European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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solid, equal, white; sp. ----.
=fertile=, B. P. 9-14 cm. convex then plane, dry, pulverulently scaly, pallid reddish or reddish ochre; g. rounded behind; s. 9-12 cm. equal, base thickened, whitish, fibrilloso-squamulose, solid; sp. ----.
[=Rozei=, Q. P. umb. grey, silky s.h.i.+ning, edge lilac; s. slender, fibrillose, white; sp. rough.
=jubatum=, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. campan. exp. umb. downy-squamose or fibrillose, mouse-colour; g. crowded, smoky; s. 5-7 cm. hollow, equal, fibrillose, fuscous; sp. rough, 10-11 6.
Differs from _E. porphyrophaeum_ in squamulose p. and hollow s.
[=scabiosum=, Fr. P. campan. then plane, obtusely umb. sooty, rough with crowded, erect papillose scales; g. free, greyish-white; s. hollow, fibrillose, sooty; sp. rough, 10-12.
=resutum=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex, obtuse, fuscous, disc darkest, adpressedly scaly or fibrillose; g. ventricose, greyish; s. 4-7 cm.
somewhat stuffed, glabrous, grey; sp. rough, 8-9 6.
=griseocyaneum=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan.-convex, obtuse, floccosely scaly, grey tinged lilac; g. white then flesh-colour; s. 3-4 cm. hollow, floccosely fibrillose, pallid then blue; sp. rough, 8-10.
Resembling _Leptonia_, but soft not cartilaginous.
=dichroum=, Pers. P. camp. exp. umb. squamulosely fibrillose, violet then livid mouse-colour; g. sinuato-adnexed; s. blue, fibrillosely mealy; sp. reddish fuscous, rough, 10-12 5-8.
=sericellum=, Fr. s.h.i.+ning white. P. 1.5-3 cm. exp. depr. silky; g.
adnate, then seceding; s. 3-4 cm. fibrillose then polished; sp. subgl.
rough, 10.
Differs from _E. speculum_ in smaller size and silky p.
var. _sublutescens_, Fr. P. more regular, convex, even, yellowish; g.
almost adnate; s. fistulose.
var. _lutescens_, Henn. P. campan. more or less exp. at first white and silky-floccose, then glabrous and dingy yellow; s. white then yellowish; sp. rough, 8.
=Cookei=, C. Rich. (= _Pluteus phlebophorus_, var. _reticulatus_, Cke.) P. convex then exp. reddish orange or pale brick-red, covered with raised veins forming a network; g. adnexed; s. 2-3 cm. solid; sp.
globose, rough, 8.
=Thomsoni=, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. exp. umb. grey, with a network of raised ribs; g. slightly adnexed; s. 3-4 cm. paler than p.; sp. 6 3.5.
[=subrubens=, Karst. P. conico-exp. umb. adpressedly squamulose or fibrillose, glabrous, mouse-colour; g. sinuato-adnexed, edge crenate; s.
hollow, scurfy then glabrous, paler than p. reddish; sp. rough, 9-12 7-8.
[=indutum=, Boud. Small, entirely grey. P. campan. then exp. umb.
coa.r.s.ely fibrillose; g. broad, uncinate, powdered with the rosy spores; s. slender, fibrillose.
=tortipes=, Ma.s.s. P. 6-7 cm. convex then exp. umb. often depressed, dark brown then tan and s.h.i.+ning; g. broadly adnate; s. 4-5 cm.
silky-fibrillose, flexuous, white tinged tan; sp. 5 3.
Differs from _E. clypeatum_ in elliptical sp.
III. NOLANIDEI. _Pileus thin, hygr. rather silky when dry. Often wavy and deformed._
=clypeatum=, L. P. 5-7 cm. campan. then exp. umb. lurid then greyish; g.
serrulate; s. 7-9 cm. stuffed, attenuated, fibrillose, pallid; sp.
subgl. rough, 9-10.
