Dragon Life Chapter 45-46

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Chapter 45

The village and the village girl

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Thus the journey with these members began. However, so that me and the Dragons don’t get tired while we fly during the day, we don’t make any conversation on the march. I feel somewhat lonely.

When the day approached sunset and we finally reached the place where we would rest, the Fire Drakes seemed tired and laid down their big bodies and began crying out again and again.


[Huff huff]

Although your appearance is somewhat ferocious when you say stuff like ‘huff huff,’ you’re too cute, Lance’s Fire Drake. I feel like its name was definitely Tino. When I say to them, ‘you’ve worked hard today,’ they happily came to snuggle up to me. However, since Stefanos’ Fire Drake was clinging all over me that one time I put my guard up, yet it seems like it noticed because it is looking up at me in a depressed manner. Youu, you are so cute! I press my chin to his head and rub it to my heart’s content, and he narrows his eyes while purring.

“Stop flirting with my Brad.”

[How rude. They are just like children, you know.]

I had a maternal instinct too, I’m surprised.

Even so, it’s eerie inside the forest where the trees grow thick; I don’t want to stay here if possible. The Captain is looking at the depths of the forest while s.h.i.+fting his line of sight up and down, as if he wants to confirm something, but he hasn’t moved one step. It seemed that he wanted to confirm something, but he just moves his face alone without advancing one step. What in the world is he doing? As I was inclining my neck, Lance replied to me instead.

“It seems that some animal species are getting active recently. Especially the Nidhogg1, which is said not to appear in front of people, is coming down to the villages, and it even may be dangerous over here.”

Is it the Dragon that is said to eat animal corpses? You just blurted out something dreadful.

Since it's a little scary I decided to sleep as a Dragon while we are camping. Besides look, since my body temperature is higher than humans,' you can warm up if you stick close to me; I totally think that a Dragon is a useful existence.

We also spent the second day flying all the while, but due to the sudden heavy rain and thunder we decided to land. While I was looking for somewhere to surmount the rain, my body became heavy with the rain’s momentum, and due to a bad move I came falling down and almost crashed in my descent. Moreover, we also deviated from Lance and the others. The place where I fell was a forest, and even as the trees kept getting in my way I somehow managed to stand on the ground. However, due to the shock of the impact, the Captain was ejected from my back, although it seems that he didn’t get injured because of performing something like an ukemi2 upon falling. Only, since the incessant rain was strong enough to pierce the ground, I adjusted my position and spread my large wings above him in order to shelter him from the rain.

“Vito, return to your human form.”

[I’m fine.]

My thick scales don’t feel even a particle of the vigorous rain.

“No, you will grow cold.”

Although being told with a strong tone, I was a bit reluctant, but I gave in in the end and became human, and so the two of us hurriedly took shelter shelter under a big tree.

“It will not stop raining, will it?”

Apparently our luggage and the like seem to have been dropped somewhere with the impact from earlier. Our clothes are soaking wet, so it looks like we will really catch a cold. I even ended up cras.h.i.+ng due to the rain’s weight, so even if I tried to blow some fire to start a campfire to get warmth, there’s nothing to burn in the surroundings. Saying that ‘rainy days are inefficient’ is a perfectly fitting phrase.

We ended up separating, but is everyone else OK, I wonder?


When the captain closed his eyes, he stopped moving for a few minutes. I worried about his condition becoming bad, but as I was thinking that he suddenly opened his eyes.

“Further ahead, there is a sign of human beings. Let’s go.”

He said that and tried to grab my hand, but I stopped him in a hurry.

“Wai-, wait a moment, how do you know that?”

I truly don’t know what’s going on. The Captain hesitated, but told me in the end.

“… I hadn’t told you this, Vito, but it seems that, since then, I’ve been drifting further away from being human.”

‘My sense of sight, sense of hearing, sense of touch, sense of taste and sense of smell; the five senses along with an instinctive sixth sense, while they don’t cause me any problems in my daily life, sometimes they become sharply keen, far beyond a regular human’s.’ When he said that, my eyes went wide.

What did you say.

“Why, why did not you tell me!”

“Because you will feel beholden to me again.”

‘Just like this,’ he adds. I wonder how do I look like, in his black eyes that peek out from between the wet hair stuck to his forehead because of the rain? Do I look sad? Do I look regretful? Or do I look about to cry? Surely it’s all of them.

Because of me. He stopped being an ordinary human being. Because of me. Because of me. …But.

I purse my lips firmly and endure it. It’s wrong to be so pessimistic. It’s good to criticize myself, but as a result these thoughts have reached the Captain. That’s why this is wrong.3

Let’s calm down a little.

“… Yeah, well. Even if I feel remorseful now things won’t return to how they were, so it’s no use, right?”

Let’s calm down, and breath. The rainy moist air enters my lungs.

“I will not regret it anymore, so please, properly inform me of such important things.”

The Captain’s expression softens at my words.

“All right.”

