Business English Part 34

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_Might_ is the past tense of _may_, and _could_ is the past tense of _can_.

23. He said that I ---- go.

24. He ---- do the work if he wished.

25. Did you say I ---- use your typewriter?

=Exercise 114--Accept, Except=

_Accept_ means _to receive_. _Except_ as a verb means _to exclude_; as a preposition it means _with the exception of_. Insert the correct form in the following:

1. Did you ---- the position? Yes, no one applied for it ---- me.

2. I have no other reason for not ----ing your invitation ---- that I shall not be in the city.

3. ---- Mary all ----ed the invitation.

4. He would not ---- the money ---- on one condition.

5. Why do you ---- him from the general offer that you are making?

6. I agree with you ---- on one point.

7. He ----ed the rebuke in silence.

8. We were forced to ---- their conditions.

9. He said he would not ---- the money ---- that he knew he could return it.

10. You have answered everything ---- what I asked you.

=Exercise 115--Affect, Effect=

_Affect_ means _to influence_. It is always a verb. _Effect_ as a verb means _to bring to pa.s.s_; as a noun it means _result_. Insert the correct form in the following sentences:

1. His opinion does not ---- the case.

2. How does war ---- trade?

3. His walking has had a good ---- upon his health.

4. The ruling did not ---- the wholesale dealers, but it had a big ---- upon us.

5. What ---- did the loss have upon him?

6. The failure of the bank ----ed the small depositors but had no ---- upon the big business men.

7. The ---- of the law has been startling because of the number of people ----ed by it.

8. They ----ed the consolidation, but thereby produced a bad ---- upon the price of their stock.

9. The accident seriously ----ed his nervous system.

In fact, the ---- of the fall is only gradually disappearing.

10. Did the celebrated physician really ---- a cure?

=Exercise 116--Lose, Loose=

_Lose_ is a verb, while _loose_ is usually an adjective. The two should be carefully distinguished. Insert the correct form:

1. I have a note book with ---- leaves.

2. Aren't you afraid you will ---- some of the ---- leaves of that book?

3. Be careful that you don't ---- that ---- bolt.

4. Do you remember that you had warned me that I'd ---- the ---- b.u.t.ton on my coat? I did ---- it not five minutes afterward.

5. One of the hinges of the door has become ----.

6. Do not ---- the ---- change in that pocket.

7. He will ---- the parcel as the cord is ----.

8. Did you ---- the ---- leaf journal?

9. She may ---- the money, as the clasp of her purse is ----.

10. I keep my ---- journal paper together by a rubber band so that there will be no chance of ----ing it.

=Exercise 117--Had ought=

_Wrong_: We had ought to go.

_Right_: We ought to go.

_Wrong_: We had ought to have gone.

_Right_: We ought to have gone.

Correct the following sentences:

1. I had ought to have studied harder.

2. You ought to do it, hadn't you?

3. Hadn't you ought to have gone?

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Business English Part 34 summary

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