Dragon Life Chapter 43

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​Chapter 43

Good fortune won't come to the home of those who smirk too wide. 1

Finis.h.i.+ng my talk with Maribelle, ehrm,  I mean Marius, we returned to the large venue hall and went separate ways. It worried me a little that Marius left in a hurry as if escaping from something, but after all that was said I can’t ask him, it might be too much.2 Even so, it was an earth-shattering confession. Thinking about it calmly, wasn’t this an outrageous incident? Although I said that he’s fine as he is, I feel a little anxious about whether I will be able to interact with him as usual. And I’m still staying in Maribelle’s room while I’m human.

As I was thinking while bringing to my mouth a sweet, nonalcoholic drink aimed at children, I heard a voice from right behind me, saying “Excuse me, Miss.” Since there were other girls and women here and there in the surroundings I ignored it thinking it surely wasn’t aimed at me, but my shoulder was tapped while the voice said, “I’m talking to you.”

‘And who is the rude person who would touch a lady’s shoulder in such and overly familiar manner?!’ is not what I said, but actually I turned around timidly while asking ‘what is it?’ since I didn’t think it would be directed at me, yet at that moment I knew my brows were furrowing. I believe that I’m making a seriously disgusted face right now.

“So this is what it means that anybody can look good with the right clothes. It all comes to nothing due to that face, though.”

A difficult person has come. Dark blue hair tingled with purple, and golden irises. Different from when we met previously the face he is making has a little of unusual softness and probably is possibly his official expression, but it stinks of falsehood. He’s smiling with his usual wide smirk.

“Getting together such a clean pretence and calling out to me, what do you need?”

“Since I was eagerly waiting the arrival of the main protagonist but there were absolutely no signs of her showing up, so I simply came looking for her?”

As if I was going to make something like a grand entrance. And in the first place I’m not something like a main lead.

“Don’t you suit the leading role better.”

As I say such, I’m stared at by eyes that despise immature youths very much. So cruel.

“So you still don’t understand. Just what kind of revered and wors.h.i.+ped existences the Sacred Beasts are to a country. You can deny it, but that won’t change the fact that the morale of the country will rise just by burning in their eyes the image of such a legendary existence. Holding back by refusing to utilize said existence isn’t necessarily the best course of action.”3

“…My existence is not to the level where I have to be revered or wors.h.i.+pped.”

“No, you really don’t understand. How much value there is in that body, you do not know.”

His golden pupils narrow. As the same unknown4 feeling that a.s.saulted me when we met at the battlefield comes gus.h.i.+ng forward, I instinctively took a step back. It’s a gaze that regards living beings as inorganic substances. When I become vigilant and retreat backwards that expression disappears, and that disgusting smile makes it’s comeback.

“If I’m just making you vigilant then the name of the Cultural Exchange Meeting is not adequate, is it. How about it? Just one song.”

All of a sudden he holds his hand out to me. For a moment I didn’t understand what that was about, but at noticing the rhythmical music that was flowing for entertainment’s sake I refused immediately. Rather, it would be a better idea if he invites the surrounding women that are going ‘kyaa kyaa.’

“Excuse me, but I can’t dance.”

“That suits you though.”

I stood firmly when my arm was pulled, glaring at him as if to say ‘I’m not just a girl, don’t think I’ll give in with just that little strength!’ He was surprised at this, releasing the arm that he had grabbed with an amused laugh. It was a sudden thing, so I couldn’t get a hold of my center of gravity and my body ended up inclining backwards. As if aiming for that moment he grabbed my arm again, and while I was dumfounded I ended up being dragged to where a light tune was resounding.

His hand around my waist doesn’t allow me to escape. I tried stepping on his foot, but he avoids it in a skillful manner and it’s so vexing.

“That’s the young master of House Defoe, hm? His mother should be Mailia,5 right?”

His line of sight is far away, aiming at the boy with the pink hair beyond the bulk of people. I wonder if he possibly saw us when we were together.

