A School History of the Great War Part 11

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Aug. 12 France and Great Britain declare war on Austria-Hungary.

Aug. 16 British expeditionary force landed in France.

Aug. 18 Russia invades East Prussia.

Aug. 21-23 Battle of Mons-Charleroi. Dogged retreat of French and British in the face of the German invasion.

Aug. 23 j.a.pan declares war on Germany.

Aug. 23 Tsingtau (Kiaochow) bombarded by j.a.panese.

Aug. 25- Russians overrun Galicia. Lemberg taken (Sept. 2); Dec. 15 Przemysl besieged (Sept. 16 to Oct. 15, and again after Nov. 12). Dec. 4, Russians 3-1/2 miles from Cracow.

Aug. 26 Germans destroy Louvain, in Belgium.

Aug. 26 Allies conquer Togo, in Africa.

Aug. 26-31 Russians defeated in battle of Tannenberg (page 85).

Aug. 28 British naval victory of Helgoland Bight, in North Sea.

Aug. 31 Name of St. Petersburg changed to Petrograd.

Sept. 5 Great Britain, France, and Russia agree not to make peace separately.

Sept. 6-10 First battle of the Marne (page 81).

Sept. 7 Germans take Maubeuge, in northern France.

Sept. 11 Australians take German New Guinea, etc.

Sept. 12-17 Battle of the Aisne.

Sept. 16 Russians driven from East Prussia.

Sept. 22 Three British armored cruisers sunk by a submarine.

Sept. 27 Invasion of German Southwest Africa by Gen. Botha.

Oct. 9 Germans occupy Antwerp, the chief port of Belgium.

Oct. 16-28 Battle of the Yser, in Flanders, Belgium. Belgians and French halt German advance.

Oct. 17- Battle of Flanders, near Ypres, saving Channel ports.

Nov. 15

Oct. 21-28 German armies driven back in Poland.

Oct. 28- De Wet's rebellion in British South Africa.

Dec. 8

Oct. 29 Turkish war s.h.i.+p bombards Odessa, Russia.

Nov. 1 German naval victory off the coast of Chile.

Nov. 3-5 Russia, France, and Great Britain declare war on Turkey.

Nov. 7 Fall of Tsingtau (Kiaochow) to the j.a.panese and British.

Nov. 10- Austrian invasion of Serbia (page 87).

Dec. 14

Nov. 10 German cruiser "Emden" destroyed in Indian Ocean.

Nov. 21 Basra, on Persian Gulf, occupied by British.

Dec. 8 British naval victory off the Falkland Islands.

Dec. 16 German wars.h.i.+ps bombard towns on east coast of England.

Dec. 17 Egypt proclaimed a British protectorate, under a sultan.

Dec. 24 First German air raid on England.


Jan. 1- Russians attempt to cross the Carpathians.

Feb. 13

Jan. 24 British naval victory of Dogger Bank, in North Sea.

Jan. 25- Russians again invade East Prussia, but are defeated in Feb. 12 the battle of the Mazurian Lakes.

_Jan. 28 American merchantman "William P. Frye" sunk by German cruiser._

Feb. 4 Germany's proclamation of "war zone" around the British Isles after February 18.

_Feb. 10 United States note holding German government to a "strict accountability" for destruction of American lives or vessels._

Feb. 10 Anglo-French squadron bombards Dardanelles forts.

Mar. 1 Announcement of British "blockade" of Germany.

Mar. 10 British capture Neuve Chapelle, in northern France.

Mar. 22 Russians capture Przemysl, in Galicia.

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A School History of the Great War Part 11 summary

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