Unmotivated Hero's Tale (WN) Chapter 16-17

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The Daylight Lantern and the Useless Hulk

With the cloudless blue sky tinted with a cobalt blue hue and the sun releasing all out the day, those who are moving under I made them really feel the approaching summer.
And during such a fine day like this, along the road that leads to Carlin, two horses could be vaguely seen in the distance as they advanced to the Royal Capital of Eltoburgh.
One of them was a huge muscular man, carrying a bow on his back as he advanced his horse without even breaking his smile in the intense heat. Beside him was another man with an unmotivated face, riding his horse while fanning his hand while murmuring complaints.
"Its hot, its far, and I don't want to go back"
"Captain, No matter how much you complain, it won't help change the situation. Please put an end to it"

Kains continued to appease Yui as his captain started complaining again for how many times since they have left Carlin.
"Even if you put out the fact that it's too far and too hot, I really don't want to go back - and that's it. I know! As soon as I arrive over there I will immediately trail the coat of that Military Affairs Minister. Then he might kick me back to Carlin once again."

"Or he might kick us out of our post, worst case kick us into the dungeons"
"Even though I have finally achieved my long-awaited on this demotion for so long, going back to the central after just working just a little, this is too unjust"

"Ahahaha, if you think about it normally, what captain is saying is really messed up."

On the trifling complaint of his boss, Kains rebuked, with his smile unperturbed.
Kains was a huge man with a nice build but despite of this, he prefered the bow as his weapon. For this reason, he was called names like “muscle doll" or "useless hulk", no matter how skilled he is in archery. Even of all this, Kains always showed a nice smile and personality - the trait being the most appreciated by his companions.
And for Yui's rea.s.signment, it is important to have an escort, so it was decided to pick one member of the Tactics Division of Carlin. In the process of elimination, Kains was the final "victor", hence leading to their current situation.
Of course, there had been a lot of complications in that personnel selection.
Originally, the role of the escort should have been Crary, considering he worked and spent time with Yui the most, but as he was required to take over Yui's position as the Tactics Division Captain, he was taken down on the list the earliest.

Following the list, Huth's name came up. While she may be an excellent bodyguard, imagining her spectacle walking around the city with a bare greatsword at her back, she was easily brought down, too.

In terms of ability, Naña who excelled in magic was brought up too, but because of her bad liquor habit and quick temper, if she hit an unknown superior officer…… so she's out of the question.
So, amid such a strict selection, Kains, who has a relatively warm personality and does not make any troubles was chosen as his attendant.

By the way, about Kureha, her existence has been completely forgotten…… until everyone had send-off Yui and Kains.
"By the way captain, when we arrive at the royal capital, what are we going to do about the logdging?"

"Ah, about that we are going to stay in the house of my acquaintance. Don't worry, they said that it's free."

"Is it really free? Thank heavens. Because we are really tight on our budget"
Kains has been feeling troubled ever since he took a glance at his purse. Yui's unexpected transfer to the royal capital made him who was chosen as his companion unable to gather extra funds for their travel, which is going to get costly, more so when they reach the capital. So hearing what his captain said about the free lodging, his smile became even more vibrant than usual.
"I'm surprised. Base on your personality, you are certainly not the type to gamble and certainly aren't like Nanya who always goes full liquor bonanza. What do you use your money for?"

"Well, about that, captain, Huth and the others use swords as their main weapons, so you might not know this. Using the bow as the main weapon is a costly one. For example, even in training alone I spend a lot of arrows"
Unlike the Royal Army stationed in the kingdom, the troops in Carlin had a very limited budget, so limited that they don't have enough funds to spare for arrow replacement in the military. For that reason, the usage of the bow was looked down upon and even a.s.sumed to be a misfortune than by using other arms.
"Is it really something like that?"

"Yes, it is, captain. In addition, I have to spend more on my meals in order to maintain this build of mine. Besides, training the body is the most important thing of all, isn't that right, captain?"

As he pumped up his left biceps to show off, while mentioning the word "training" in his advise, Yui shook his head left and right.
"Training? Me? You got to be joking. Even though I have been through a lot of hards.h.i.+ps in my life, if I were to exercise in my free time, I will die"

"Take it easy as long as it is not required to do so - that may be your motto, but captain, if you were to train more, then would the jobs be even easier to accomplish?"

"That is putting the cart before the horse, Kains"

Kains gave his recommendation with a smile without a tint of malice - while simultaneously flaunting the biceps of both arms. But with a worn-out face, Yui rejected him.
"Really? Well, leaving captain's training aside, what kind of place are we staying at this time?"