“Why do you…”

“It’s obvious I’d know her because she was my nursing mother. Besides, that woman was also my old man’s concubine before. Even this Great Me is surprised at their similar appearances. It would even be apropiate to call them two peas in a pod. But Mailia’s mischief is excessive huh. Precisely because she brought him up as a woman, he cannot attend these social events in a woman’s attire. …Do you want to know more about her? Though I can’t afford to be telling you this for free.”6

“I’ll pa.s.s. Even if you don’t tell me, I believe that he’ll tell me about it eventually.”

“That’s fine, I’ll tell you. She raised him as a daughter, and that’s the reason for them to look so identical.”

“Please wait a moment. I said that it wasn’t necessary!”

What is this person saying all of a sudden!!

“Well, don’t say that. Just keep the Great Me company for a while. If I am caught by those people I’ll get involved in formal talk and I hate that.”

His sight swam straight ahead and indeed, some big-shots were glancing this way from over there.

“As a King, is it fine for you to do that?”

“Actually, because I’m right here, isn’t it just fine?”

I’m beyond amazed, wondering what is what.

‘In the first place, if you want to gain some time, then isn’t it fine to talk about something else?’ I say, to which he responds with a ‘Well, that’s true,’ and after thinking for a little, this time he says with a serious face.

“I want the young master of the Defoe House, did you say his name was Marius?”


“Hey, don’t look at me as if you’re staring at a pervert.”

Perhaps, this person swings that way?7 Isn’t he looking at Captain with weird eyes too because of that? Isn’t he? I don’t have prejudice in that respect, but I won’t yield in regards to Marius and Captain!

“I- I won’t be handing over my important friends so easily!”

To a pervert like you!

“Don’t stutter. I only want interesting retainers. Also I’m not a pervert. The Great Me may look like this, but I’m a devoted husband.”

What kind of people collector are you! Also don’t read my inner voice! It’s embarra.s.sing to call yourself a devoted husband!! …—Hm? …Husband, he said?

“Yet in fact, I was thinking he could be a husband for my daughter.”

‘Because it gives me spasms to give her to that Prince,’ he adds in a rare sullen-like mood.

Now that he says it I’ve heard that it’s common to have a Prince marry a Princess as proof of an alliance. This time it seems that instead, we are actively partic.i.p.ating in the matter of that small book, but I don’t know the full details.

But there is something that worries me more right now.

“How, how old are you?”

“38. By the way I have a son too. They are from different mothers, though.”

38… It’s the worst that in this world, having a daughter of marriable age means that she is about 16, then, did he have her at 22? I don’t understand the standards of this world but if Stefanos says his sister Lady Minette who is 25 is already too late to get married, perhaps having a child at 22 is common.

So he had a wife and children. I thought he might have been a bit younger but I’m still surprised. Moreover, that he himself says to be a devoted husband, it’s unthinkable. That someone who can stare at living beings as if they are inorganic would have this side to himself is something I can’t believe. Or is it that just like the Prince, the king dotes on his own?8

“I forgot to mention it, but I will let you meet my son next time.”

“I pray that your son doesn’t resemble you.”

“My daughter does resemble me. My son takes after his mother and he lacks adaptability, he ended up becoming a retainer.”

He does become fatherly when talking about his children. He is the type to be sweet to his relatives after all.

“Even if you invite me I won’t be going. Besides I get the feeling that I’d be shot down if I did.”

The Unicorns' arrows are honestly scary. I kind of got a trauma.

“You don't have to worry. I'll just make him accompany you on your journey. There is no need to expressly go there.”


The melody changes from a light one to a quiet one, and our movements become slower in order to match it. 'It's the perfect chance to stomp on his feet!' is what I was thinking, but as if my body was being manipulated, I can't move very well. Even so, me, who have never danced before, appear to be dancing. He's capable, this guy.

According to what he says, they want us to go talk with the dignitaries of a southern country. 'About what,' I inquire, and 'it is to establish a similar alliance as with Alvina Kingdom,' he replies. When I ask whether he really believes that the demons from the fairy-tale will come to attack us, his answer was an 'of course I do,' in a matter-of-fact tone.

