European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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=calamistrata=, Fr. Smell strong. P. 2-4 cm. campan. obtuse, squarrose with rigid recurved scales, brown; g. white then rusty; s. 4-5 cm.
solid, rigid, base blue, squarrosely scaly everywhere, fuscous; sp.
10-11 5. Flesh reddish.
=hirsuta=, Lasch. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. conico-campan. acute, squarrose with scales formed of fascicles of hairs, fuscous-ochre, disc sometimes greenish; g. narrow, pallid then fuscous; s. 4-7 cm. solid, slender, floccosely scaly above, base greenish; sp. ----.
=lanuginosa=, Bull. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. exp. obtuse, floccosely scaly, those of disc erect, umber then yellowish; g. toothed, pallid then clay-colour; s. 2-3 cm. thin fibrillosely scaly, apex with white meal; sp. rough, 8 or 10; 12 5 (Cke.)
=squarrulosa=, Karst. (= _Clypeus_, Karst.) P. convex then plane, obtuse, fibrillose, fuscescent, disc squarrosely squamulose, fuscous; g.
crowded, white-crenulate; s. equal, brownish-squamulose; sp. 10 7-8.
=dulcamara=, A. and S. P. 3-5 cm. convex, umb. pilosely-scaly, fuscous-olive; g. pallid then olive; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillosely squamulose from the veil, apex mealy; sp. 8-10 5.
=plumosa=, Bolton. P. 2-4 cm. convexo-plane, disc with erect pilose fascicles, edge fibrillose, mouse-grey; g. quite entire, whitish then smoky; s. 3-6 cm. slender, wavy, floccosely scaly, apex naked; sp. 8-9 4-5.
=cincinnata=, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. convexo-plane, squarrosely squamose, somewhat fuscous; g. fuscous violet; s. 2-3 cm. solid, slender, scaly; sp. 7-8. (8-10 5 Sacc.)
=haemacta=, B. and Cke. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, floccosely fibrillose with dark fibrils, disc scaly and darker; g. dingy tan; s. 4-5 cm.
scarcely fibrillose, whitish above, tinged verdigris at base; sp. 8 4-5.
Flesh turning blood-red when bruised.
=leucocephala=, Boud. P. white, convex, entirely covered with erect scales; g. free, broad, fawn; s. short, white, coa.r.s.ely fibrillose throughout; sp. rough, 9-11 6-8.
B. LACERI. _Pileus torn into scales or fibrils (not cracking); stem coloured, paler than pileus, fibrillose._
=pyriodora=, Pers. Smell pleasant. P. 4-7 cm. umb. adpressedly fibroso-scaly, fuscous ochre then pale; g. emarginate, rather distant; s. 6-10 cm. solid, equal, fibrillose, pale, apex pruinose; sp. 10 6.
Flesh with red tinge.
[=corydalina=, Q. Strong-scented. P. whitish, umbo bluish-green; g.
narrow, white then fuscous; stem white pruinose; sp. 10 long.
var. _roseolus_, Pat. Larger than type. P. entirely bluish green, edge white-append.; flesh tinged rosy.
[=violascens=, Q. P. splitting, fawn, umbo lilac; g. lilac; s. hollow, white, apex striate, lilac, ring floccose, white; sp. 12-15 long.
=incarnata=, Bres. P. 4-7 cm. campan. convex, broadly umb. fibrillose then squamulose, edge fimbriate, yellowish then tinged red; g. sinuate, edge fimbriate becoming spotted or tinged red; s. 4-6 cm. fibrillose, rosy, apex white and mealy; sp. 10 6.
=scaber=, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. conico-convex, obtusely gibbous, with scattered adpressed fibrillose scales, smoky then pallid; g. crowded, somewhat smoky; s. 2-3 cm. thick, equal, silky fibrillose; sp. 11 5, Cke.; 7 3-4, Pat.
var. _firma_, Fr. P. fuscous tan with fuscous scales; s. velvety.
=maritima=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex, exp. flocculosely fibrillose, hygr.
umber then grey; g. broad, grey then rusty; s. 2-3 cm. solid, floccosely fibrillose, smoky; sp. rough, 9-10.
=violaceafusca=, Cke. and Ma.s.s. P. 2-5 cm. convex then exp. obtusely umb. concentrically scaly, fibrillose, dry, umber, edge torn; g. violet then umber, edge paler, serrulate; s. 4-6 cm. equal, smooth, violet above; sp. 7-8 4.
=lacera=, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convex, exp. obtusely umb. fibrillosely scaly, mouse-grey then pale; g. broad pale rufescent then mouse-grey; s. 3-4 cm. fuscous-fibrillose, apex naked, red inside; sp. 12 6.
