Pucked: Pucked Over Part 29

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"Plans?" Sunny and I ask at the same time.

"We're having a girl's night in and sending the boys out for a few hours."

"But they're just getting back."

"There's a game on tonight, and they're playing the team next week. They're going to sit in front of the TV for three hours and talk strategy like they always do. I'm not interested in listening to that c.r.a.p. So the plan is this: the guys come home, we send them to the pub while the game's on-"

"Or Darren's since he lives down the street," Charlene interjects.

"Or Darren's. Wherever has beer and better food. They come back after the game, and we can all disappear into bedrooms and enjoy some alone time."

Sunny raises her hand.

"You don't have to raise your hand, Sunny. You're free to speak anytime," Violet says.

"I haven't seen Miller in two weeks. I'd like to have some alone time before he goes out to the pub. Or Darren's."

"No alone time before the pub," Violet says.

"What? Why not?"

"Because that's what they expect. Look, I know you're all excited about moving here, Sunny, and you're super in love with Buck, or Miller, or whatever you want to call him, but trust me; you need to make him wait for it."

"She's right." Charlene nods her agreement.

"I only have a little more than a week here, so I'm not sure what the point is in making Randy wait," I say.

Violet comes to a stop at a red light and points at me. Her nails are really nice. "You especially need to make him wait."

"I don't see why."

"Because you need to make sure he gets that you're not at his whim, that your beaver is a snowflake and should be treated as such."

She's not even making sense now. I stop arguing and let her rant. A few minutes later we pull up to the sweetest house I've ever seen. It's two-stories of white clapboard with adorable gardens lining the front porch. Two solar panels are attached to the roof. The backyard is modest in comparison to her parents place in Guelph, and there's no pool, but a dog run has been installed, and a small gla.s.s greenhouse sits at the back of the property.

Sunny cries. Violet pats her back and steers her inside, where we pop a bottle of champagne and take a tour of the four-bedroom home. It's cozy and exactly the kind of place Sunny loves. Live plants inhabit every window, and dog beds are set up in the living room and Sunny's bedroom, which has been outfitted with a brand new four-poster bed with a sheer curtain. It's romantic and gorgeous.

"There's no way Alex picked out this stuff," Sunny says through a fresh round of sniffles.

"Buck helped out, and so did Charlene and I, because you know how boys are." Violet's smile says it all.

"How did you find the time to do this?" Sunny can't stop the tears.

Violet hugs her again. "Alex hired someone to decorate. All I did was oversee the furniture decisions and make sure everything didn't end up Chicago team colors."

"You guys are the best."

When Sunny stops crying, we resume the tour. In the bedroom at the far end of the hall, I lose the battle and join the emotional breakdown brigade. Turning to Sunny and Violet, I motion to the room, but I don't have words, so I keep gesturing, hoping they'll get what I'm not able to say.

"I wanted to be prepared for whatever you decide," Sunny says softly. "And you need a room here no matter what."

"Where did you get all these?" Along one wall are skating pictures. Of me. As a teenager on the brink of moving from compet.i.tive to Olympic trials. I never did, of course, but the images are beautiful-movement captured in still form.

"My mom used to take them all the time." Sunny rubs my back and puts an arm around my shoulder. Her smile is sad. "I don't want to do this without you."

Being here in this gorgeous house, knowing Sunny's staying and I have to go back to Guelph at the end of the holidays, makes me seriously evaluate my options.

"Okay. This is way too premenstrual for me," Violet says. "We need more drinks!"

"Totally!" Charlene agrees.

We end up spending way longer than we intended to at Sunny's new place, partly because we polish off the rest of the champagne. Violet only has one gla.s.s, but she's paranoid about driving Alex's car, so we hang around in Sunny's living room while Violet caffeinates herself and the rest of us keep drinking.

It isn't until everyone's phones start pinging that we realize it's late afternoon.

"Oh, s.h.i.+tb.a.l.l.s!" Violet jumps to her feet. "We gotta go! The guys are already on their way back to the house!"

Charlene, Sunny, and I chug the rest of our drinks and leave them on the coffee table.

"Why is winter so painful? Why are there so many zippers!" Violet says as we scramble around each other, trying to get our boots on.

"Our bags are still in the trunk," Sunny says as we climb into the backseat.

"You're staying at Alex's tonight anyway. We're all gonna be too drunk to go anywhere."

"But I wanna sleep in my new bed."

"They'll be plenty of opportunity, trust me." Violet pulls out and tears down the street.

