Collected Poems Volume II Part 69

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Take all he has, all you can get. To-night, When all is dark (we must have darkness, mind, For deeds like this) blind creatures will creep out With groping hands and gaping mouths, lean arms, And shrivelled bodies, branded, fettered, lame, Distorted, horrible; and they will weep Great tears like gouts of blood upon our feet, And we shall succour them and make them think (That's if you have not mangled their poor souls As well, or burned their children with their homes), We'll try to make them think that some few roods Of earth are not so bitter as h.e.l.l might be.

Are you not glad to think of this? Nay--go-- Or else your face will haunt me when I die!

Take him quickly away. The next! The next!

O G.o.d!

[_Flings up his arms and falls fainting._]


[_Bending over him._]

O Robin! Robin! Help him quickly.

The wound! The wound!

[_They gather round ROBIN. The OUTLAWS come back with the captive FORESTER, his pack upon his back._]


[_To the FORESTER._]

Now, get you gone and quickly!

What, what hath happened?

[_FRIAR TUCK and the OUTLAWS join the throng round ROBIN. The FORESTER shakes his fist at them and goes across the glade muttering. The MESSENGER from Kirklee Priory comes out of the forest at the same moment and speaks to him, not knowing of his dismissal._]


All's well! Robin can come To Kirklee. Our old friend the Prioress Is there, and faithful! They've all balms and simples To heal a wound.


[_Staring at him._]

To Kirklee?


Yes, at sunset, We'll take him to the borders of the wood All will be safe.

Where he can steal in easily, alone.


The King's men are at hand!


Oh, but if we can leave him there, all's safe; We'll dodge the King's men.


When is he to go?


Almost at once; but he must not steal in Till sundown, when the nuns are all in chapel.

How now? What's this? What's this?

[_He goes across to the throng round ROBIN._]


[_Looking after him._]

Alone, to Kirklee!


SCENE II. _A room in Kirklee Priory. A window on the right overlooks a cloister leading up to the chapel door. The forest is seen in the distance, the sun beginning to set behind it. The PRIORESS and a NOVICE are sitting in a window-seat engaged in broidery work._


He must be a good man--this Robin Hood!

I long to see him. Father used to say England had known none like him since the days Of Hereward the Wake.


He will be here By vespers. You shall let him in. Who's that?

Can that be he? It is not sundown yet.

See who is there.

[_Exit NOVICE. She returns excitedly._]


A lady asks to see you!

She is robed like any nun and yet she spoke Like a great lady--one that is used to rule More than obey; and on her breast I saw A ruby smouldering like a secret fire Beneath her cloak. She bade me say she came On Robin Hood's behest.


What? Bring her in Quickly.

[_Exit NOVICE and returns with QUEEN ELINOR in a nun's garb. At the sign from the PRIORESS the NOVICE retires._]


Madam, I come to beg a favour.

I am a friend of Robin Hood. I have heard-- One of his Foresters, this very noon Brought me the news--that he is sorely wounded; And purposes to seek your kindly help At Kirklee Priory.

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Collected Poems Volume II Part 69 summary

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