Dragon Life Chapter 44

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A/N: There are a bit of superficial yuri elements. But just to a normal degree.

T/N (Ninish): Nooooo!! D':

Chapter 44

Love circ.u.mstances before departure.

“Toorunatsu, no no, toonatsu? This here is, i, imiyakokei? …It's no use, I can't read it.”

I was looking at the rectangular blue box I picked up at Vizannu Mountains while on top of the bed in Maribelle’s room. The three people that were laced in black do not appear anymore on the only pitch-black section of the box, as if they had been an illusion, but I'm examining it because it suddenly started s.h.i.+ning with a mysterious music, and when I picked it up in surprise, a strange picture appeared instead.

As I handled it appropriately lots of symbols that appeared to be letters were projected on it, so I decided to try to decipher them, yet it was useless. It seems that they are not the characters used in this world; the images are more complex and difficult. But I can understand just a little. Is this related to my human memories? I feel like it's a name, but it's not clear.

“Hmm, how frustrating.”

Toonatsu, imiyakokei.1 There were many other strings of characters lined up, but even if they gave me a somewhat nostalgic feeling, I only understood this. While thinking that perhaps if the human memories come back I'd remember these letters, but now I can't get any further results. As I gave up on deciphering them and decided to tamper with various other things, before I noticed Maribelle had entered the room.

“Vito, it’s time already!”

She's not Marius currently, but the usual Maribelle. She's wearing civilian clothes, I wonder if it's her day off today. She's in an unusually simple and slightly short one-piece of a pale light blue color, embroidered with small flowers. It oddly matches her pink hair. And after all she is a girl no matter where you look. To the point it makes me think of that confession as even more shocking.

“Wha, what is it. If there's something you want to say then say it please.”

It seems that she became worried at receiving a fixed stare.

“I was thinking 'how cute. But the length of the skirt is a bit short.'”

The average length in this world is about the knees. By saying it's short, it means it's just above the knees. But Maribelle's is well over the knees.

“The shorter the cuter, right? It’s easy to move in, and it’s not bulky, you should try it too, Vito.”

She blushed shyly as she made a show of twirling around.2
Yeah, it gives me a terribly nostalgic feeling but I am of the under-the-knee faction. However, long skirts seem to be secondary now so such a length would probably stand out.

“Uhm, you are showing an awful lot of your legs, is that okay?”

“'Your legs are showing' is already an obsolete way of thinking. Besides they say that it's fas.h.i.+onable at the harbor. Moreover, it's not scandalous since I'm a man.”

She proclaims herself a man only at such a time. However I'll forgive her since she's cute. Even if you look all around the world you probably won't find a boy who suits girl clothes more than him.

“That's right, how is Vice-Captain's condition?”

“It’s quite good, but it seems that he still has to make a complete recovery.”

It seems that the Vice-Captain is being treated at home. Since it seems that the injury's location was complex, his return appears to be distant still.

“Rather than that, it's time already. You have finished your preparations, right?”

'I have,' I reply while holding up the luggage that was by my side. I closed the blue box and put it in my pocket.

Today is the departure date thus I was making my preparations, yet somehow it appears I'm the last one. 'It's bad to make everyone wait,' I say and hastily make to leave the room, yet I was stopped by a call from Maribelle.

“What about the coat I gave you?”

“…A-, about that.”

She noticed with a sharp glare that I tried leaving the room while pretending to forget about it.

“Look here, it’s cold at night, so you have to wear it properly!”

She took out the coat that I purposely put in the closet and made me wear it.

I am thankful for your consideration, I appreciate it, I know it will be perfect for cold nights, but — why, this, in the hood, it has ears!!

The gray ears that are attached to it are reminiscent of a cat’s, and would definitely curve towards the sky when wearing the hood on. The only plus is that there’s no tail.

“This, is a bit … why, does it have ears?”

“Don't you know? This is also popular at the harbor nowadays. They are called the Ear Series, and there are many other such as rabbits and dogs too! It's cause they're too cute!”

Well, I guess it’d be cute if Maribelle wore it. But this is not a hobby of mine! Why should I take this as something indispensable to a journey in the first place! Give me something more ordinary and serious, I beg you!

“No way, it won’t do if it’s not this one.”

Kgh! If I were to wear this I will surely be stared at with strange eyes. Definitely. Mainly from Stefanos. I can already see myself being crushed to death by the sound of his laughter!

“Do-, don't you have a plainer one, you see, this one stands out, and it won't suit me—“

I clearly stated the feelings that being dressed in this clothes cause me.