"Oh, that? It was a house which took care of me a long time ago. I am well acquainted with the children there, and the owner of that house is a nice and funny man"

Yui replied while closing his eyes, as if reminiscing the old days. The appearance of a father with a manly beard and his beautiful wife appeared among his memories.
"Oh, children, you say? I'm quite fond taking care of children, so it's just right. Can I play together with them?"

"Well, not particularly that young, so it's not particularly what you are expecting. Because that guy likes girls, I think that his play is different from what you are thinking."

Upon recalling the "play" he was involved with, Yui inadvertedly sighed.
"Eeh, so it's a brat? Considering it's older than a kid, maybe 12? 13?"

"Actually, it's 21"

The moment Yui replied, a certain person floated on Kain's mind, making his back stiffen unconsciously.

"Wait, please don't tell me we have met that child you are referring to. Is it really him?"
"It is. Because, you know, it is Eins' house"
Upon hearing his captain's answer, blots of sweat definitely not due to the heat from the body began to flow on Kains.

"In other words, the residence you are referring to……is the manor of the Archduke?"
"Yep, that's it. The House of Rhine. So stop worrying about the size of the bed. You will surely fit in, despite how big you are"
"No, the bed is not the problem here……"

Normally Kains would just retort with a smile, but right now that smile seemed to have a few cramps on it.


Pa.s.sing through the side gate of the profound rampart of the royal capital, a stone-paved boulevard filled with rows of large shops and inns was brought before their eyes.
Unlike Carlin, the scene of countless carriages and people bustling the street as they come and go caused Kains to dart his eyes about.

"Is this the royal capital? Even just in this street, these vast number of people is more than the population of our village"

"Oh, right. Kains came from the village near Carlin. I very well know how you feel about comparing it to your village, but this is the capital of Eltobourgh"
In the western region of the Falbug Continent, the Kingdom of Claris maybe a small country, but it was known as a kingdom rich in natural resources.

Grains, water resources, and abundance of magic stones.

These rich harvests, not only became provisions of the everyday life of the citizens, but also became the effective tools of commerce in transacting with the other countries. With these plenty of bargaining chips, it made Eltobourgh one of the leading commercial cities in the west of the continent.

As they entrusted the two horses that had been taken care of from Carlin to the military dedicated stables along the rampart, they started walking towards the military administrative building to receive the order of transfer.

The military affairs building where the headquarters of Ministry of Tactics to which Yui belongs to is located in the east district of the Kingdom, and from the South District where Yui and Kains were located, they have to walk a considerable distance to get there. While Yui who did not want to walk such a long distance tried to toss away his unmotivated aura but failed due to lacking the motivation to do so, Kains on his other side was little bit excited for it was his first trip in this royal city.

As the capital is overflowing with fresh surprises in this newcomer, while walking along the edge of the main street, Kains gazed around the cityscape with restlessness in his eyes. Time to time he stops in front of a certain shop, trying to look what's inside. Exactly like a country b.u.mpkin, Yui has lost count on how he pulled him out of his act many times.

While paying attention to Kains not getting lost, A structure two or more times larger than its surrounding buildings is getting closer and closer in their eyes, as if it was giving off a dignified air as they walked towards the eastern district.
Captain, this is a wonderful building"

"Of course it is. The town hall of Carlin is quite considerable, but here is the headquarters of the three military divisions: Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Magic, and the Ministry of Tactics"

When Kains and Yui arrived in front of the headquarters, he was already overwhelmed just by the size of it. For him who have never left Carlin since birth, the Carlin Town Hall, about half the size of the building before him, was the biggest building he have ever seen yet.

The military affairs building which boasts its huge size is the center of operations of the army of the whole kingdom. In this grand structure, each floor represents the main headquarters of the three ministries of the land; the first floor for the Ministry of Defense, the second floor for the Ministry of Magic, and finally the third floor for the Ministry of Tactics. On the fourth floor, the bureaucrats and offices for the heads of each the ministry are prepared. After the final decision involving military affairs was performed here, it will directly report to the royal family.

"Now then, let's go inside. First, we have to go to the headquarters of the Ministry of Tactics to report our arrival and receive the letter of appointment"

As soon as Yui said that, he urged Kains who was still engrossed and entered the building, and headed straight to the reception of the Ministry of Tactics headquarters on the third floor.

"Excuse me. I am Yui Ystats, belonging to the Tactics Division on the town of Carlin. I received a letter of rea.s.signment to this place"
When Yui arrived at the reception of the headquarters, he called a young lady wearing sitting in the front desk.

