European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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[=mucor=, Batsch. Minute, fugacious. P. plicate, grey; g. adnate, distant, greyish white; s. hyaline, white, inserted in an orbicular disc.
[=echinipes=, Lasch. Minute, white. P. camp. hyaline, striate; g. thick, distant; s. thickish, glabrous, base slightly bulbous, hairy.
=pterigena=, Fr. Pale rose colour. P. 1-2 mm. camp. obtuse; g. adnate, broad, distant; s. 4-6 mm. thin, wavy, smooth, ending in a radially strigose disc; sp. ----.
[=trachelina=, Fr. P. brown, fibrillose; g. adnate, broad floccoso-fimbriate; s. villosely squamulose, bulbillose, strigosely rooting.
[=cyanorhiza=, Q. P. striate, greyish white; g. broad, whitish; s.
greyish white, base somewhat swollen, hairy, blue.
IX. INSIt.i.tIAE. _Stem very slender, not rooting nor attached by a disc but penetrating the substratum abruptly. Gills adnate._
=corticola=, Fr. P. 3-6 mm. obtuse, umbil. sulcate, blackish, brown, grey, &c.; g. adnate, broad; s. 1.5 cm. slender, incurved, minutely scurfy; sp. ----.
=hiemalis=, Osbeck. P. 4-7 mm. camp. umb. striate, pinkish, rufescent, white, &c., often pruinose; g. narrow; s. 2-3 cm. curved, base downy; sp. 7-8 3.
Differs from _M. corticola_ in narrow gills, and striate not sulcate pileus.
=codoniceps=, Cke. P. 2-3 mm. high and 1.5 mm. broad, pale umber, not exp. sulcate, delicately hairy; g. adnate; s. 4-7 mm. umber below; sp. 5 2.5.
=setosa=, Sow. White. P. 1 mm. obtuse, smooth, g. almost free; s. 2-3 cm. slender, covered with delicate spreading hairs; sp. ----.
=capillaris=, Fr. White. P. 2 mm. camp. obtuse, then umbil.; g. adnate, few; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. hair-like, wavy, glabrous; sp. 7-8 4.
[=stipularis=, Fr. Very minute and delicate. P. convex sub.u.mbil. rosy, as are also the gills; s. downy, yellowish.
=juncicola=, Fr. P. 2-3 mm. striate, glabrous, rufescent or rosy; g.
adnate, distant; s. 1-1.5 cm. glabrous, fuscous; sp. ----.
A. _Gills white or clear coloured, not grey; flesh white._
I. STRIAEPEDES. _Stem stout, hollow or loosely stuffed, sulcate or fibrillosely striate._
* _Gills white, rather distant._
=radicata=, Relh. P. 3-7 cm. exp. gibbous, rugose, viscid, brownish ochre; g. distant, white; s. 10-18 cm. attenuated upwards, glabrous, rooting; 14-15 8-9.
=longipes=, Bull. P. 3-5 cm. exp. umb. dry, minutely velvety, pale brown; s. 8-12 cm. velvety, with a rooting base, brownish; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. velutipes_ in dry, velvety pileus.
=veluticeps=, Rea. P. 3-6 cm. velvety, tawny; g. sinnato-adnate, deep ochre; st. 4-7 cm. fusiform, striate, slightly velvety, with rhizomorphic mycelium; sp. 7-8 3-4.
[=elevata=, Weinm. P. tough, exp. subfibrillose, umbo evanescent, greyish white, s.h.i.+ning, floccosely scaly; g. s.h.i.+ning white then dingy; s. long, striate, abruptly rooting.
=platyphylla=, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. exp. obtuse, moist, fibrillosely virgate, brown or greyish; g. truncate behind, white; s. 7-10 cm. striate, pallid, base abrupt, with cord-like strands of mycelium; sp. 9-10 6.
var. _repens_, Ach. P. depr.; s. hollow, compr. apex pruinose, rhizomorphic mycelium copious, anastomosing.