“It’s cute! It'll be so filthy to be surrounded by just men! I wouldn't be able to stand it if I was you, so at least I'll have to have Vito dressing cutely!”

I wonder from where this logic comes from. Even if I look like this, no one will be pleased. Rather, I'll just become joke material.

“Actually the people who are going is only a small number, and Lady Minette will also be there so there is no way it'll be filthy.”

“Lady Minette?”

Perhaps it's the first time she hears of her, she inclined her head a little in puzzlement. Ahh you really are cute, Maribelle. I guess it's all right for you to just be a girl.

At that time, a knocking sound came from the door to which Maribelle replied, “Come in,” and then speaking of the devil, Lady Minette came in through the door.

“I'm letting myself in.”

At the moment when she took one step into the room and her eyes stopped on Maribelle, I thought that I saw her eyes go wide, but it instantly became a serious look and she got close to Maribelle with a fast pace, getting a firm grip of both of her hands.

And then she said some unthinkable things to Maribelle who was surprised by her sudden actions.

“My beautiful Miss Maribelle, would you date me and consider marrying me?”


What dumbfounding words are those?! Ta-, talking about marriage, about dating! What are you spouting all of a sudden!?

Maribelle has become all stiff while her face is completely red, as if someone hadn't just confessed their love to her right in front of her. I was also taken aback.

“Oh, I have never seen such a lovely child. Sweet lips that resemble a ripe fruit, s.h.i.+ning eyes that remind me of the night sky. I want to become a gleaming star to s.h.i.+ne in it. … If dating me is not possible, how about starting from being friends at the very least?”

They appeared, the pick-up lines. It's frightening because she looks great while saying them.

Although Maribelle was dumbstruck, she shook off her hands with a startled expression.

“Wha-, what's that about! Also please don't call my name as if we are familiar with each other!”

It appeared, her tsun element when meeting people for the first time. However, it seems that Lady Minette is not put off by such a domineering att.i.tude. On the contrary, her face is getting closer to her with a spellbound expression.

“Such modesty is also cute…!”

“Wha-, Vito! Please help me already!”

Even if you say that. Lady Minette's eyes are extremely serious. In a bad way. It is completely different from her att.i.tude towards Madeleine and me.

However, as a friend, I have to give some timely help to Maribelle who is bewildered by her excessive approach.

“Lady Minette, maybe you came to call for me?”

I wonder if she came looking for me to lay her eyes on Maribelle.

“Oops that is the case. That’s right, I completely forgot. I didn't think that the rumored Miss Malibelle was this adorable.”

She took one of Maribelle's hands and kneeled, and placed a kiss on her finger as if a knight would to a princess. At that action, Maribelle went 'Kyaa!' letting out a cute voice, and after shooking her off once again, she hid behind me.

“La-, Lady Minette, Lady Minette, please behave prudently.”

“What is it, you're jealous right? Such a cute person.”

“That's not it, you know. It's already time, right? I'm going now.”

If I let Maribelle and Lady Minette be together any more than this, Maribelle will combust. Her face will. She is fine with the physical contact that she starts herself but she is bad with it when the contact is started by the other person.

“It's a shame. I wanted to spin words of love to you right now but it seems it won't be possible… but just remember this. I think that my feelings for you are real. Yes, I swear it on my loyalty as a Knight of Alvina Kingdom!”

“Ppp-, please don't come back!”

“You are becoming shy. So innocent and lovely.”

Really, please proceed with prudence, Lady Minette.

I drag Lady Minette with me as I leave the room while calming Maribelle down. She was sending fervent glances Maribelle's way till the very end, but what would happen if she knew that she is a man. …Even so, I get the feeling that she said it herself at some point, that she would think about it if it was a lovely boy.3 That aside, isn't this actually a good match? All right, from here on I'll pitch in and help as their Cupid of love… Uh huh, but I actually don't know what to do.

For the time being, it's dangerous to put the two together. Mainly Lady Minette, I don't know what she may try to do.

“Sorry, I seem to have become a little distracted. Let’s hurry because everyone is waiting.”

As soon as we left the room, she returned to being the usual Lady Minette. Such a fast switchover.

“Lady Minnete is accompanying us as well?”

“I have visited Caspe De Kingdom once before. So it seems that it was decided that I would accompany you while showing you the way.”

It seems that her travelling all over the world wasn't just for show.

“My parents and Stefan weren’t amused by my journey, but it was a great experience. There are many things that you can't confirm unless you visit the actual place. I wanted to verify this in person. It's also called 'seeing is believing,' right?”

'And I also met many attractive girls,' she added. I respected her for a moment but she had to mess it up.

