Business English Part 22

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Read the following sentences, using one of the forms in italic. Be able to give a reason for your choice.

1. _He_--_him_ and _I_--_me_ are going camping next summer.

2. It is a question that refers to you and _I_--_me_.

3. It is a question between you and _I_--_me_.

4. I am sure that it was _she_--_her_.

5. I am sure that we saw you and _he_--_him_.

6. _We_--_us_ boys are going camping.

7. Will you go camping with _we_--_us_ boys?

8. _They_--_them_ and their cousins are going camping.

9. We bought a large piece of ground so that my brother and _I_--_me_ could have a garden.

10. It was bought for _he_--_him_ and _I_--_me_.

11. Is that _he_--_him_ entering the gate? Yes, that is _he_--_him_.

12. _Who_--_whom_ should I meet at the station but old Mr. McGregor, _who_--_whom_ I had not seen for several years.

13. If I were _he_--_him_, I should start at once.

14. There is no need of _him_--_his_ staying any longer.

15. He does not work so rapidly as _I_--_me_.

16. Mary and _she_--_her_ work in the same office.

17. There is no danger of _me_--_my_ failing.

18. Please let _she_--_her_ and _I_--_me_ do the work together.

19. There is no use of _us_--_our_ trying any more.

20. _Us_--_our_ giving up now will spoil everything.

21. My mother objected to _me_--_my_ going.

22. Why did you insist upon _us_--_our_ coming to-day?

23. I hardly think it is _he_--_him_ _who_--_whom_ is to blame.

24. I should like to be _she_--_her_.

25. _They_--_them_ that do wrong shall be punished.

26. _They_--_them_ that do wrong I shall punish.

27. _He_--_him_ that is your friend you can call upon in your hour of need.

28. _He_--_him_ that is your friend will respond to your call.

29. The manager praised both the bookkeepers and _we_--_us_ girls.

30. Was it you who called? Yes, it was _I_--_me_.

31. It surely was not _I_--_me_ whom you saw.

32. He reproved us both but _I_--_me_ more than _she_--_her_.

33. Are you sure it's _I_--_me_ whom he appointed?

34. If it's really _I_--_me_ who was appointed, I'm sure I should have been notified.

35. I'm sure it can't be _I_--_me_.

=Exercise 88--_Same_ as a p.r.o.noun=

One of the worst constructions found in business letters of today is the use of _same_ as a p.r.o.noun. The word may be an adjective or a noun but never a p.r.o.noun.

_Wrong_: Will you please fill out the enclosed blank and return _same_ as soon as possible?

_Right_: Will you please fill out the enclosed blank and return _it_ as soon as possible?

In each of the following sentences subst.i.tute a noun or a p.r.o.noun for _same_:

1. Will you not send us a check by Friday so that we may use same for our pay roll on

2. Do you wish to bid for our cinder output this year?

We have a sample car that we shall be glad to have you inspect if you think you will have any use for same.

3. We have no use for the material this year, but we thank you for giving us an opportunity to bid for same.

4. If you are dissatisfied with the machine, return same at our expense.

5. You state that you sent us an order on June 10, but we cannot find any trace of same.

6. We are in the market for two dozen Standard clothes wringers, and we should be glad to receive your lowest price on same.

7. We have given you credit for this amount and desire to thank you for your promptness in sending same.

8. We have your letter of November 6 and thank you for same.

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Business English Part 22 summary

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