=nigrocinnamomeum=, Kalchbr. P. 5-7 cm. convex then exp. depressed round the umbo, blackish umber, even, glabrous; g. reddish cinnamon; s. 4-6 cm. hollow, somewhat twisted, fibrillose, greyish fuscous; sp. subgl.
rough, 8 9.
Differs from _E. clypeatum_ in hollow stem and entire edge of gills.
=rhodopolium=, Fr. P. 5-12 cm. campan. then exp. gibbous then subdepr.
edge wavy at first incurved, brown or livid then pale and silky s.h.i.+ning; g. adnate then sinuate; s. 5-9 cm. hollow, glabrous, s.h.i.+ning white; sp.
rough, 8-10 6-8.
[=pluteoides=, Fr. P. splitting, convex, exp. obtuse, greyish white when moist, dingy yellowish when dry; g. emarginato-adnexed, crowded; s.
hollow, rigid, cuticle fibrillose, white, usually rooting.
[=elaphinum=, Fr. P. convex, obtuse, glabrous, bright fawn when moist, pallid fuscous when dry, edge striate; g. somewhat truncate behind, very broad; s. hollow, naked, livid; sp. rough, 10 6.
[=turbidum=, Fr. P. campan. convex, umb. margin at first straight and adpressed to stem, then split into striae, somewhat fuscous, grey when dry; g. crowded, greyish white; s. hollow, inflato-clavate, glabrous, even, silvery s.h.i.+ning; sp. 8-11 7-8.
=majale=, Fr. P. 3-7 cm. campan.-convex, umb. edge spreading, wavy, cinnamon, yellowish when dry; g. crenate; s. 7-9 cm. twisted, striate, whitish, base with white down; sp. rough, 10-14 7-10.
=Wynnei=, B. and Br. Smell unpleasant. P. 3-4 cm. convex then exp.
sub.u.mb. often wavy, smoky grey, velvety then squamulose; g. broad, transversely ribbed; s. 3-5 cm. smoky blue, base downy, white; sp.
rough, 10-11 7-8.
Smell resembling that of bugs.
=costatum=, Fr. P. 4-6 cm. bullate then plane, sub.u.mbil. wavy, glabrous, livid, fuscous then s.h.i.+ning; g. nearly free, entire, transversely ribbed, pallid; s. 4-5 cm. deformed, substriate, grey, apex with white squamules; sp. rough, 12-14 8-11.
[=Cordae=, Karst. Differs from _E. costatum_ in blackish umbilicate p.; smaller sp. rough, 5-6. Other points identical.
=sericeum=, Fr. Smell strong, like meal. P. 2-3 cm. exp. greyish fawn when moist, livid and silky s.h.i.+ning when dry; g. grey, emarginate; s.
2-3 cm. fistulose, fibrillose, paler than p.; sp. globose, rough, 7-8.
Differs from _Nolanea pascua_ in mealy smell, and broad distant gills cut out behind.
[=mimic.u.m=, Karst. P. campan. obtuse, then exp. glabrous, fuscescent; g. adnate, whitish then dingy; s. hollow, equal, cartilaginous, glabrous, livid; sp. 9-12.
[=venosum=, Gill. Smell strong of meal. P. thin, convex, sub.u.mb.
brownish, silky and s.h.i.+ning when dry; g. free, broad, transversely veined, reddish-grey; s. fragile, fibrillose, rather squamulose at apex.
Differs from _E. sericeum_ in free g.
[=praec.o.x=, Karst. P. fragile, conico-convex, at length umb. glabrous, silky-s.h.i.+ning; g. ventricose, crowded, dingy then flesh-colour; s.
fistulose, equal, compr. glabrous, striate, pallid; sp. 7-10.
=nidorosum=, Fr. Smell alkaline. P. 4-7 cm. convex then exp. and subdepr. greyish fawn, livid and with a silky sheen when dry; g. broad, wavy; s. 4-7 cm. stuffed, equal, glabrous, pallid, apex with white meal; sp. rough, 8-10 7-8.
Smell sometimes very faint.