European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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Superficially resembles _Volvaria parvula_.
** _Pileus white._
[=leiocephala=, D. C. s.h.i.+ning white. P. convex then plane, silky, edge even; g. free; s. solid, short, firm, volva very large, lax.
[=cygnea=, Schulz. White. P. soon plane; g. attenuato-adnexed; s.
clothed with adnate patches above the ample sheathing volva.
[=hyperborea=, Karst. (= _Ag. gemmatus_ var. _lapponicus_ Karst.).
Entirely white. P. thin, convex, exp. covered with angular warts, edge pectinato-sulcate; g. free, s.h.i.+ning white; s. bulbous, attenuated upwards, ring absent; sp. glob. 10-14.
Perhaps a var. of _A. v.a.g.i.n.atus_.
[=leccina=, Scop. P. exp. obtuse, naked, whitish or yellowish, edge even; g. adnate; s. equal, edge of ring reddish; sp. 10 6.
[=baccata=, Fr. P. white, covered with globose warts; g. free; s. equal, volva obtusely marginate; sp. 11 7.
[=Boudieri=, Barla. P. globose then exp. or depr., satiny, white, disc tinged, warted, edge even; g. broad, white then tinged yellow, subadnexed; s. long, subcylindrical, white and scurfy at apex, rest yellowish-white, bulb turbinate, volva obliterated, brownish, ring thin, caducous; sp. ellipsoid, elongated.
Differs from _A. baccata_ in longer sp.
A. _Epidermis dry._
* _Ring free, distinct from the volva._
=procera=, Scop. P. soon expanded, umbonate, with brownish scales, 10-25 cm.; g. free, crowded; s. 12-20 cm., base thickened, brownish, transversely cracked, ring free; sp. 12-15 8-9. Edible.
=rachodes=, Vitt. P. 10-18 cm. soon expanded, not umbonate, with brown scales, flesh brownish when broken; gills free; s. white, not cracked, 12-15 cm., ring free; sp. 14 8. Edible.
Differs from _L. procera_ in the flesh turning brown when cut.
var. _puellaris_, Fr. Small, entirely white, stem flocculose.
[=Olivieri=, Barla. P. convex, then exp. or depr., whitish tinged fawn at disc, covered with fawn adpr. fibrillose scales; g. broad, free yellowish-white; s. whitish, base swollen, ring cottony, caducous; flesh white, brick-red then brownish when broken.
Allied to _L. rachodes_ with which it agrees in size.
=prominens=, Viv. P. 4-6 cm., umbo very strong, ochraceous, scaly; g.
white; s. 9-15 cm. slender, base swollen, ring free; sp. 10 8.
=permixta=, Barla. P. convex, more or less umb. campan. then exp. silky, greyish fawn, centre darker, with adpr. brown scales and becoming deprived of cuticle at edge; g. pale wax or tinged red; s. cylindr.
dingy white cracked into brown adpr. scales, base swollen, ring brownish; flesh reddish when broken.
Resembles _L. procera_ in size and marking of s.; _L. rachodes_ in flesh becoming red; and _L. excoriata_ in having border deprived of cuticle.
[=molybdites=, Mey. P. globose then campan. broken into crustaceous scales up to middle; g. remote, white then tinged blue; s. hollow, blackish-brown, bulbous, ring equal.
An introduced species.
=excoriata=, Schaeff. P. globose then plane, 5-8 cm. bistre or whitish, silky or squamulose; g. free; s. cylindrical, white, 5-8 cm. hollow, ring free; sp. 14-15 8-9.
_L. naucina_ differs in the fragmentary ring.
[=carneifolia=, Gill. P. fleshy, exp. brown or purple brown, glabrous then minutely broken up into fascicles of fibrils; g. fleshy, crowded, distant from s.; s. white, fibrillose, thickened at base, ring large, soon free.
=densifolia=, Gill. P. obtuse, white, soon broken up into adpressed fibrillose scales; g. closely crowded, thin, white, broadest in front; s. white, s.h.i.+ning, ring free.
=gracilenta=, Kromb. P. soon expanded, obtusely umbonate, 5-8 cm., brown patches on white ground; g. free, broad; s. thickened at base, 12-16 cm., white, ring floccose, disappearing; sp. 10-11 7.5.
Differs from _L. procera_ in smaller size and more especially in the fugacious ring. _L. prominens_ differs in very large umbo and permanent, free ring.
=mastoidea=, Fr. Entirely whitish. P. 3-5 cm. with small disappearing warts; g. free; s. narrow up from bulbous base, 5-8 cm., ring free; sp.
7-8 5.
The smallest species of the present section. Like _L. gracilenta_ in miniature.
** _Ring fixed, h.o.m.ogeneous with the universal veil clothing the stem._
=Friesii=, Lasch. P. 8-12 cm. expanded, sub.u.mb. with adpressed, tomentose brown scales; g. free, crowded; s. 8-12 cm. subbulbous, scaly, brownish, ring pendulous; sp. 8-9 5.
=acutesquamosa=, Weinm. P. 9-12 cm. convex, obtuse, pale rusty with numerous small pointed warts; g. free, crowded; s. 8-10 cm. narrowed from swollen base, white with rusty scales below, ring large; sp. 7-8 4.
Differs from _L. Friesii_ in rigid deciduous warts, and broad gills very close to stem.
=Badhami=, Berk. P. 5-8 cm. expanded, obtuse, squamulose, dark brown, cracked into patches, flesh like that of stem saffron-red when broken; g. free; s. 6-8 cm. bulbous, whitish, ring rather loose; sp. 5 3.
=emplastra=, Cke. and Ma.s.s. P. 5-8 cm. convex, glabrous, dark brown, cracked and showing white ground; g. free; s. 7-9 cm. whitish, ring brown outside; sp. 18-20 10-12.
Differs from _L. Badhami_ in glabrous pileus and larger spores.
=meleagris=, Sow. P. 2-4 cm. soon plane, minute black scales on a pale ground, flesh becoming red; g. free; s. 3-6 cm., with blackish squamules, stuffed, ring obsolete; sp. 6-7 4.
=biornata=, B. and Br. P. 2-4 cm. convex, white tinged yellow, sprinkled with red scales; g. free; s. 6-9 cm. long, ventricose, white spotted red as is also the ring; sp. 8-9 6.
=hispida=, Lasch. P. 5-7 cm. soon expanded, umb. tawny-brown, tomentose then hispid; g. free, crowded; s. 5-7 cm. floccosely-scaly up to ring, tawny; sp. 6-7 4.
[=lignicola=, Karst. P. exp. whitish- or yellowish-rusty, with innate, erect, rusty concentric scales, edge fibrillose; g. crowded, free, edge crenulate; s. curved, rusty, squamulose up to obsolete ring; sp. 4-5 3-4.
Superficially resembles _Phol. squarrosa_.
[=helveola=, Bres. P. exp. umb. scaly, reddish-brown; g. free, ventricose, white; s. white then fawn, ring white. Poisonous.
[=Boudieri=, Bres. Subcaespitose. P. campan. exp. fawn, with minute darker scales; g. densely crowded, white, edge purple primrose; s.
bulbillose, brownish and fibrillose up to ring; sp. 8-9 3.5.