European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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I. GENUINI. _Spores rusty._
=cupularis=, Bull. P. 2-3 cm. plano-depr. obtuse, even, glabrous, rufescent then yellowish, hygr.; g. decur. crowded, tawny; s. 4-7 cm.
fistulose, naked, narrowed upwards, whitish; sp. 6 3.
=furfuracea=, Pers. P. 1.5-5 cm. convex then plane and at length umbil.
yellowish-cinnamon, hygr. h.o.a.ry with the silky-squamulose veil, especially near edge; g. adnato-decur. rather distant, cinnamon; s. 2-5 cm. fistulose, flocculose, rigid, pallid; sp. 10 6.
var. _heterosticha_, Fr. P. sub.u.mb. depr. cinnamon, ochre then pallid when dry; s. almost naked.
var. _trigonophylla_, Fr. Small, becoming pale; g. very broad, triangular, more distant, ochre with a tawny tinge.
=anthrocophila=, Karst. P. convex, exp. wavy, dry, rusty-cinnamon pale when dry, with concentric white deciduous flecks near edge; g. adnate, dentate; s. wavy, often compr. pallid rusty, white-fibrillose; sp. 6-7.5 3-5.
Close to _T. furfuracea_.
=paludosa=, Fr. 0.5-1.5 cm. P. conic then convex, umb. not striate, yellowish fuscous, with silky pallid superficial flecks; g. decur. very broad behind, crowded, watery ochre; s. 6-9 cm. slender, elongated, flexuous, floccose, ochre or pale citrin; sp. 10 4.
=stagnina=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. conical then convex, obtuse, rather viscid and striate when moist, rusty bay, even and pale ochre when dry, with white concentric floccose scales near edge; g. decur. very broad, ochre then rusty; s. 7-15 cm. reddish bay; sp. 10 5.
P. sometimes depr. and umbil.
[=vest.i.ta=, Q. P. 1-2 cm. thin, campan. creamy ochre, edge with a white dentate fringe formed by the torn ring; g. yellow, then fawn with a cream edge; s. fistulose, slender, mealy, creamy white; ring membranous, thin, white, caducous; sp. 10 long.
=pellucida=, Bull. P. 1-2 cm. conical then campan. umb. cinnamon, hygr.
silky-squamulose near the striate edge; g. subdecur. very broad behind, triangular, paler than p.; s. 3-5 cm. narrowed upwards, s.h.i.+ning, pale, apex mealy; sp. ----.
=muscorum=, Pers. P. 0.5-1 cm. convex, centre becoming depr. striate, glabrous, yellow-fuscous; g. subdecur. paler; s. short, base thickened, colour of p.; sp. 6-8 4.
=embola=, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. campan. then convex, obtuse, lineato-striate, glabrous, yellowish tawny, hygr.; g. very broad behind, triangular, thick, distant; s. 3-5 cm. thickened upwards, glabrous, s.h.i.+ning yellow when dry; sp. 10 4-6.
Differs from _Omph. umbellifera_ in glabrous finely striate p. and s.
thickened upwards.
[=viscidula=, Karst. P. campan. striate, viscid, somewhat ochre; g.
adnate, distant, white then rusty; s. equal, rusty, paler upwards, white-flocculose; sp. 6-7 3-6.
=autochthona=, B. and Br. P. 0.5-1 cm. hemispher. obtuse, pale ochre, silky, edge flocculose; g. adnate with decur. tooth, honey-colour; s.
2-3 cm. wavy or curved, thickened above and below, base woolly; sp. 8 4.
Differs from _T. furfuracea_ in the p. not becoming pale, and sp. paler.
II. PHAEOTI. _Spores fuscous-rusty._
=crobula=, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex then plane, obtuse, not striate, rather viscid, covered with deciduous floccose subsquarrose scales, then naked, greyish tan; g. subdecur. crowded; s. 2-3.5 cm. tough, fuscous, densely covered with white floccose scales; sp. 10 6.
Almost a large-sized _T. inquilina_ with the veil of _A. furfuracea_, but evidently annulate.