"I see. Mr. Yui Ystats. Please wait a moment"

As she said so, the bespectacled woman started to check the logs in order.

After waiting for about three minutes, the woman stood up from her seat, and in a panic, she faced them with a salute in reply.
"We are sorry for our impoliteness. Sir Yui Ystats. We have been waiting for you"

Upon seeing her sudden change in reaction, Yui couldn't even swallow the situation. And after the words of this girl came entered slowly in his brain, doubting the contents of her speech, he asked her while tilting his head.

"Fourth? I recall it was fifth or sixth rank if I'm not mistaken……"
"That maybe the case, but yesterday, we received an order of your promotion to fourth rank. Regarding the delegation of your future tasks, the head of the Bureau of Strategy will tell you directly, so could you please head to the director's office on the fourth floor?"

In these sudden change of events, excluding Yui's wishful thinking, no matter how he doesn't like to think about it, there is definitely something wrong around him. However, as there was too little information to determine his present condition, he could not make up a decent hypothesis.
When Yui saw the doc.u.ment of this relocation order is not from the Ministry of Tactics, that moment the name of a certain princess crossed his head, striking him with a bad feeling.

In a matter of seconds, Yui who was drowning in his sea of thoughts on the spot recovered consciousness suddenly, and noticing the uneasy eyes around him, could only say thank you with a salute and panicky ran, heading straight the steps to the fourth floor.

"What's the matter, captain?"
"That's what I want to know too"
Upon looking at Yui's reaction, Kains could only tilt his head in confusion.  He was anxious because he also doesn't know the answer, but when they arrived in the fourth floor, Yui's steps slowed down, until arriving at the front of the director's office.

But if I remember correctly, the Bureau of Strategy is the division captain previously belonged to, so is that just going back to your former post?"
"I think it's not. Back then, the director at that time who was my former boss, was also dismissed from the bureau at the same time as my change, and his successor, Wiseheld, is famous for strict discipline, so he probably hates people like me"
To serious military officers like Wiseheld, recalling the old days when he was disliked openly, Yui could only reply with a blank expression.

"Kains, we're here"
He said so, stopping in front of the door of the director's office. From there, Yui closed his eyes, took a deep breath then knocked at the door in a discreet manner.

"Yes, who is it?"
From the inside, a calm voice which he has heard somewhere before responded over the door. Yui answered in a hurry.
"Yui Ystats and Kains Wall a.s.suming our new post today"
"Oh, Yui and Kains, right? Please enter"
To those words with a sense of déjà vu bringing bewilderment to him, Yui prepared himself and opened the door.

"Yo, Yui. Long time no see"
"Sir Ahmad!"
A man with mixed gray hairs and was said to be in his mid-40's stood in front of them, evoking his past memories on the days he was still at the military school at once.

"Seeing your reaction, it seems that you still don't know that I came back to the military headquarters. On top of that, it was already two years ago"
Is that so? Please excuse my behavior, Director Ahamad"
"Stop with the director. Being in the military school for eight years, the teacher work is already ingrained in me. Even after two years have pa.s.sed I still feel uncomfortable in this position. So just treat me like the way we were before"
As Ahmad said that, he told Yui to sit down on the guest chair, while he also sat down and faced the opposite side with a smile.

"But I really don't know that teacher has come back to the military headquarters at all. Moreover, being promoted to third rank and leading the Bureau of Strategy? Belated congratulations"
"Thank you. Being promoted in all is a good thing, but for the position if a director is a quite a bit. As a matter of fact, I really wanted to continue being a teacher. Maybe the Director of the Bureau is Strategy sounds nice as a t.i.tle, it is just a pretext of being the manager of all the rats. Moreover, there are a lot of contents in this field that cannot be seem by others, so there are no friends who come to see me. That includes my subordinates too"

Ahmad made a deep sigh has he sank further into his chair.
"Teacher, have you become a bit thinner than before?"
Upon observing him for a while, Yui noticed that the gray hairs of Ahmad were increasing, and his body is a bit thinner than before. The Bureau of Strategy's work begins with the coordination among each ministry concerned with military affairs, and plays the main role of picking out information on domestic and foreign intelligence agents belonging to the kingdom.
As a military bureaucrat, Ahmad is more than qualified. Not only that, he has the flexibility to deal with different situations, rare for a bureaucrat. However, the work at the Bureau of Strategy, which also includes dirty jobs, is somewhat unsuitable for his character, as it was quickly seen in the anxiety in his face.