Distinguished from _I. scabra_ and _I. mutica_ by being reddish inside of s.
[=abjecta=, Karst. P. convex exp. even, fuscescent, white-fibrous, disc fibrously scaly; g. adnate, broad, ventricose in front, cinnamon tinged olive; s. pallid, white-floccose, apex white-pruinose; sp. 10-13 5-7.
[=trivialis=, Karst. P. conico-campan. exp. usually depr. obtusely umb.
rimose, disc sometimes scaly pallid or mouse-colour changing to bay; g.
crowded; s. solid, equal, subrufescent, at length dusky outside and inside, not bulbous; sp. 10-12 4-5.
[=rhodiola=, Bresad. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. fibrillosely scaly then almost glabrous, rufous-umber then pale; g. becoming rusty-olive, edge white-pruinose, becoming rufous spotted; s. fibrillose, subequal, apex glabrous tinged yellow, reddish downwards, spotted reddish when bruised; flesh whitish, base of s. red; sp. 10-12 6-7.
=fasciata=, Cke. and Ma.s.s. Caespitose. P. 4-7 cm. campan.-convex, pale tan disc rufous, silky, covered with small, dark, squarrose scales; g.
pallid; s. 4-7 cm. fibrillose, reddish outside and inside at base, rest pallid, solid; sp. rough, 10 6.
[=rufoalba=, Pat. and Doa.s.s. P. convex, mammillate, brown, silky white tomentum everywhere except umbo; g. nearly free, rusty brown; s. equal, p.u.b.escent, rusty, not bulbous; sp. rough, 9-10 4-5.
=flocculosa=, Berk. Smell strong. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. umb. subcampan. silkily squamulose, tawny brown; g. fawn then rusty; s. 2-3 cm. fibrillose, reddish, pulverulent above; sp. 10 5-6.
=Bongardii=, Weinm. Smell pleasant, like bergamot. P. 2-5 cm. campan.
obtuse, disc scaly, fibrillose towards edge, fuscous then pale; g.
broad, pale reddish then cinnamon; s. 4-9 cm. solid, rigid, pallid rufous, silky and red below, apex with white meal; sp. 10-12 6.
[=Merletii=, Q. P. convex, h.o.a.ry, virgate with brownish fibrils; g.
milky white then brownish fawn; s. whitish, stuffed, fibrillosely striate, ring floccose, white; sp. 11-14 long.
[=capucina=, Fr. P. conico-campan. acute, everywhere fibrillosely scaly, dusky fuscous, edge paler; g. adnate, crowded, fuscous; s. solid, short, fibrillose, fuscous; sp. rough, 10.
[=cucullata=, C. Mart. Smell like camphor. P. variable in form, campan.
campan.-convex, sometimes irreg. scaly, tawny, disc darker; g. broad, edge white, serrulate; s. subequal, hollow, glabrous, paler than p.; sp.
[=asinina=, Kalchbr. P. convex then plane, rather gibbous, adpressedly fibrillose, h.o.a.ry then rufescent tan; g. greyish yellow then cinnamon; s. solid, brownish tan, loosely fibrillose and cingulate from the superior veil.
[=connexifolia=, Gill. Smell like ripe fruit. P. conical then exp. umb.
with adpressed fibrillose scales especially at centre; g. arcuate, connected by veins, whitish, olive-rufous, finally cinnamon; s.
fibrously squamulose, white then tinged pink, white above; sp. smooth.
Flesh reddish when cut.
=mutica=, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. convex then plane, very obtuse then depr.
squamulose, whitish, fuscous-fibrillose; g. adnate, crowded; s. hollow, pale straw-colour then fuscescent; sp. 8 5. (6 4 Sacc.)
=carpta=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex exp. depr. dingy fuscous, with woolly filaments; g. broad, fuscous brown; s. 2-4 cm. fibrillosely woolly, hollow, narrowed downwards; sp. 8-10 5.
[=tenebrosa=, Q. P. campan. cracked into squamules, umber; s.
fibrillosely striate, blackish olive, apex whitish; sp. 7-8 long.
=deglubens=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convexo-plane, umb. torn into adpressed fibrils, disc rather scaly, rufous bay then yellowish; g. dingy then cinnamon; s. 4-6 cm. solid, pallid, apex with dark scurf; sp. 10 6.
Differs from _I. lacera_ in dark scurfy apex of s.
=obscura=, Pers. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. then plane, umb. longitudinally fibrillose, disc scaly, blue then fuscous; g. olive then brown; s. 3-4 cm. fibrillose, brownish violet; sp. 9-10 5-6.