She's a freaking menace on the road. Sunny and I white-knuckle it all the way to Alex's. I get a text about halfway there. It's from Randy: I can't wait 4 p.u.s.s.y prison.

Other phones start dinging ten minutes later. Sunny checks her messages. "They're already at Alex's, Vi."


"I can always tell Alex I asked you to pick us up in the fun car," Sunny suggests.

"He won't believe you, and I can't lie."

I'm actually kind of interested to see how this is going to play out. Alex has a temper sometimes. I can't see him getting super p.i.s.sed about the car, but then maybe it's a bigger issue than I realize. Or Violet's being dramatic. Either option is possible.

We pull into the driveway, and Violet hits the b.u.t.ton for the garage. She creeps in, checking the side mirrors a million times. The car jerks as she hits the brakes repeatedly, inching forward until she taps the garbage can in front of it.

She puts the car in park and cuts the engine. Shrugging out of her coat, she flails around. "I'm so sweaty." Then she opens the top two b.u.t.tons on her black-and-red plaid, fitted b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt. "Watch how it's done, ladies."

Alex opens up the door to the garage as Violet gets out of the car. "Hey, baby!" she exclaims. "We totally lost track of time. I'm so glad you're home!"

She runs over to him. It's awkward; she's got her shoulders back and her chest pushed out. She nearly trips up the three steps on the way to meet him as he comes down. She falls into him, throwing her arms around his neck. She's practically popping out of her s.h.i.+rt.

"Hi, baby." Alex isn't looking at the car anymore. His eyes are right where Violet wants them. He runs his hands down her sides and stops at her a.s.s.

Maybe they've forgotten we're all here.

I look at Charlene and Sunny. As usual, Sunny's focused on her phone. Charlene is grinning. I open my mouth to ask a question, but she puts her finger to her lips, signaling for me to wait.

Violet kisses the bottom of his chin, because that's as high up as she can reach, even on tiptoes. "I missed you."

Alex makes a noise, but dips his head and kisses her lips. "Me too. I hate being gone more than a week." He rubs his nose against hers. It's so sweet I want to gag. "You know I don't drive The Colonel in the winter, baby."

"I changed purses and couldn't find my keys. I'm sorry." Violet pushes away from him and his eyes go back to her rack. "Oh, the b.u.t.tons on this s.h.i.+rt are the worst. I'll put these away until later." She winks.

"I can help." Alex sticks his finger into her cleavage.

Charlene gives me a raised eyebrow and slams her car door shut. Alex jumps, like he's just realized we're all here. "Hey! Hi!" He jams his hands in his pocket and turns to the side. It doesn't hide what's happening in his pants. He untucks his s.h.i.+rt to cover the issue.

There's a flurry of action and hugs, then Alex yells out for a hand bringing bags inside. I get as far as the hallway before I'm tackle-hugged by Randy. He lifts me right off my feet and buries his face in my neck.

"Hi." I giggle-moan at the feel of his beard and his lips parting against my skin.

"I can't wait to go to p.u.s.s.y prison," he murmurs in my ear.

And just like that, I'm ready to get undressed and take him. Except we're standing in Alex's hallway, and our friends are here. Randy spins around and for a second I think I'm going to end up against a wall. Instead he carries me down the hall.

Everyone's staring. Lance is slack-jawed. Miller's got a frown going on, and Alex's expression matches. Darren c.o.c.ks an eyebrow.

"No way, b.a.l.l.s!" Miller shouts. "You and Lily aren't allowed in bathrooms together!"

Randy doesn't listen. He sidesteps through a door. It's not a bathroom, though; it's a laundry room. He tries to shut the door, but Miller's leaning against it. He makes Alex look small and Randy skinny, which he's definitely not.

Randy leans back, his arms straining. "I need a little something right here." He sets me down and taps his lips.

I push my fingers through his hair. It's grown out in the past two weeks, hitting below his cheekbones. I rise up on my toes and press a soft kiss to his mouth.

"Seriously, b.a.l.l.s, can't you wait, like, five minutes?" Miller asks.

"I'm just saying h.e.l.lo, and I'm looking for a little privacy to do that." Randy gives the door a hard shove with his shoulder. Miller shouts and Randy turns the lock. "And now we have some."

His smile holds anything but humor as he lifts me up and sets me on the dryer. It's the perfect height. I part my legs and scootch forward so I can feel his hard-on. And he's definitely hard. Randy leaves wet kisses on my neck as he cuts a path up to my mouth.

"You're terrible."

