Frederic Mistral Part 6

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coula, _to flow_.

couladis or couladisso, _flowing_.

abareja, _to throw pell-mell_.

abarejadis, _confusion_.

toumba, _to fall_.

toumbadis, -isso, _tottering_ (adj.).

This suffix is added to the past participle stem.

-isoun (fem.).

This suffix forms nouns from verbs in -i.

abalauvi, _to make dizzy_, _to confound_.

abalauvisoun, _vertigo_.

-men (masc.).

This corresponds to the French -ment; bastimen = batiment, _s.h.i.+p_.

abouli, _to abolish_.

aboulimen, _abolition_.

toumba, _to fall_.

toumbamen, _fall_.

-men (adverb).

urous, urouso, _happy_.

urousamen, _happily_.

It is to be noted here that the adverb has the vowel of the old feminine termination _a_, and not the modern _o_.

-ot (masc.), -oto (fem.).

A diminutive suffix.

vilo, _town_.

viloto, _little town_.

Sometimes the stem no longer exists separately.

mignot, mignoto, _darling_.

pichot, pichoto, _little boy_, _little girl_.

-oto (fem.)., _to pa.s.s_.

pa.s.saroto, _pa.s.sing to and fro_.

-ou (masc.).

This is a noun-suffix of very frequent use. It seems to be for Latin -or and -orium.

jouga, _to play_.

jougadou, _player_.

abla, _to brag_ (cf. Fr. _habler_).

abladou, _braggart_.

abausi, _to abuse, to exaggerate_.

abausidou, _braggart_.

courre, _to run_.

courredou, _corridor_.

lava, _to wash_.

lavadou, _lavatory_.

espande, _to expand_.

espandidou, _expanse, panorama_.

escourre, _to flow out_.

escourredou, _pa.s.sage_, _hollow_.

toumba, _to fall_.

toumbadou, _water-fall_.

abeura, _to water_.

abeuradou, _drinking-trough_., _to sift_.

pa.s.sadou, _sieve_.

mounda, _to winnow_.

moundadou, _sieve_.


This is an adjective suffix.

iver, _winter_.

ivernouge, _wintry_.

-oun (masc.), -ouno (fem.).

A diminutive suffix.

enfan, _child_.

enfantoun, enfantouno, _little child_.

pauriho, _the poor_.

paurihoun, _poor wretch_.

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Frederic Mistral Part 6 summary

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