Business English Part 21

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16. The Bon Ton has a big sale in mens' and womens'


17. Why, it's March! No wonder their having a sale.

18. We shall give you a special discount if you will send your dealer's name.

19. Most of the dealer's advertise very little.

20. It's just a year ago since we received your last order.

21. Its not willingness we lack; it's time.

22. If you use our safety device, you may leave you're window open with security, and you will arise refreshed, ready for a big days work.

23. Lets take our vacation when they take their's.

24. I think we shall have to take our's in August. Two of us must stay during July, for the work will not do it's self, you know.

25. In any explanation it should be the writers purpose to so describe his good's that the reader will desire them. A good salesman never shows a necktie in a box. He takes it out and with a deft twist forms it's length into a four-in-hand over his finger. The customer then sees not only the scarf, it's color and its weave, but he sees it in it's relation to himself, as it will look when it's tied.

=Exercise 86=

Supply _who_ or _whom_:

1. ---- did you take me for?

2. The s.h.i.+pping clerk, ---- I consider responsible for the mistake, must go.

3. The s.h.i.+pping clerk, ---- I feel certain is responsible for the mistake, must go.

4. ---- is it?

5. ---- shall I say called?

6. ---- do you wish to see?

7. ---- did you say was elected?

8. He is the one ---- every one thought should be elected.

9. Choose the one ---- you think will give the best service.

10. Choose the one ---- you think you can trust.

11. She asked me ---- did it.

12. ---- do you think is the best salesman in the firm?

13. ---- do you regard as the best salesman in the firm?

14. ---- was that ---- you were talking to?

15. He is the one ---- I was speaking about.

16. ---- do we play next week?

17. He is a workman ---- can be trusted.

18. He is a workman upon ---- you can depend.

19. This letter comes from Robert, ---- we all know very well.

20. This letter comes from Robert, ---- we all know writes good letters.

21. ---- do you consider to be most capable? [The subject of the infinitive _to be_ must be in the objective case.]

22. This booklet was written by the man ---- Mr.

Bardon considers [to be] the best correspondent in our office.

23. He is the one ---- every one believes to be worthy of the highest honors.

24. The critic ---- every one thought gave the most truthful account of the performance is a man of great culture.

Supply _whoever_ or _whomever_:

1. Give the book to ---- needs it.

2. Give it to ---- you think best.

3. ---- I send can be trusted.

4. Send me ---- is there.

5. Send me ---- you find there.

6. ---- reaches the line first will receive the cup.

7. The cup will be given to ---- reaches the lines first.

8. In the country lane he spoke to ---- he met.

9. ---- you choose may compete for the prize.

10. ---- you bring is welcome.

=Exercise 87=

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Business English Part 21 summary

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