Clair de Lune Part 21

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And what did you reply to your preposterous lover, little gipsy thief?




Unconscious, charming thief of affection that should tonight, if ever, have been faithful! So [_half to herself_] one can be jealous of a man without caring a rap for him! Well, it is something to have found out that vanity is the ruling pa.s.sion. I shall take more care of its feelings than ever after this. But--your story, little blind girl.



O--I stretched my arms out against this gentleman and prayed, and my prayer was heard, for Phedro came and said he thought he had heard you call, and this man went out telling me to remain, when a pair of hands suddenly laid hold upon my wrists and led me out into the air, then pushed me into this room.


Think how disappointed your lover will be when he returns and finds you gone!


I do not care what he should think.


Your affections are already a wreath upon some mortal head, eh?

DEA [_modestly_]

Yes, I love, I am beloved.

d.u.c.h.eSS [_quizzically regarding her_]

By whom, pray?


Messire Gwymplane of the circus troop.

d.u.c.h.eSS [_throwing back her head and laughing_]

No? Beloved by Gwymplane, you say?

[_GWYMPLANE looks at her in a horror of bewilderment, the point of her conduct beginning to pierce his heart._]


O yes, beloved by Gwymplane.


It seems to me, child, that upon this somewhat fantastic night we have perhaps changed partners.



[_GWYMPLANE stands rigidly silent. The d.u.c.h.eSS plucks a flower from a vase, throwing the petals over DEA'S head in a gesture half gay, half brutal._]


At last the whimsy of my soul is outmatched by the turn of events.


I hang upon your words, Madame, yet I do not understand them.


Still you and I have proven to each other, with and without intent, the existence of a quality common to the world at large--faithlessness, look you.

[_With an almost violent gesture she drags DEA over to GWYMPLANE and places her hand upon the familiar form._]


[_Feeling with gradually hurrying, hysterical fingers._]

Gwymplane, my love!


Ah, Dea, yes.


How wonderful to find you in this terrible nightmare--like a fire flaming up before snow-lost feet.


My Dea.

[_She puts her hand upon his shoulder, the d.u.c.h.eSS regarding them through her lorgnette._]


What an idyl! How it refreshes me to watch. However, come, clown, take the girl and begone. Here is a crown for your love--it did not please me, you know, so you are getting far more than your deserts.

DEA [_halting_]

Your love, Gwymplane? She said your love?

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Clair de Lune Part 21 summary

You're reading Clair de Lune. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Michael Strange. Already has 465 views.

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