European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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var. _auricoma_, Batsch. Smaller. P. yellowish, edge striate; g.
adfixed, ventricose white then fuscous.
[=grammata=, Q. P. campan. fibrous-striate, whitish then fawn; g. tawny; s. striate, tomentose, s.h.i.+ning white then rosy; sp. rough, 10.
[=brunnea=, Q. P. umb. fibrillosely silky, chestnut; s.
fibrilloso-striate, fuscous, apex white, pruinose; sp. 12 long.
[=grata=, Weinm. P. conico-campan. fibrillose, umbonate, cracked when exp. whitish- or yellowish-rufescent, scaly disc darker; g. crowded, olive then pallid fuscescent; s. s.h.i.+ning, fibrillose, wavy, whitish rufescent.
=Trinii=, Weinm. Smell like clove-pinks. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. obtuse, longitudinally rufescent-fibrillose, whitish-rufescent, tawny when dry; g. rounded, ventricose, cinnamon, edge white-floccose; s. 2-4 cm. equal, slender, loosely rufous-fibrillose, powdered with white; sp. rough, 9-10.
D. VELUTINI. _Pileus not rimose, cuticle of interwoven fibrils, almost smooth, or adpressedly scaly, disc even; stem polished, glabrous, whitish, apex mealy._
=sambucina=, Fr. White, smell strong. P. 4-7 cm. firm, convex, exp.
obtuse, silky fibrillose, even, sometimes tinged yellow; g. crowded, whitish; s. 3-4 cm. stout, solid, glabrous, striate, white; sp. 11-12 6.
=caesariata=, Fr. P. 1.5-3 cm. convex exp. gibbous, somewhat tawny, ochraceous-fibrillose or subsquamulose; g. entire, pale ochre; s. 3-6 cm. solid, equal, fibrillose, pale ochre; sp. 8 4. (10-12 5 Sacc.)
[=delecta=, Karst. (= _I. caesariata_, var. _fibrillosa_, Fr.). P. exp.
even, fibrillosely scaly, dingy tawny- or rufous-honeycolour, paler when dry; g. at length fuscous, edge paler and floccoso-crenate; s. solid, dingy yellow or pallid, white-fibrillose; sp. ----.
[=subgranulosa=, Karst. P. convex then exp. or slightly depr. obsoletely umb. even, pale ochre, disc more especially with minute erect dark squamules; g. adnate, greenish- then brownish-cinnamon; s. hollow, curved or wavy, paler than p.; sp. 7-9 4-5.
=lucifuga=, Fr. Smell strong. P. 2-3 cm. convex-plane, sub.u.mb.
adpressedly fibrilloso-squamulose, fuscous or olive then pale; g.
yellowish white then olive; s. 3 cm. solid, firm, equal, glabrous, apex rather pruinose; sp. 10 6.
[=decipiens=, Bres. P. exp. umb. floccosely silky, disc smooth then broken up into scales, cinnamon ochre; g. greyish white then lurid cinnamon; s. glabrous, apex slightly pruinose, rather striate, pallid; sp. rough, 11-14 6-8.
[=tomentella=, Fr. P. convex, obtuse, fibrillosely tomentose, brownish; g. subadnate; s. solid, equal, white, apex pruinose, with a cortinate median annular zone, otherwise glabrous.
=sindonia=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. thin, conico-convex, obtusely gibbous, velvety-villose, dingy white or yellowish, edge appendiculate; g.
lanceolate, whitish then fuscous; s. 4-7 cm. with a separate pith which disappears, then hollow, almost glabrous; sp. 7 4. (10 5 Sacc.)
Differs from _I. geophylla_ in larger size and hollow s.
[=cortinata=, Roll. P. campan. then exp. strongly umb. whitish straw-colour, umb. darker, becoming rimose, white veil at margin; g.
adnato-decur. dingy ochre, edge flocculose, paler; s. white, fibrilloso-striate, curved, ring median.
Perhaps a cortinate form of _I. sindonia_.
=Clarkii=, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, whitish, silky; g.
adnexed, pallid, edge white; s. 3-5 cm. nearly equal, solid, white; sp.
8-10 6.
Differs from _I. sindonia_ in solid s. and pale g.
=geophylla=, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. conical then exp. umb. even, silky-fibrillose, white or lilac; g. adnexed, crowded, dingy white then umber; s. 4-6 cm. equal, firm, apex with white meal, veil fibrillose; sp. 7-8 4.
