Exercises in Knitting Part 4

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Narrow Vand.y.k.e Edging.

Pins No. 21, and linen thread No. 9. Cast on 8 st.i.tches.

First row:--Knit 4, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together.

Second row:--Slip 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 2 together, pa.s.s the thread twice round the pin, knit 2 together.

Third row:--Make 1, knit 1, knit the first half of next st.i.tch, seam the other half, knit 2, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together.

Fourth row:--Slip 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 4.

Fifth row:--Make 1, knit 6, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together.

Sixth row:--Slip 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 2 together, pa.s.s the thread twice round the pin, knit 2 together, pa.s.s the thread twice round, slip 1, knit 1, pa.s.s the slipped one over, knit 1.

Seventh row:--Knit 2, knit the first half of next st.i.tch, seam the other half, knit 1, knit first half of next st.i.tch, seam the other half, knit 2, make 1, knit 2 together, make 1, knit 2 together.

Eighth row:--Slip 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 2 together, knit 7.

Cast off 5 st.i.tches, and repeat from first row.

For a Baby's Hood--very pretty.

Done on 2 needles, No. 10, in German wool. Cast on 7 st.i.tches, for the crown.

First row:--Knit 1 st.i.tch, and bring the wool forward before each of the other 6 st.i.tches.

Knit a plain row.

Third row:--Knit 2 st.i.tches, make 1, knit 2, make 1. A plain row is knit between every increased one.

Next row:--Make 1 between every 3 st.i.tches, then between every 4, and so on, only increasing in the same plan, that is, 6 times in every other row, till you have 16 st.i.tches between every increased st.i.tch. Then knit a plain row.

Next row:--Make 1, and knit 2 st.i.tches together alternately throughout the row, cast off 12 st.i.tches on each side of your pins, knit 2 plain rows.

Next row:--Make 1, and knit 2 st.i.tches together alternately.

Knit 2 plain rows.

Next row:--Make 1, and knit 2 st.i.tches together alternately.

Knit 8 plain rows.

Next row:--Knit 12, make 1, knit 12, make 1, and repeat.

Knit a plain row, and continue commencing with 12 st.i.tches every other row, making 1 between every 12 st.i.tches, so that in every other row there is an additional st.i.tch between every increasing.

Continue the plain and increased row alternately, in the whole making 30 rows.

When the hood is made up, satin ribbon is first run between the holes, and then turned back, and stuffed with wool. It is turned over to the second of the 8 plain rows. Satin ribbon is run between the 3 rows of holes and the increased parts down the crown, which is sewed up. The curtain, or frill, is sewed to the back part, and is knit as follows:--Cast on 64 st.i.tches, knit 18 plain rows, then take up the st.i.tches at each side, and knit a plain row; bring the wool forward, and knit 2 together for the row, 1 plain row, cast off, then draw the ribbon through the holes, and sew on the frill. The crown is neatly lined with white Persian, and strings of sarcenet added. A rosette of ribbon is an improvement.

Pink, white, or blue wool, is the best colour to knit this hood in.

Very Pretty Pattern for a Fish Serviette.

No. 2 linen thread, and pins No. 14. Cast on 116 st.i.tches; 2 are for the edge on each side: knit 1 plain row, seam 1. The 2 st.i.tches for the edge are not mentioned in the pattern.

First row:--Knit 2 together, knit 3, knit 2 together (knit 1 and make 1 twice), knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 3, knit 2 together (knit 1 and make 1 twice), knit 2.

Second row:--Seamed.

Third row:--(Knit 2 together and knit 1 twice,) make 1, knit 3, make 1 (knit 1 and knit 2 together twice), knit 1, make 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 2, and repeat.

Fourth row:--Seamed.

Fifth row:--Slip 1, knit 2 together, pa.s.s the slipped st.i.tch over, knit 1, make 1, knit 5, make 1, knit 1, slip 1, knit 2 together, pa.s.s the slipped st.i.tch over, knit 1, make 1, knit 5, make 1, knit 2.

Sixth row:--Seamed.

Seventh row:--Knit 2 (make 1 and knit 1 twice), knit 2 together, knit 3, knit 2 together (knit 1 and make 1 twice), knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 3, knit 2 together, and repeat.

Eighth row:--Seamed.

Ninth row:--Knit 2, make 1, knit 3, make 1 (knit 1 and knit 2 together twice), knit 1, make 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 2 together.

Tenth row:--Seamed.

Eleventh row:--Knit 2, make 1, knit 5, make 1, knit 1, slip 1, knit 2 together, pa.s.s the slipped st.i.tch over the knit one, make 1, knit 5, make 1, knit 1, slip 1, knit 2 together, pa.s.s the slipped st.i.tch over, repeat.

Twelfth row:--Seamed.

Repeat these 12 rows till you have about 9 or 10 nails in length, then knit 1 plain row, seam 1 row, and cast off.

Two pretty Fringes for Chair Covers, &c.

No. 1. Cast on an even number of st.i.tches for covers, 8 will be a good number, and use double wool. Make 1 by pa.s.sing the wool round, seam 2 together, repeat; both rows are done in this manner: when sufficient fringe is done, cast off 4 st.i.tches, take out the other pin, and unravel the remaining st.i.tches.

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