Caspe Do Kingdom is located one week away from Alvina Kingdom on foot. Originally we would go by horse, but at the request of His Majesty Hector to reach it as soon as possible, it was decided we would go with the Fire Drakes. Due to this, our companions obligatorily became people of the Fourth Knight Corps who are the only ones who can ride on Dragons. The Captain and me were already designated to go, but our other companions ended up being Sir Lance and Sir Stefanos by the Prince’s own judgment and bias. I'm honestly happy to be with familiar faces. And, Lady Minette as well. Because she can serve as a guide, but it seems that it was considered to be better if a woman came along too, although I'm not sure if I should be thankful of their consideration or not. Well, Lady Minette is completely and helplessly charmed by Maribelle right now, so it should be okay.

Lastly, we must not forget about His Majesty Hector's son, Lord Christophe. A few days back he came visiting and stayed at the castle. I was told he would be coming with us in our journey but I never ever thought that he would be 10 years old. But to say you would send a cute child to such a journey, really. Unlike His Majesty, he has a cheerful and bright personality, and has the innocence of a child his age. However, I was overwhelmed by his first words, which showed the manner of having a poisonous tongue.

“Are you Miss Vito?! My Father was saying that you were a cheeky little girl! You really seem to be!”

Your Majesty, let me slap your right cheek. And be generous enough to present me with your left cheek please.

“Are you the contractor?! How splendid! To be able to subdue the Legendary Sacred Beast, the Earth Dragon! I admire you! I respect you!”

And so for some reason he attached himself to the Captain. You are making oneesan a little sad, you know.



The Captain made a troubled, bitter smile.

“That's a mistake. I haven't subdued her, probably.”

“Why?! The rumors about you are a hot topic in my country! You formed the contract, right?!!”

The sparkling, innocent eyes of the boy are aimed at him. I'd like to hear about how such a child was born from such a parent. It's just that occasionally he says things that injure me by piercing through my heart.

The Captain squatted down to match the line of sight of the Christophe boy, and said in a gentle voice as if to admonish a small kid.

“I'm telling you this since I've made that contract, that you must never bind the person you like to you with an invisible power. To subdue her, is out of the question.”

Cough… Don't, don't say such embarra.s.sing things in public! Look Stefanos is grinning as well!! By the way, what happened to the beautiful girls who we’re with you that other time! Perhaps you are not only two-timing but three-timing or four-timing?! I pray that Lance is mad at you!

“Don't you have a girl you like, boy?”

Lady Minette comes over and cuts into the talk while tapping the child's shoulder.

“Gi-, girl I like!?”

He seems to be in a pinch. So innocent.

“Are you going to forcibly tie the person you like to you just because you want them to look your way?”

“But Father says it's all right no matter what I do?”

Just how is that person indoctrinating this child!!

“But if that happens the girl may be saddened, do you want to see her sad face?”

“I-, I don't want to see that! I like her smile!”

“Then it is important that you make her look your way with your own strength, not with power or money, even if there are obstacles.  … Yes, just like me and Miss Maribelle!”

“How did it come to that!!”

It’s a splendid tsukkomi, Stefanos. When Lady Minette says, “Don't disturb your older sister’s path to love,” Stefanos again tries to plunge in but Lance stops him in a hurry. While watching such a scene, the Captain laughs peacefully. I ended up becoming worried in my heart about being able to spend the following days with these members.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Translator's Lair~☆

Well, the Yuri elements weren’t so bad, actually they were fun xD bu-but my s.h.i.+p. LancexMaribellle, it sunk so quickly!! 

Anyway it was a light hearted chapter. /(˃ᆺ˂)\ see you soon! 

Toonatsu, imiyakokei – if it’s not obvious, she’s struggling to read j.a.panese xD she says this may be a name. As you may (or may not) know, a kanji can have several lectures, and it’s not that rare for the characters used for names to have uncommon readings. So probably the p.r.o.nunciation she reads here is not the proper reading for that asigned name (if it’s even a name at all). ↩ thanks to @Chrys, @Draconyan and @Chrouya from reddit's 日本語と英語  discord server! (ps: if anyone needs an invite to that server, where you can ask questions about j.a.panese, I can send you one~ just poke me in NUF.) ↩ back in chapter 33. Stefanos: "[…]Become interested in men rather than women already!" Minette: "Just in what part of such filthy creatures do you want me to take an  interest? Isn't it obvious that sweet girls that are as cute and tender as flowers are way better than that?" St:"It's because you're like that that you won't receive a proposal to be a bride despite turning 25." Min: "I will think about it if it is a girly man." ↩

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Dragon Life Chapter 44 summary

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