European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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A. _Pileus viscid, scaly, or villose._
I. LIMACINA. _Pileus viscid when moist, innately fibrillose or squamulose, but not broken up._
* _Gills not changing colour, not becoming rufescent._
=equestre=, Linn. P. 7-12 cm. exp. obtuse, viscid, squamulose, yellow or tinged green; g. sulphur yellow; s. 4-7 cm. yellow; sp. 7-8 5.
=coryphaeum=, Fr. P. 8-15 cm. soon exp. viscid, yellowish with darker squamules; g. white, edge yellow; s. solid, obclavate; sp. subglobose, 5-6.
_T. equestre_ differs in having gills entirely yellow, and _T.
sejunctum_ in its pure white gills.
=sejunctum=, Sow. P. 7-10 cm. expanded, yellow with brown streaks, viscid; g. pure white; s. 8-12 cm. white, apex squamulose; sp. subgl.
=portentosum=, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. viscid, sooty often with purple tinge, viscid, streaked with dark lines; g. white, very broad; s. 7-8 cm.
whitish, glabrous; sp. subgl. 4-5 4.
=fucatum=, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. soon plane, viscid, dingy yellow with darker stains; g. white or tinged yellow; s. 5-7 cm. fibro-squamulose, whitish; sp. ----.
=quinquepart.i.tum=, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. viscid, even, glabrous, pale yellowish; g. broad, white; s. 7-10 cm. white, striate, glabrous; sp.
5-6 3-4.
Differs from _T. portentosum_ in p. not being virgate, and from _T.
fucatum_ in glabrous striate stem.
=resplendens=, Fr. White. P. 5-9 cm. expanded, viscid, even, glabrous, s.h.i.+ning when dry, margin straight; g. very emarginate; s. 5-7 cm., solid, apex flocculose; sp. 7-8 4.
Differs from _T. spermatic.u.m_ in solid stem.
=spermatic.u.m=, Fr. White. P. 5-8 cm. expanded, viscid, wavy, glabrous, s.h.i.+ning when dry, margin at first incurved; g. margin eroded; s. 5-9 cm.
twisted; sp. ----.
** _Gills becoming discoloured, usually spotted with brownish-red._
=colossus=, Fr. P. 12-20 cm. expanded, margin at first incurved, dull red or reddish umber, glabrous then squamulose, flesh very thick, reddish when broken; g. broad, reddish; s. 7-10 cm. stout, apex constricted, solid, reddish; sp. 6 4.
[=aurata=, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, even, yellow then rufescent; g. yellow; s. solid, fibrillose, yellow.
=nict.i.tans=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, viscid, yellowish; g. yellow; s. 7-8 cm. solid, yellow, apex squamulose; sp. 7-8 5.
Differs from _T. flavobrunneum_ in squamulose apex of stem.
=fulvellum=, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. viscid, even, yellowish tan disc darker and wrinkled; g. white then tinged rufescent; s. 4-6 cm. fibrillose, apex naked, white tinged rufous; sp. subgl. 4-5.
=flavobrunneum=, Fr. P. 7-14 cm. soon exp. viscid, bay, virgate-squamulose, flesh yellow then tinged rufous; g. pale yellow; s.
7-12 cm. ventricose, hollow, brownish, flesh yellow, viscid at first; sp. 6-7 4-5.
=albobrunneum=, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. obtuse, viscid, brown, streaked with fibrils, disc papillose; g. broad, whitish; s. 3-5 cm. equal, rufescent, solid, flesh white; sp. 4-6 3-5.
=irregulare=, Karst. P. convex then exp. very irreg. rather viscid, fibrillosely virgate, pale, tinged tawny rufous; g. white then reddish or spotted; s. equal, curved, white, apex flocculose. Smell strong.
Differs from _T. albobrunneum_ in paler, irreg. p. and smell.
[=Salero=, Barla. Smell strong, mealy. P. exp. obtuse, even, viscid when moist, satiny when dry, chestnut; g. white then reddish; s. cylindrical, white and squamulose at apex, fibrillose and reddish at middle; flesh white, reddish when broken, very bitter.
=ustale=, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. umb. then nearly plane, even, glabrous, disc rugulose bay; g. white tinged brown later, decur. tooth; s. 5-8 cm.
equal, somewhat rooting, apex naked, whitish; sp. 7-8 5.
=pessundatum=, Fr. P. 7-9 cm. obtuse, wavy, glabrous, viscid, bay or rufescent, granular or spotted; g. almost free, white then tinged rufous; s. 5-8 cm. white, floccosely squamulose; sp. 5 2.5.
=stans=, Fr. P. 7-10 cm. exp. viscid, rufescent, even, flesh red under cuticle; g. crowded, spotted reddish; s. 5-8 cm. whitish, squamulose; sp. 5-6 4.
=russula=, Schaeff. P. 6-8 cm. exp. viscid, rosy red, granulated; g.
subdecurrent; s. 3-5 cm. rosy, apex squamulose; sp. 10 5.
=frumentaceum=, Bull. P. 5-10 cm. exp. viscid, glabrous, pallid, streaked or stained reddish; g. crowded; s. 5-8 cm. solid, fibrillose, white, variegated red; sp. 5 3.5.
II. GENUINA. _Pellicle not viscid, torn into scales, or fibrillose._
* _Gills not changing colour, neither spotted with rufous nor black._
=rutilans=, Schaeff. P. 6-14 cm. exp. coated with purplish down, flesh yellow; g. yellow, edge downy, orange; s. 5-8 cm. yellow with purple squamules; sp. subgl. 5-6.
=variegatum=, Scop. P. 5-10 cm. exp. yellow with purplish squamules; g.
pale yellow, edge entire not darker coloured; s. 5-8 cm. pale yellow, more or less variegated with red; sp. 5-7 4-5.
Differs from _T. rutilans_ in edge of gills.
[=albofimbriatum=, Trog. P. exp. obtusely umb. fibrillose, scaly towards edge, brownish; g. sinuate, closely crowded, yellow then rufescent, edge white-fimbriate; s. yellow-rufescent.
[=aestuans=, Fr. P. conico-exp. umb. with fugacious longitudinal fibrils, yellow-rufescent; g. very broad, yellow then pallid; s. equal, glabrous, striate.
=centurio=, Kalchb. P. campan. strongly umb. edge incurved then spreading and wavy, fuscous then livid; g. deeply emarginate, almost free, pallid; s. ventricose, stout, white.
=luridum=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. rather wavy, dry, glabrous, then torn into livid squamules, yellowish-grey; g. broad, crowded; s. 5-8 cm.
glabrous, white; sp. 5-6 3-4.
Differs from _T. saponaceum_ in persistently white flesh.
=guttatum=, Schaeff. P. 5-12 cm. exp. cinnamon or with a pink tinge, dry, granulose or floccose, margin remotely sulcate; g. with decurrent line down stem, crowded; s. 5-8 cm., white, mealy; sp. ----.
Differs from _T. tigrinum_ in white gills and sulcate margin of pileus.
[=goniospermum=, Bres. P. fleshy, compact, hemispher. tinged fuscous or livid yellowish; g. much crowded, smoky-grey or lilac then yellowish; s.
solid, whitish or lilac above, base brownish; sp. more or less cruciform rarely subtriangular, 8-10 5-7.