_I. scabella_ differs in brownish squamulose p.
var. _fulva_, Pat. P. rufous-ochre, edge paler; sp. 8-10 5.
var. _violacea_, Pat. P. violet; sp. 10 5.
[=commixta=, Bres. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. s.h.i.+ning white or tinged grey; fibrillosely silky, edge often split, dry; g. closely crowded, free, white then greyish cinnamon; s. solid, white, equal, apex scurfy, base minutely turbinately bulbous; sp. angular, 10 7.
Closely resembling _I. geophylla_, differing in base of s. and angular sp.
[=umbratica=, Q. s.h.i.+ning white. P. umb. silky-pruinose; g. white then rosy-fawn; s. flocculose; sp. rough, 8-10.
=scabella=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. campan. then plane, dry, torn into squamulose fibrils, umbo obtuse, even, glabrous, rufescent or yellowish; g.
adnexed, dingy; s. 3-4 cm. glabrous, rufescent or pallid, apex pruinose; sp. rough, 10 7.
[=debilipes=, Karst. P. conico-convex, exp. pallid fuscous then rather rusty, everywhere torn into scales which become stuck down, then rimose; g. adnexed, crowded, pallid rusty, edge fuscous-crenulate; s. wavy, pallid, spotted with minute fuscescent squamules; sp. 7-9 5-6.
[=confusa=, Karst. P. exp. umb. glabrous, cuticle cracked, fibrillose, rusty, tawny yellow or bay; g. crowded, yellowish then olive; s. solid, firm, nearly glabrous, pale; sp. 10-12 6.
[=inconcina=, Karst. P. exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, innately fibrillose, rusty then pale; g. sinuato-adnate, crowded, pale olive then rusty, edge paler and floccosely crenulate; s. equal, wavy, pallid, apex white-pruinose; sp. 8-13 5-6.
[=curvipes=, Karst. P. exp. obtuse, adpressedly fibrillose or squamulose, brownish; g. adnexed, crowded; s. curved, wavy or twisted, narrowed below, fibrillose, pallid; sp. rough, 9-15 5-7.
[=conformata=, Karst. P. exp. umb. slightly adpressedly floccosely squamulose, rusty or brownish then pale; g. adnexed, ventricose, pallid then brownish; s. equal, rather wavy, minutely fibrillosely flocculose; sp. 8-10 4-5.
[=pusio=, Karst. P. exp. umb. fibroso-rimose, pallid fuscous; g. adnexed with decur. tooth, tan; s. apex pruinose and at first violet, usually wavy; sp. 8-10 4-6.
[=flavella=, Karst. P. acutely conical then exp. acutely umb. innately fibrillosely rimose, glabrous, yellowish, rather s.h.i.+ning; g. crowded, yellowish then olive, edge paler, floccosely crenulate; s. solid, equal, wavy, apex white-flocculose, yellowish white; sp. 12-14 4-6.
[=fulvella=, Bres. P. conico-campan. exp. umb. silky-flocculose, centre glabrous, olivaceous honey-colour then brownish olive, umbo darker; g.
lilac then tan, edge fimbriate; s. lilac then rufescent, glabrous, wavy.
=subrimosa=, Ma.s.s. (_Clypeus subrimosus_, Karst.). P. 2-3 cm.
conico-campan. umbo prominent, edge often wavy, even, glabrous, then longitudinally fibrillose and cracked, bay or rusty ochre; g. dingy tan; s. 4-5 cm. solid, equal, polished, with a minute marginate bulb, white, mealy; sp. 10-12, spiny.
=mamillaris=, Pa.s.s. P. convex, mammillate, squamulose; g.
emarginato-adnexed; s. hollow, equal, flexuous; sp. smooth.
=Renneyi=, B. and Br. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. slightly fibrillose, disc brown, rest fawn; g. rounded behind, dingy ochre; s. 3-4 cm. slightly narrowed downwards, fibrillose, solid, paler than p.; sp. rough, 12 7-8.
var. _major_, B. and Br. Colour of type, but larger; g. broadly adnate.
E. VISCIDI. _Pileus almost smooth, viscid._
=trechispora=, Berk. P. convex then exp. umb. viscid, soon dry and silky, umbo brownish rest whitish; g. pinkish grey; s. 3-4 cm. equal; often rather wavy, whitish, mealy; sp. 7 5-6.
Differs from _I. geophylla_ in dark umbo and rough sp.
[=viscosissima=, Fr. (= _I. umbonata, Q._) P. convex acutely umb.
umber-brown, dripping with gluten then silky; g. rounded and free, ventricose, rufescent; s. equal, glabrous, pallid; sp. ----.