedure of the House of Commons. 1908.

Reports from the Select Committees on Parliamentary Debates, on Parliamentary Reporting, on the Admission of Strangers, on the Houses of Parliament, on the Office of Speaker, and on the Establishment of the House of Commons. 1907, 1879, 1888, 1837, 1853, 1833.

Reresby, Sir J., Memoirs. 1875.

Ritchie, J. E., Modern Statesmen. 1861.

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