=inquilina=, Fr. P. 1-2 cm. convex then plane, glabrous, rather viscid, striate when moist, hygr. tawny or h.o.a.ry-tan; g. subdecur. rather distant, triangular, tan then brownish umber; s. 2-3 cm. tough, bay, white-fibrillose; sp. 8 4.
Close to _T. crobula_, differs in glabrous p., striate when moist, and nearly glabrous s.
var. _ecbola_, Fr. P. tan; s. rooting; g. crowded, rusty.
[=caricicola=, P. Henn. P. thin, convex, depr. centre brownish, even, glabrous, yellowish-brown, silky when dry; g. shortly decur. rusty; s.
slender, curved, brown, base darker; sp. 8-10 3.5-4.5.
I. GYMNOTI. _Veil absent; pileus dry, often squamulose_.
=gymnopodia=, Bull. Rusty brown. P. 4-7 cm. fleshy, campan.-convex, squamulose; g. deeply decur. arcuate, crowded, rusty; s. 3-6 cm. solid, almost glabrous, equal; sp. ----.
=Aldridgei=, Ma.s.s. P. 2-5 cm. convex then infundib. edge incurved, dry, orange brick-red, minutely velvety; g. deeply decur. rusty orange; s.
6-9 cm. wavy, smooth, colour of p.; sp. 16 5.
=vinosa=, Bull. P. 2-4 cm. exp. then depr. rusty fawn-colour; g. decur.
crowded, narrow, rusty; s. 2-3 cm. solid, firm, base rather thickened, minutely flocculose; sp. 5 3.
[=Tamii=, Fr. P. convex, dry, floccosely silky, dusky yellow, with tinge of brown; g. adnate, orange tawny; s. solid, silky fibrillose, equal, yellowish rufous.
[=abrupta=, Fr. P. convexo-plane, disc becoming depr. obsoletely umb.
glabrous, s.h.i.+ning tawny; g. adnate with decur. tooth, pallid then tawny; s. fibrillose, tawny yellow; sp. 5-7 3-5.
=floccifera=, B. and Br. Caespitose. P. 4-5 cm. convex, exp. tawny, white-fibrillose, somewhat zoned when dry; g. adnate, wrinkled, rusty, edge white; s. 3 cm. narrowed downwards, scurfy at apex, white and silky-squamulose below; sp. ----.
[=muricella=, Fr. P. convex then plane, tawny, covered everywhere with suberect darker erect innate squamules; g. adnate, crowded, dingy yellow; s. solid, equal, glabrous, pallid.
=decipiens=, W. G. Sm. P. 2-3 cm. deep clear brown then pale, convex, obtuse or umb. dry, minutely scaly, flesh yellow; g. decur.
orange-brown; s. 3-4 cm. narrowed downwards, tawny, striate; sp. 6-7 4.
Differs from _F. carbonaria_ in decur. bright g.
=c.l.i.topila=, Cke. and Sm. P. 3-4 cm. convex then exp. depr. and umbil.
smooth, dry, purplish brown; g. dingy yellowish; s. 4-5 cm. ventricose, smoky brown, hollow; sp. 10 4-5.
II. LUBRICI. _Pileus covered with a viscid, continuous, partly separable cuticle; veil evident, fibrillose._
=lenta=, Pers. P. 4-7 cm. convexo-plane, even, viscid, livid or tan, at first with scattered scales; g. adnate, whitish then tan; s. 4-5 cm.
equal, scaly; sp. 10 4. (6-7 3-4 Sacc.)
Sometimes entirely whitish; p. glutinous when moist.
Stevenson considers the present and _Hebeloma glutinosum_ to be identical.
=lubrica=, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. exp. plane, even, viscid, cinnamon or tawny or pallid and disc tawny and spotted with squamules; g. adnate, broad, tan; s. 5-12 cm. somewhat narrowed, fibrillose, whitish, apex striate; sp. 8 4.
=lupina=, Fr. P. 4-9 cm. exp. and depr. even, viscid; g. adnato-decur.
broad, pallid tan; s. 2-3 cm. short, firm, unequal, with rusty tinged adpressed fibrils, apex white; sp. 8 4.