European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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Differs from _C. conigena_ in adnate gills, and from _C. tuberosa_ in downy rooting stem not springing from a sclerotium.
=tuberosa=, Bull. P. about 1 cm. white, exp. umb. even; g. adnate; s.
1.5-4 cm. thin, white, root glabrous and springing from a sclerotium; sp. 4-6 2-3.
=racemosa=, Pers. P. up to 1 cm. convex, papillate, grey, subtomentose; g. adnate; s. 3-5 cm. base dark, springing from a blackish sclerotium; several minute stems with abortive pilei often spring from the stem; sp.
III. LAEVIPES. _Stem thin, equal, fistulose, naked, glabrous (except base), not conspicuously striate._
* _Gills broad, lax, usually more or less distant._
=collina=, Scop. P. 2-5 cm. exp. umb., brownish then pale; g. adnexed then free; s. 6-10 cm. equal, even, glabrous, base abrupt, downy; sp.
=thelephora=, Cke. and Ma.s.s. P. 2-3 cm. camp. lax, umb. apiculate, dingy ochraceous, disc darker; g. adnate; s. 6-10 cm. equal, hollow, glabrous, base dark; sp. 9 7.
=ventricosa=, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. camp. umb. glabrous, pale tan; g. with rufous tinge; s. 6-10 cm. rufescent, base ventricose, rooting; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. dryophila_ in ventricose, rooting stem.
=leucomyosotis=, Cke. Strong scented, rather fragrant. P. 2-3 cm. exp.
grey then paler; g. adnate, sinuate, white; s. 8-12 cm. equal, brittle, pallid; sp. 6 4.
=Stevensoni=, B. and Br. P. 1-1.5 cm. obtuse, viscid, pale yellow; g.
broadly adnate, broad, white; s. 2-3 cm. rufous, equal, fibrillose, rooting; sp. 10-11 7-8.
Differs from _C. esculenta_ in broad, adnate gills.
=psathyroides=, Cke. Ivory white. P. 1.5-2 cm. broad and nearly 2.5 cm.
high, camp. obtuse, rather viscid; g. broadly adnate, broad; s. 6-10 cm.
equal, straight, hollow; sp. 15 7.
=xanthopoda=, Fr. P. 2.5 cm. exp. umb. glabrous, lax, yellow or tan colour then pale; g. truncate behind; s. 6-10 cm. equal, hollow, tough, glabrous, yellowish, strigosely rooting; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. dryophila_ in umbo, broad gills, and strigosely rooting stem.
=nitellina=, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. even, s.h.i.+ning, tawny, hygroph.; g.
adnate, white then tinted; s. 5-8 cm. equal, rigid, glabrous, tawny; sp.
=succinea=, Fr. P. 2-2.5 cm. even, exp. then subdepressed, pale rufous, often cracked; g. adnexed, broad, thickish, serrulate; s. 2-4 cm.
polished, rufescent, not rooting; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. dryophila_ by broader, thicker, less crowded gills, and from _C. xanthopoda_ by absence of an umbo.
=nummularia=, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. exp. subdepressed round small umbo, pallid; g. free; s. 3-5 cm. glabrous, pallid, apex thickened; sp. ----.
=esculenta=, Wulf. P. 1-2 cm. orbicular, exp. obtuse, glabrous, pallid tan; g. adnate, lax, whitish; s. 2.5 cm. indistinctly hollow, even, polished, yellowish tan, rooting, base glabrous; sp. ----.
_C. tenacella_ differs in fibrillose rooting base, and snow-white gills.
=tenacella=, Pers. P. 1.5-2 cm. exp. sub.u.mb. even, glabrous, brownish then pale; g. broad, snow-white; s. 5-10 cm. narrowly fistulose, straight, even, glabrous, tawny, long root strigose; sp. 5-6 3.
var. _stolonifer_, Jungh. P. springing from a long, creeping, cord-like mycelium.
=eustygia=, Cke. Smell of rancid meal. P. 2-4 cm. exp. subdepr. often wavy, whitish, s.h.i.+ning when dry; g. dark grey; s. 4-7 cm. white above and sprinkled with pointed scales; darker below, rooting; sp. subgl.
[=rhodella=, Pat. P. thin, convexo-plane, reddish-brown, disc rugulose, edge striate; g. adnate, distant, white, tinged pink; s. tinged brown, twisted, wavy.
=retigera=, Bres. P. 3-6 cm. campan.-exp. umb. dry, glabrous, fuscous-grey then pale, centre somewhat tawny, raised veins forming a network on the surface; g. broad, edge paler, fimbriate; s. 4-6 cm.
pallid, whitish fibrillose, often compressed, somewhat rooting; sp.
[=plumipes=, Kalchb. P. campan. exp. sub.u.mb. slightly innato-fibrillose, livid fuscous, s.h.i.+ning; g. broad, white; s. glabrous, white, base fibrilloso-strigose.
Differs from _C. conigena_ in glabrous s. and broad g.
[=planipes=, Brig. Caespitose. P. orbicular, exp. rather viscid, bay; g.
free; s. colour of p., rooting.
[=Gussonei=, Inzeng. P. convex, sub.u.mb., rather striate, brick-red, edge dingy yellow; g. adnate, broad, crimson; s. compr. ochre with a crimson zone.
** _Gills narrow, crowded._
=acervata=, Fr. Caespitose. P. 4-7 cm. exp. obtuse, then umb., reddish then pale; g. free, narrow, closely crowded; s. 4-9 cm. equal, glabrous, rufous, base downy, rooting; sp. 7-8 3.5.
Differs from _C. confluens_ in glabrous stem, and from _Marasmius erythropus_ in narrow, closely crowded gills.
=dryophila=, Bull. P. 2.5 cm. obtuse, then subdepr. reddish or pale tan, even; g. sinuate, crowded, narrow; s. 2-4 cm. hollow, glabrous, rufescent or yellowish; sp. 7-8 4.
=aquosa=, Fr. Every part honey-colour. P. 2-2.5 cm. obtuse, hygr. margin striate; g. rounded and free, crowded; s. 3-6 cm. polished, surface slightly wavy; sp. 6 4.
var. _Bulliardii_. P. reddish ochre then pale; s. tawny.
=extuberans=, Fr. P. 2-3.5 cm. exp. umb. prominent, bay or umber; g.
crowded, narrow; s. 4-7 cm. equal, straight, glabrous, pallid, rooting; sp. ----.
=exsculpta=, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. exp. umbilicate, persistently tawny brown; g. closely crowded, sulphur-yellow; s. 2-3 cm. yellow; sp. ----.
[=luteifolia=, Gill. P. exp. edge lobed, irreg. reddish or cinnamon; g.
sulphur yellow; s. glabrous, colour of p.
[=cinnamomaeifolia=, Gill. P. convex, subdepr. with a slight umbo, whitish yellow; g. crowded, pale cinnamon; s. reddish.
=macilenta=, Fr. Entirely yellow. P. 2-2.5 cm. obtuse, even, glabrous; g. linear; s. minutely fistulose, glabrous, tough, rooting, 2-3 cm.; sp.
5-6 3.
=clavus=, L. P. 2-6 mm. obtuse, even, orange-red, s.h.i.+ning; g. crowded, white; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. very slender, whitish, glabrous; sp. 4 2.5.