European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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[=microphylla=, Corda. P. hemispher. soft, glabrous, naked, white; g.
adnate, entire, dingy white; s. glabrous, bluish.
[=vopiscus=, Fr. P. cup-shaped, reflexed then recurved, pallid; g.
thick, radiating from centre; s. short, excentric, curved, flocculose, pallid.
A. MESOPODES. _Pileus subentire; stem distinct._
* _Pileus squamulose._
=tigrinus=, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. orbicular, umbil. whitish, with blackish innate scales; g. very narrow, tinged yellow; s. 3-5 cm. slender, squamulose; sp. 7 3.5.
=Dunalii=, Fr. P. umbil. deformed, pallid with spot-like adpressed scales which disappear; g. crowded, pallid; s. 1.5-2 cm. rather silky; sp. ----.
=lepideus=, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. tough, depr. irreg. pale ochre breaking up into darker spot-like scales; g. sinuato-decur. broad, whitish; s. 2-3 cm. stout, rooting, tomentosely squamulose; sp. 7 3. (10-14 6 Sacc.)
var. _contiguus_, Fr. P. thinner, plano-depr. and with the slender stem, even.
[=gallicus=, Q. P. ivory colour with tawny lilac flecks, then areolate; s. p.u.b.escent, white, apex sulcate, then torn into scales, flesh coloured; g. white, decur. in lines; sp. 10-12 long.
[=sitaneus=, Fr. P. elastic, convex, unequal, grey, fibrillosely scaly; g. deeply decur. base anastomosing; s. firm, curved, fibrillose.
[=degener=, Kalchb. P. hemispher. exp. ochre with tawny scales; g. very narrow, anastomosing; s. stout, scaly, base blackish.
[=contortus=, Fr. P. orbicular, umbil. tawny rufescent with darker scales; g. crowded, subdecur.; s. twisted, subsulcate, squamulose.
[=Queletii=, Schulz. P. at first regular, edge incurved, umber, then depr. edge wavy and split, and becoming pale or almost white, scaly; g.
pale ochre, edge torn; s. branched, excentric, colour of p. squamulose; sp. 7-8 3.
** _Pileus villose or pulverulent._
=leontopodius=, Schulz. P. 7-16 cm. tough, irreg. slightly tomentose, disc depr. tan, edge bent down, lobed; g. decur. connected by veins, sides rugose; s. 6-9 cm. stout, woody, pulverulent, tan, base blackish; sp. 12-15 long.
[=domesticus=, Karst. Very large. P. tough, edge thin, subinfundib.
oblique, irregular, cuticle broken up into darker adpressed revolute scales, rusty; g. deeply decur. toothed, narrowed at both ends, very broad, pale tawny rusty then reddish; s. excentric, solid, rusty, squamulose; sp. 3-5 2-3.
[=hornotinus=, Fr. P. deformed, pulverulent, grey; g. crowded, white; s.
caespitosely branched, unequal, rather woody.
[=pulverulentus=, Scop. P. tough, convex, yellow, white-pulverulent; g.
toothed, white; s. stout, equal, rigid, with white powder.
[=lusitanicus=, Kalchb. P. oblique, not compact, depr. sublobed, tomentose, becoming naked, tan; g. decur. crowded, anastomosing, white; s. short, excentric or lateral, solid, even, glabrous, colour of p.; sp.
=resinaceus=, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. tough, excentric, cinnamon-ochre, villose, matted with resin; g. crowded, s.h.i.+ning white; s. 2 cm. partly hollow, downy; sp. ----.
=adhaerens=, A. and S. P. 2-3 cm. tough, irreg. lacunose, rather pulverulent; g. decur. in lines, very thin, torn, white; s. colour of p.
glutinous, rooting; sp. ----.
P. and s. appear as if lacquered from the dried gluten.
*** _Pileus glabrous._
[=suffrutescens=, Fr. P. tough, convex then infundib. glabrous, somewhat rusty; g. crenato-torn, yellowish; s. elongated, somewhat branched, woody.
[=auricolor=, Brig. Subcaespitose, golden yellow, oblique; g. decur.; s.
fibroso-woody, subexcentric, distorted.
[=anisatus=. P. tough, subflabelliform or obliquely subinfundib.
somewhat lobed, whitish; g. decur. tinged yellow, edge entire; s.
lateral or excentric, short, pallid; sp. 6-7 3.5.
[=jugis=, Fr. White. P. irreg. lobed, glabrous, rather viscid; g.
dentate; s. short, irreg. scaly.
[=umbellatus=, Fr. P. tough, umbil. pervious, glabrous, yellowish grey; g. very narrow, white; s. branched, sulcate.
=cochleatus=, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. tough, flaccid, irreg. depr. or infundib.
reddish cinnamon; g. crowded, serrate, pinkish white; s. solid, length variable, several frequently more or less grown together, sulcate, glabrous; sp. ----.
Edible. Smell sometimes spicy, at others almost none.
[=friabilis=, Fr. Caespitose, fleshy-fibrous, fragile, becoming pale. P.
thin, subdimidiate, umbilicate, pervious into partly hollow contorted s.; g. crowded, narrow.
[=omphalodes=, Fr. Solitary. P. thin, tough, at first deeply umbil.
livid straw-colour then pale, limb convex then exp. and wavy; g. decur.
arcuate, pallid; s. central, thin, tough, glabrous, scrobiculate.
[=bisus=, Q. P. tough, convex, exp. deeply umbil. irreg. excentric, edge lobed, livid grey, umbil. fuscous; g. sinuato-decur. greyish white, edge toothed; s. brown, longitudinally sulcate, twisted, excentric; sp. glob.
[=badius=, Bres. P. thin, tough, regular, excentric, or subdimidiate, with longitudinal cristate veins, bay then pale; g. very distant, edge deeply and irreg. crenate; s. short, greyish-lilac; sp. 5-6 4-4.5.
[=Bresadolae=, Schulz. (= _L. divisus_, Schulz.) P. soon irreg.
infundib. wavy and sinuate, glabrous, even, pale smoky fuscous; g.
distant, spuriously decur.; s. very tough, obconic, subrooting, tinged reddish; sp. 8-10 long.
[=hispidosus=, Fr. Caespitose. P. thin, subdimidiate, lobed, infundib.
hispidly scaly, rusty, edge torn, proliferous; g. serrulate; s. many, growing out of each other.
B. PLEUROTI. _Dimidiate, sessile or with a sublateral stem._
=scoticus=, B. and Br. P. 2-5 cm. thin, umbil. or infundib. smooth, pallid or brownish, hygr.; g. decur. when stem is present, pallid, strongly toothed; s. excentric or lateral, variable, darker than p.
springing from a branched brown mycelium; sp. 5-6 4.