=semitalis=, Fr. P. 3-8 cm. exp. obtuse, glabrous, moist, sooty or livid ochraceous, pale when dry; g. white, blackish when bruised, finally obscure; s. 2-4 cm. fibrillose, with a thin cartilaginous cuticle, brownish or grey; sp. 7-9 4-5.
[=lentiniformis=, Karst. P. convexo-plane, umbil. or depr. irreg. even, glabrous, rufescent; g. almost free, crowded, white then spotted black; s. apex thickened and silky, whitish, blackish when bruised; sp. 10-11 4-6.
Resembling _Lentinus cochleatus_ in form and colour.
[=concolor=, Del. White then tan. P. umboniform then exp. even, rarely scaly; g. adnexed, pallescent; s. solid, equal, glabrous.
[=loripes=, Fr. Caespitose. P. exp. flexuose, lax, yellowish rufous, even, glabrous; g. white then sulphur yellow; s. pallid, flexuous, fibrillosely striate.
[=aerina=, Q. P. flexuous, tomentose, coppery olive; g. distant, yellow; s. striate, orange yellow.
=fusipes=, Bull. P. 3-7 cm. exp. umbo at length disappearing, rufous or dingy tan, often cracked; g. adnexed, white then dingy; s. 7-10 cm.
ventricose, grooved, rooting, glabrous, cartilaginous; sp. 5-6 3-4.
Tufted. Edible.
var. _oedematopa_, Schaeff. Subcaespitose, p. conical then flattened, rufous bay; g. pallid; s. ventricose, fibrillosely pulverulent.
var. _contorta_, Bull. Caespitoso-connate, pileus and twisted stem thinner; g. crowded, white.
=lancipes=, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. exp. umb. radiately rugulose, margin striate, pale flesh colour then pallid; g. connected by veins, tinged flesh colour; s. 4-6 cm. striate, narrowed towards rooting base; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. fusipes_ in rugulose pileus, and in growing singly.
=mimica=, W. G. Sm. Smell strong, fishy. P. 2-3 cm. obtuse, with separable cuticle, dingy ochraceous, as are the broad g.; s. narrowed towards base, ochraceous, 4-5 cm.; sp. 8 4-5.
** _Gills crowded, narrow._
=maculata=, A. & S. White; P. 5-10 cm. obtuse, compact, becoming spotted with rust colour; g. free, closely crowded; s. 7-12 cm. more or less ventricose, grooved, narrowed below, spotted rusty; subgl. 4-6.
var. _immaculata_, Cke. Not becoming spotted; g. minutely serrulate.
var. _scorzonera_, Batsch. Smaller, yellowish, stem long, rooting, often wavy; g. yellowish.
[=serpentina=, Otth. P. campan. yellowish white, glabrous, somewhat s.h.i.+ning, whitish, edge involute, white-fibrillose; g. crenulate, whitish, becoming tinged red; s. whitish, striate, silky s.h.i.+ning, hollow, ending in a long contorted serpentine root running amongst leaves.
=prolixa=, Fl. Dan. P. 7-10 cm. lax, exp. gibbous, even, glabrous, tawny or brick red tinge; g. free, crowded, narrow, not spotted; s. solid, subequal, not rooting, sulcate, brick-red, 7-9 cm.; sp. 8-9 5.
=distorta=, Fr. P. lax, 6-8 cm. exp. umb. glabrous, even, bay then pale; g. narrow, much crowded, soon spotted red; s. 6-8 cm. narrowed from ventricose base, sulcate, more or less twisted, pallid; sp. 6-7 4.
=butyracea=, Bull. P. 4-7 cm. exp. umb. even, glabrous, moist and s.h.i.+ning, reddish brown then pallid, flesh whitish; g. crenulate; s. 5-8 cm. conical, striate, rufous; sp. 7-9 4-5.
var. _bibulosa_, Ma.s.s. P. dingy olive at first.