Business English Part 33

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2. I ---- all day waiting for help to arrive.

3. Where did you ---- the purse?

4. I ---- it on your desk.

5. I have ---- the letters on your desk.

6. They told me to ---- down. I ---- down for about two hours.

7. As I wished to bleach the clothes, I ---- them on the gra.s.s.

8. ---- the bundle down and listen to me.

9. You will probably find your cap ----ing where it has ----since you dropped it.

10. They let the field ---- fallow.

11. How long has it ---- fallow?

12. Yesterday he ---- on the gra.s.s almost all day.

13. The hunter ---- still and watched.

14. He ---- his gun beside him and waited.

15. It will ---- undisturbed till morning.

16. ---- down awhile before dinner.

17. I don't know how long he has ---- here.

18. He let his tools ---- in the rain.

=Exercise 113--Troublesome Verbs=

=Sit, Set=

_Sit_ is intransitive and signifies _to rest_. _Set_ is transitive and means _to place_. Insert the correct form:

1. I have ---- the ferns in the rain.

2. ---- down for a few minutes.

3. She drew up a chair and ---- down, while we were ----ting down the probable expenses of the new house.

4. Why don't you ---- us a good example?

5. ----ting the table is not strenuous enough for one who has been ----ting all day.

6. The hen is ----ting on her eggs.

7. The man is ----ting out trees.

8. ---- still; I'll go.

=Fly, Flow, Flee=

Remember that birds _fly_; rivers _flow_; hunted creatures _flee_.

9. Still the river ---- on its accustomed course.

10. Every autumn the birds ---- south.

11. The birds have not yet ---- away.

12. The deer ---- before the dogs.

=Rise, Raise=

_Rise_ is intransitive; _raise_ is transitive.

13. I have been trying all morning to ---- this window.

14. I set the bread to ----.

15. He will surely ---- in his profession.

=Teach, Learn=

16. Will you ---- me how to play tennis?

17. I thought you had ---- how to play tennis.

18. I ---- (past tense) her the new system of filing.

=May, Can=

_May_ signifies permission; _can_ denotes possibility.

19. ---- I use your book?

20. ---- you write shorthand?

21. ---- I go with you?

22. My mother says that I ---- go with you.

=Might, Could=

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Business English Part 33 summary

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