"I know. We don't have to stay here long-like fifteen minutes, and then we can go back to my place where we can play until you have to go back to Canadia."

Miller knocks on the door. Or maybe it's Alex. I don't care. All I know is Randy's tongue is in my mouth, looking for something to tangle with.

"Why're you wearing pants? They're so inconvenient," he complains.

I laugh into his mouth and wrap my legs around his waist. He's dry-humping the h.e.l.l out of me, and the seam of my jeans is. .h.i.tting the right spot. Like that time in the bathroom at the exhibition game, I get that s.h.i.+mmery feeling-the one where I'm sure if we keep going I'll probably come. Randy finds his way under my s.h.i.+rt. Tickling along my ribs, he slides his finger under my bra until he reaches my nipple.

"I seriously need you naked. It's not even funny."

I keep rubbing up on him, grinding harder. I'm whimpering and yanking on his hair. Randy breaks the kiss to look at me. "You're gonna come aren't you?"


He gives me that smile I used to love-hate and now I just want to suck off his face. With my v.a.g.i.n.a. "I should be inside you for that."

That's all it takes-and the friction, and the way he pinches my nipple. The o.r.g.a.s.m slams into me like a linebacker on crack. It's a toe-curling, mind-numbing, full-on quiver attack. I try not to make a sound, because there are people on the other side of the door-and if I can hear them they can certainly hear me-but I fail. It's a high-pitched moan that includes Randy's name.

I'm not even close to being over the crest of it when the door bursts open. All my muscles are locked like I've been dipped in liquid nitrogen. Randy doesn't even bother to look at them, his focus is singular: me.

I bite my lip, a whole-body tremor making my eyes roll up.

"Oh, wow." That's Sunny.

"Is she-" Charlene starts.

"Oh, definitely," Violet interjects. "Check out her toes."

The commentary kills the end of the o.r.g.a.s.m. I glance over at the three of them gawking at us. Randy seems totally unfazed. In fact, he's smug as f.u.c.k.

"Um. You should stay there. Both of you." Sunny holds her hand out to the side. Lance collides with it, and she pushes him back. "All of you."

Violet fans herself. "I feel like I just watched p.o.r.n."

"Close the d.a.m.n door!" I finally croak, collapsing against Randy's chest.

He's laughing. I'm so mortified I could die.

"Kinda pointless now, don't ya think?" Violet asks. "Seven minutes in heaven is up, b.a.l.l.s. I hope yours aren't too blue right now. Either that, or you need a change of pants, and I need a drink." She turns away. "Alex, baby, can you make me those shots I like? The ones you call panty removers?"

When I look back, Sunny has her hair twirled around her finger, and she's brus.h.i.+ng it across her lips. Randy helps me off the was.h.i.+ng machine. I slide down the front of his body and feel his hard-on against my stomach. I don't know how he can still be so smirky. He pats my a.s.s as we step out into foyer. Thankfully, most of the crowd has already moved on. It's only Miller and Sunny. He gives Randy a look, then puts an arm around Sunny's shoulder and guides her down the hall.

My face feels like I have the worst sunburn in the world. I'm usually a private person. Private about s.e.x, about my life, about pretty much everything, so knowing all these people heard me in the throes of ecstasy-because that's exactly what it was-is the pinnacle of embarra.s.sing. Randy picks me up and sets me on a stool at Alex's breakfast bar, then he hugs me from behind. I don't know what to think about all this affection. Apparently neither does anyone else, because it's not me getting weird looks-despite my loud o.r.g.a.s.m-it's Randy. Maybe I'm not alone in thinking this thing between us doesn't seem totally casual anymore.

Alex makes us all shooters, which we drink. Then the guys have beers, and Violet offers us c.o.c.ktails or wine. Since we've already been drinking wine, we decide it's safest to stick with the same thing. I feel a little bad for Lance, since he's the only one without a girl-not that I'm Randy's girl or anything. Even if it feels a little like I am.

Violet mentions her plan to get rid of the guys. There's some serious protesting, mostly on Randy's part, but also from Miller. Violet whispers something to Alex, and his eyebrows rise. He slaps his thighs and stands up. "All right, guys, guess we're going out to watch the game since the girls are watching Magic Mike Two."

"It's XXL," Violet corrects.

"I don't like your friends very much right now," Randy mutters in my ear.

"I'll be here when you get back." I pat his cheek and get off the stool.

He gives me a look. "No sleep tonight."

"It's totally overrated."

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Pucked: Pucked Over Part 29 summary

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