History of Education Part 35

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An Egyptian Princess.


EDWARDS, AMELIA B. a Thousand Miles Up the Nile.

EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. Representative Men.

EMERTON, E. An Introduction To the Study of the Middle Ages.

Mediaeval Europe.




FELKIN, HENRY M. and EMMIE. Herbart's Science of Education.

FELTON, C. C. Greece, Ancient and Modern.

FeNELON, F. Treatise on the Education of Girls.

FERGUSSON, JAMES. History of Architecture in All Countries.

FERRIS, G. T. Great Leaders.

FISHER, G. P. History of the Reformation.

The Beginnings of Christianity.

FORSYTH, W. Life of Cicero.



FRAZER, ROBERT W. British India.

FREEMAN, EDWARD A. Historical Essays.

FROEBEL, F. The Education of Man (trans. by W. N. Hailmann).

FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY. Short Studies on Great Subjects.

Life and Letters of Erasmus.


GASQUET. Henry VIII and the English Monasteries.

GEIKIE, C. Life of Christ.

GIBBON, EDWARD. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

GILL, JOHN. Systems of Education.

GILMAN, A. Story of Rome From the Earliest Times To the End Of The Republic.

GRAHAM, H. G. Rousseau.

GREEN, J. R. History of the English People (4 Vols.).

GROTE, GEORGE. History of Greece (12 Vols.).

GUHL AND KONER. The Life of Greeks and Romans. From Antique Monuments.

GUIZOT. History of Civilization (4 Vols.).


HAILMANN, W. N. History of Pedagogy.

HALLAM, HENRY. View of the State of Europe During the Middle Ages (3 Vols.).

Literary History of Europe.

HANNA, WILLIAM. Life of Christ.

Ha.n.u.s, PAUL H. The Permanent Influence of Comenius (ed. Review, N.Y., Vol. III, 226).

HARPER'S Book of Facts (compiled by J. H. Willsey).

HARRISON, J. H. Story of Greece.

HEGEL, G. W. F. The Philosophy of History.

HERBART, J. F. The Science of Education. (see Felkin.)

HERFORD, WILLIAM H. The Student's Froebel.

HINSDALE, B. A. Horace Mann.

HORTON, R. F. A History of the Romans.

HOSMER, J. K. Story of the Jews.

HOUGHTON, R. C. Women of the Orient.

HUGHES, THOMAS. Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits.

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