I don’t want to regret having made the contract, rather I would like to be glad of having formed it. Even if it ruins the Captain’s life, I want it to be something meaningful.

We were running while avoiding the rain, and after some time something like houses came into view in between the trees. Approaching them, it seems to be a small village. It looks like its structure is several times smaller than Tiennu Village, with few people living there, as it’s suggested by its run-down state.
Knocking the door of the nearest house, wondering if somehow they would at least let us take some cover, a lady of brown hair where gray locks could be seen here and there came out. I am surprised, because before we say anything she is staring fixedly at me. I thought this was odd, and it made me wonder that although it was sudden, should some travelers’ visit be so surprising, when suddenly both of my shoulders were grabbed with a firm strength.

“Y-, you … …Maybe, are you Anna!?”


My heart skips a beat.

My cold body suddenly froze over.

— No way.

“Dear! Dear! Come ‘ere for a bit!! Anna came back!!”

When the lady called for someone who was inside the house, a stubbled old man came over, looking troubled. But when he saw my appearance he also made surprised round eyes like the lady.

“Anna!? I-, is this not a dream, is it!?”

— No way.

“Uhm, you have the wrong person…”

My heartbeat won’t calm down within my chest. An unknown, uneasy feeling is coming unto me and I can feel my blood being drained.

— No way. No way, No way.

“There’s no doubt! Your appearance, it’s the same as when we last saw Anna!”

For a moment, the inside of my head turned completely white.

— No way, Anna, it refers to this “village girl”?


☆  ☆ ☆  ☆

Translator's Lair~☆

Vito you eat f.u.c.king people, while they are alive. Scared of another Dragon? What are you getting scared for? At least the nidhogg eats the animals when they are already dead!

Also, cliff of death! 

on to the notes!

Nidhogg – (ニーズヘッグ) In Norse mythology, Níðhöggr (Malice Striker, traditionally also spelled Níðhǫggr, often anglicized Nidhogg) is a dragon/serpent who gnaws at a root of the world tree, Yggdrasil. In historical Viking society, níð was a term for a social stigma implying the loss of honor and the status of a villain. Thus, its name might refer to its role as a horrific monster or in its action of chewing the corpses of the inhabitants of Náströnd: those guilty of murder, adultery, and oath-breaking, which Norse society considered among the worst possible crimes. – Wikipedia
 ↩ ukemi: “Ukemi (breaking one’s fall) is the art of “taking it,” the ability to fall, roll, or be forcefully thrown to the ground and get up unscathed.”  ↩ not sure~ だけどそれが結果的に隊長さんに気を使わせてしまってる。 ↩

Chapter 46

The village and the village girl. And the auntie.

“Is, is that so? ‘t was a misunderstanding. We troubled you, didn’t we. Forgive us.”

When I explained that my name is Vito and that I never came to this village before, the lady and company’s energy from before disappeared, and they sigh as if disappointed.

“I’m sorry…”

“You don’t need to apologize. We were the ones mistaken. Leaving that aside, what did you come to such a remote village for?”

“Actually we were caught in the heavy downpour during our journey, and we were wondering if you would let us take shelter from the rain?”

Since my head was in a confused state, the Captain answered in my place. He grabbed my hand in a casual manner, and that’s like a lifeline to me right now.

Looking at us who where dripping wet from our heads to our feet, the lady smiles frankly.

“Since that’s the case we don’t mind at all. Although it’s a small house, c’mon in, you’ll catch a cold as it is.”

“Thank you.”

We were let into the house, and were lent something to wipe us dry. It’s a small wooden house, but it’s full of life and makes me feel a nostalgic warmth. We were brought near a hearth that was emiting warmth, and then we were urged to sit on some chairs. As I take the seat and say my thanks, “It’s just a plain thing, but here you go,” she says as she hands us a warm soup. It really sinks deep into our cold bodies.

My heart which was about to explode settles, and once I was finally calm enough I decided to ask.

“Uhm, that girl, Anna, is…?”

“Oh, she’s the child from the couple next door, she went missing a few years ago. Nothing’s been heard of her since then. The couple were worried sick, and pa.s.sed away.  They were good people, too.”

‘Even so, you look like two peas in a pod,’ she says in a nostalgic manner while looking at me sitting on the chair. Their eyes also contained sorrow. As I didn’t know what to say, I remained was silent, and the Captain grasped my hand with a worried face. I had no power to grasp him back, all I could do was hang my head.

“It seems the rain won’t stop tonight, so you can use the second floor. In the past it was used by our children, but now they’re gone.”

“Thank you for all your help.”

“You don’t need to thank us. Though you are a different person, we could see Anna’s figure for the first time in a long while. That’s enough.”

‘Even so, in spite of that you look exactly the same,’ the lady adds, and then proceeded to lead us to a room on the second floor.

When the door was opened there were three beds lined up. They probably had three children, however the room had not been in use for a while as it was covered in some dust. The auntie descended to the first floor with a ‘Rest well.’ When I entered the room, I heard the door close behind me. The Captain’s hand touched my shoulder and I turned around to look at him.