Alvina Kingdom is located in the central part of the Baltoria Continent, and it is said that at the southern tip of where this continent with the form of a curled up fetus rounds up, there is the  Caspe Do Kingdom.9 There are other small countries so I asked why we would contact that one, and the response was that although it is a small country, it has a few Sacred Beasts, so that's the reason. “Phoenix”, “Peng9“, “Hou-ou9“, “the hawk Veðrfölnir9” are its various nicknames but it typically seems to be called “Ruff.” It is a large bird, and it seems to have a white appearance such as the one I had before.

Even so, talking about white, I've been thinking about this for a while but Saus and s.h.i.+ro were of a white breed too, though maybe I’m looking too much into it?9 Well I am colored black now, though.

“You don't know? All Sacred Beasts are of a silver-like, s.h.i.+ning white appearance.”

'To think an Earth Dragon ignorant of the ways would exist,' I ended up being told something I had been told before. Thinking about it I get the feeling the Unicorns were also white. But rather than just white, it was a resplendent white. It even glittered like a rainbow when illuminated by the sunlight. It's white but it's different from Saus' fluffy white. I prefer the fluffiness though.

— A long time ago, I have seen such a white but, let me see, when was it.

“It'll be called an alliance but the power balance will be tipped towards Our Country. We shall let you utilize them as well.”

The same unpleasant smile from the time we met makes its appearance.

“…Fine. We will utilize them or whatever for you. However, if you show any behavior that seems to be betraying us, I'll do you the favor of chewing the marrow of every one of the bones in your neck into a thousand parts.”

“Scary, so scary. You are a wild beast that should just stay quietly tied up to your owner by a collar.”

“At any rate, you have become quite mellow, haven't you. I was thinking you’d demand we help you destroy that southern country or the like.”

“I realized by coming in contact with your side, that although that has been my disposition so far, but it seems to be ridiculous thinking back on it now. Rather than solving the problem by doing warfare, talking it over will be faster and less risky. And Caspe Do Kingdom is a mild country too so you shouldn’t be having a hard time with them.”

“Then what will we do about the northern country?”

I’ve heard that that country has Sacred Beasts as well. It’s called “sabre tiger” or “sabre-toothed tiger,” so I guess that it will surely look like a tiger.

“The Great Me will handle those matters directly.”

This guy, is for real huh. He is advancing the negotiations on the premise that the demons are sealed. If this were not real, then he will be just a painful adult who believes in pipe dreams. But he admits his own past faults, and is capable of fles.h.i.+ng out the best policy for what is to come. I’d say that is a very adult side of him. If such a person was my own father, perhaps I'd feel a little respect for him.

“Enough with the talk. How about this? Let’s cover ourselves with the nocturnal celestial bodies together, shall we?”

I take back my previous statements. Weren’t you a loving husband?! Moreover your speech reeks of old man.

When I noticed it was already dark outside; I wonder when did the time pa.s.s so fast, how mysterious.

‘I’ll pa.s.s.’ When I say this and attempt to part with him, perhaps I b.u.mped into someone because I felt a small impact on my back. As I’m about to turn around in a panic to apologize, a pair of long arms circled around my waist and pulled me away from His Majesty Hector.

— Oh, these arms.

They are unmistakable, aren't they?

I knew it even before looking down at the arms themselves. But the peaceful air that is always coiling around him is now tingling, and I can feel his wariness without even looking at the face.

His Majesty was laughing as if he thought this was funny.

“Oh my oh my, Mr. Contractor.”

“I apologize, but we have a prior appointment.”

His low voice came soon enough from behind. Somehow the force of his arms around my waist was strong.

“I’ve made you waste your time. I'll return her to you, Mr. Contractor. At least you should keep her tied to you with a collar. “9

Before His Majesty leaves, the Captain takes my hand and leads me away. While weaving our way through the crowd, I give him my grat.i.tude.