"Hey, it's not 'a bit' but 'just a little'. Well, that's because there are many ways to deal with this work, you know? Compared to that, teachers are better. Military cadets are also pure and innocent, and from time to time, I meet interesting pupils like you and your generation every now and then"
"Speaking of captain's generation. Is it the same as the sixth rank Lute of the royal guards?"
"You guessed it right, Mr. Kains. Lute, Alex and Yui. Their generation is called "The Golden 88 Generation", which are more excellent as compared to other generations. They also gave us the biggest headaches too, calling them as the "Nightmare 88 Generation" instead"
As Ahmad said so, he gently closed his eyes, reminiscing the old days.

"To think that captain also had such a youth. Though now he's like this"
Hearing the story of his captain's student days for the first time, Kains took a glance at Yui as if he was looking at something interesting.

"Just what do you mean by that?"

"Sorry to break your expectations, Kains. Yui was like that even since he became my student"
Ahmad pointed his thumb to Yui as he spoke to Kains. Yui on the other hand, could do nothing but scratch his head, as if giving up on the situation.
"Well, is it not a good thing? Putting aside how much teacher liked the military school, why was I recalled to the Ministry of Tactics?"
"Hmm, what was it again. Right, it is because of you that I am in my current position right now"
"Eh? Me? Really?"
Having no idea about this matter, Yui asked back.

"Yeah, it is all because of you. Wiseheld, my predecessor, did you know that he belonged to the Shalem faction?"
"No, he was not included in the Shalem faction whom I examined when I was still there. Even so, speaking of former Director Wiseheld, in the past, he used to work for the commander of the Ushana City in the south. What about him?"
"It is exactly as you said. The Ushana City is the capital city of the Count of Shalem. Since it was believed to be the hideout of the Shalem faction, it is natural to think he is from the said faction"
As Yui listed the faces of the soldiers involved in Ushana in his head, reconfirming the face that every one of them is from the Shalem faction, he nodded his head. Ahmad, who perceived it, opened his mouth again.

"During the chaotic period after you dismantled the Shalem faction, despite a few of them were able to return to the central with their connection and abilities, with them continuously losing influence, they were thrown out to the border regions once again. Not only him, all the posts that the former Shalem faction had completely taken care of, as if Military Affairs Minister Mepler was weeding out the place completely"
"So that's what happened. But Sir Ahmad, you did not have the impression that you are acquainted with Minister Mepler"
"Oh, about that, well I was one of the advisors for personal affairs like laying the groundwork to the four archdukes. For them, the t.i.tle of being a relative of Sir Rhine is an important matter. More important than my ability"
Seeing Ahamad giving a bitter smile, Yui could only shake his head.

"There is no human being worth more than teacher in terms of ability. And I can say that sentence without a tinge of flattery. Anyway, I understood the circ.u.mstances. However, for my boss to be Sir Ahmad, I feel that Kains and I can somehow manage with this"
As Yui took a glance at Kains at his right, Kains nodded, indicating he was pleased with Ahmad's personality. Looking at the two people with yearning feelings, Ahmad was somewhat pleased, but in that face traces of regret could be seen.

"Well, putting aside the past for now, I was originally going to invite you to the Bureau of Strategy, but something unexpected happened"
"Unexpected? By the way, I was told that I was promoted to fourth rank by the receptionist, when it is supposed to be fifth. Was it also related to that?"
Yui threw the doubts he had been holding on since they arrived at the reception of the Ministry of Tactics directly to Ahmad.

"That's right. To be honest with you, I still don't understand your position yet. That's because your personnel affairs will be the decided by the royal family. Your promotion is also due to the royal family directly addressing the military. Not even I know the reason"
"Why will they do that?"
"The hero Yui Ystats saved Princess Elise from a rebel's despicable trap. That's why"
After digesting the words Ahmad said in his brain, Yui tasted the feeling of his head suddenly aching, holding it with both of his hands as he went stiff in shock.
Then, after spending some time, when he finally put his thoughts in order, he turned his face to Ahmad with an embarra.s.sing expression.

"The "hero" part is just a mistake of someone else. I simpley wiped out the princess' failure"
"Even though we are the only ones around, you haven't really changed at all, Yui. Even since you were still my student, you are still acting like that. When I heard you have become a "hero", I thought you have grown up as an adult, even just a little. Well, it's better for you to be this way"
"Human beings don't change that often"
Shaking his head twice as he said so, Yui spread his hands to the left and right.

But for Ahmad who had seen it murmured something, unheard by his pupil's ears.

"That maybe the case, Yui. But the world will not allow you to remain as it is……and I’m sure of it"

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Unmotivated Hero's Tale (WN) Chapter 16-17 summary

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