“…Cap, tain.”

Surely, I must be making a grim expression.

“Vito, they got the wrong person”

“But, they said we look exactly the same.”

“They got the wrong person.”

The Captain says flatly. But it is not a mistake. Just the interior is different, the appearance is really the same. I can tell by seeing the surprised expression of the auntie and uncle. Although it’s been a few years, the chestnut hair that does not change in length, the blue eyes, the healthy skin, and the dark-red garments, probably haven’t changed at all from the figure in their memories.

“…’This child,’ was called Anna, wasn’t she.”

I was expecting that this might happen someday, but there are things that will leave you agitated if you face them with zero mental preparation. Perhaps the main reason is that I’m attached to this form. I had been thinking that she was a village girl from Tiennu Village’s vicinity all along. But the reality was different. I don’t know what reasons she had for going to that far away mountain, but she was a child of this village.


“I am fine. I was prepared for it, but I was just astonished since I never thought that it would come up as such a surprise attack.”

I laughed and looked up, and I was being intently watched by a straight gaze. I wondered if he was worried, as his voice was kind.



That I became agitated was because it was a sudden matter. Now it’s okay. I’ve calmed down. Yes, it was me the one who ate her, but I swore I will live for this child’s part, too.

“…Then, okay, but don’t push yourself.”

He hugged me once lightly, and then took the cloth that covered my head to dry my hair. This is bad, he will catch a cold as it is. ‘I’ll do it myself,’ I tell him, and began drying my hair, but suddenly I saw him take out a dagger and grabbing the single remaining braid of the three he had before, and he was about to cut it off. When I b.u.t.ted in to stop him in a hurry with a “What are you doing!” he stared back at me with a blank face.

“It is troublesome, so I was going to cut it.”

Since it is troublesome to dry it you’ll cu-, cut it?! Why is there only one choice! You’re weird, Captain!!

“It-, it’s a waste! It’s amazingly beautiful!”“Beautiful?”

“It’s beautiful! Moreover it’s delicious, it’s like cotton candy, so stop it!”

It’s sweet, and it fills both my mind and body. It’s my favorite food.

“‘Cotton candy’?”

I was taken aback. I was questioning my own words.

—“Cotton candy”? What is “cotton candy”? My favorite food? Well, my favorite food is’s karaage though.

“Anyway, I will dry your hair, so please drop it with cutting it.”

I am the one who ate the majority of his hair, but cutting it is too much of a waste. To cut off this glossy hair of such a silky quality that would make a woman ashamed… Well, I think that even short hair would suit him though.

I finished drying up my hair, and for some reason, I started drying his hair from right in front of him while he was sitting on the bed. Seeing his locks of hair made me remember the time I worked in the dormitory. I remember that every morning, I would knit it up like this.

“Come to think of it, your hair is quite long. Do you have any particular reason?”

Is it something like a religious vow?

Up until now I have met very few men with long hair. I believe there may a reason why he has been growing it out, but.

“Hmm, it’s a secret?”

“What was that.”

Ugh, even if you say it cutely and using up turned eyes to look at me from down there, you won’t deceive me!

“But, as it’s not necessary anymore, I don’t mind if it’s cut off.”

I’m telling you that cutting it off is too extreme. I will not let you cut it while my eyes are black. It’s a waste. I softly swore so in my heart.

“Vito, your eyes are turning reptile-like.”


He said my pupils are contracting. Are these the so-called cat eyes? It seems that they will come out if my emotions heighten, hmmm, I will have to be careful.

Although it was simple, I thought that I could sleep soundly when finally being in a room with a roof and a bed after a while, but I could not get to sleep. I started drawing the line about “Anna” by myself. But I care about having known her, and about having accidentally arrived at the village where she was supposed to live. Her parents are said to be dead, but there were an auntie and uncle who were worried about her. Perhaps she had friends too. Thinking that way, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

When I was turning over and over, I heard voices coming from below. Because there were some gaps here and there, the voices seemed to leak.

—? I wonder if I am still awake.

When I tried paying attention, I heard the voices of the uncle and auntie.

“That’s —- Rinan —-, substi—-“

“So —-“

“—- hide — Oppor-ity—-? Surel— offerin—- Lord Water Dragon —- n – – -“


I could not catch everything because of heavy rain, but they seemed to be talking about something serious. Since it was an important matter it was rude to eavesdrop, so I quietly returned to bed. Strangely enough, I fell asleep as if I fainted.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Translator's Lair~☆

No… no notes? what? what? was i replaced with someone else? am i an alien? aaaaaAAH I WAS EATEN BY AN ALIEN AND DIDN’T KNOW!!

i was going to comment something but as usual i forgot ^^

anyway, this isn’t a cliff chapter, is it?it isn’t, right? right?

see you soon~

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Dragon Life Chapter 45-46 summary

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