“You saved me, Captain. Thank you.”

We had been talking, but I couldn't make a proper escape. If he hadn't come perhaps we'd be covering ourselves with the nocturnal celestial bodies by now. I'm getting goose b.u.mps.

The Captain stopped and finally turned to face me.

Oh, as expected. He's angry.

It's not to the point of looking severe, but he does look sullen. His dark eyes narrow.

“… Vito, you should have some sense of danger.”

“I do have some.”

I was constantly on alert and tried to step on his feet at every chance. Although it was avoided.
As I explain that while puffing my chest, he made an amazed face in response.

“That's not what one calls a sense of danger.”

“? Then how does one show a sense of danger?”

I truly don't get it. Maybe I should have tried to pinch his hands rather than attacking his feet. Or giving him a headb.u.t.t or blowing fire at him. But I didn't want to do anything that stood out too much you know. While I was pondering and grumbling the Captain's shadow descended on me.

“It's like this.”

Something grazed the edge of my lips.

— Hyaa…!?

Is this barely safe!? Safe!? Safe!? Out!? No it's safe!!9

Heck, me, didn't I did this normally at the time of the contract! I feel embarra.s.sed just by remembering! Oh, I see, he was unconscious then so he doesn't know. Well, one way or another, yeah, although it's painful, it can be said to be a solitary first-kiss experience? No does it even count or it doesn't count, should it be obvious already ah I don't know anymore!!

Anyway, calm down, me. Oh heart, stop now! No, it'll be no good if you stop! I'll die! Move, heart of mine! Move normally!!

“Whawhawhawhat are you doing!”

“Look, you don't have any sense of danger.”

He made my face go totally red while my mouth was going 'pacpac' like a goldfish's. He smiled as if he was satisfied by my reaction, then he held my hand and we walked on to leave the hall.

'In, in the first place there are eyes looking all around! Look, there! There are people who got surprised!' I say, and he grins at that; are you Stefanooos!?!? Waiting upon any pretty lady in the surroundings, what are you doing!

“Should I really tie you down with a collar?”

“Quit that please.”

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Translator's Lair~☆

the t.i.tle is a play on an idiom that has been used previously: Good fortune will come to the home of those who smile. Thanks to @ on for helping me figure the proper translation for this t.i.tle! ↩ wild guess with everything in this sentence after the comma xD 言いよどんでた事もあって無理に聞きだすことはできない。 ↩ Literally it’s more like this: “Failing to use said existence—that is, being akin to the skilled falcon that keeps its claws hidden—isn't necessarily the wisest course of action.” but this is a mouthful, and maybe a bit hard to understand?  Also, thanks to @ and @ in thread for helping me with this sentence! 存在を利用せず能ある鷹が爪を隠し続けるだけが得策とは限らんぞ. some part of this makes reference to this saying: 能ある鷹が爪を隠し (the wise hawk hides it’s talons)  meaning ‘to hold back’ or ‘to keep one’s cards close to oneself.’ ->  ↩ unknown -> something there is no way for one to know: 得も知れぬ (read as ‘e mo s.h.i.+renu’). taken from .  also, in the same page there are other phrases with ‘e mo’. “when the adverb ‘e’ meets the particle ‘mo’, and they are followed by a verb in negative form, they mean: “there is no way one can __(verb here)___.” ↩ Mailia -> メイリア (other suggestions for her name are well received~) ↩ Though I can’t afford to… – タダというわけにはいかんぞ  ↩ i’m seriously unsure what the h.e.l.l she says here xD but for a part, i believe “socchi no ki” alludes to being bi-curious , or showing h.o.m.os.e.xual tendencies or act.i.tudes (). もしかしてこの人何かおかしいと思ったらそっちの気の人間か? ↩ this sentence was odd to me, and maybe something will be changed later, but well. Thanks to @ for helping me translate it! () ↩ safe & out - baseball terms. ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩

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Dragon Life Chapter 43 summary

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