European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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=merdaria=, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. exp. obtuse, glabrous, moist, hygr. dingy yellow-brown or pale bay; g. adnate, broad; s. 2-3 cm. flocculose, dry, pallid, ring fugacious; sp. 8 5. (12-16 6-8 Sacc.)
[=mammilata=, Kalchbr. P. thin, exp. conico-papillate, even, viscid, pale ochre; g. rotundato-adnate, blackish brown; s. glabrous, white then yellowish, ring fugacious.
=stercoraria=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. hemispher. then discoid, rather viscid, glabrous, yellow; g. adnate, broad, olive-black; s. 8-10 cm. stuffed with free pith, elongated, flocculose below the distant ring, rather viscid, white tinged yellow; sp. 18-20 8-10.
=semiglobata=, Batsch. P. 2-3 cm. persistently hemispher. even, glutinous, yellow; g. adnate, broad, clouded black; s. 6-10 cm.
glabrous, glutinous, yellowish, ring imperfect, inferior; sp. 12 6.
Differs from _P. stercoraria_ in persistently hemispher. p. and glabrous s.
[=siccipes=, Karst. P. hemispher. exp. obtuse, orbicular, naked, even or edge slightly pellucidly striate, viscid, whitish clay-colour; g.
adnato-subdecur. clay-colour then fuscous and clouded; s. pallid, dry, straight or wavy, flocculose, pruinose above the distant, dry ring; sp.
12-15 7-9.
Intermediate between _S. stercoraria_ and _S. semiglobata_.
[=paradoxa=, P. Henn. P. campan. papillately umb. viscid, centre brown, edge broadly revolute, even, glabrous; g. adnato-decur. wavy, veined, dusky brown; s. wavy, striate, fibrous, yellow, base white-downy, ring black, floccose, deciduous; sp. 14-17 7-10.
B. SPINTRIGERI. _Pileus without a pellicle, but innately fibrous, not viscid._
[=calceata=, Schaeff. P. exp. adpressedly fibrillose, moist, stoutly umb. even, dingy yellow then pale; g. nearly free; s. solid, glabrous, white, base marginately bulbous, limb free like a volva.
[=ocreata=, Holmsk. P. globoso-campan.-exp. obtuse, granulose then imbricately scaly, red then gilvous; g. nearly free; s. peronate up to imperfect ring.
[=medusa=, Brig. P. globose then convex, even, subrimosely squamulose when dry, yellowish white, edge lobed; g. nearly free, sooty, edge crenulate; s. solid, subtuberous, fibrillose, white, ring fugacious.
=caput-medusae=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. ovate, exp. lacunose, squamulose, discoid, umber-brown, edge ochre; g. adfixed; s. 5-9 cm. peronate with squarrose scales up to superior ring, scales at length falling away; sp.
10 4. (16-18 5 Sacc.)
=scobinacea=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. gibbous, somewhat sulcate, at first covered with crowded, blackish adpressed squamules; g. adnate, crenulate, purplish; s. 6-9 cm. hollow, fibrillose, white, apex mealy, ring superior, fugacious; sp. ----.
[=sulcata=, Gill. P. conico-campan. umb. covered except at summit with branched ridges, reddish; g. distant; s. white, striate below and mealy above the ring.
[=sulcatula=, Gill. P. convex, rugosely ridged, when young with reddish superficial scales, then naked and whitish or tinged red at disc; sooty-brown, edge whitish, denticulate; s. elongated, squamulose up to ring, striate above, white, base rooting very cottony.
[=cotonea=, Q. At first entirely white. P. 5-7 cm. spherical then convex, snow-white, covered with floccose squamules; g. sinuate, white, then purple, at length brownish-purple, edge white; s. 3-6 cm.
fistulose, curved, floccosely scaly, apex glabrous, ring floccose; sp.
10 long.
Quelet considers this species to be identical with _Hyph.
lacrymabundum_, Fries.
=Battarrae=, Fr. P. hemispher. then exp., more or less olive, covered with adpressed squamules most crowded at the disc; g. sinuate, white then rosy, finally purple-brown, edge white; s. fistulose, whitish, with brownish or olive squamules up to ring, apex pruinose, ring thin, white, partly appendiculate; sp. 10 long.
[=punctulata=, Kalchbr. P. thin, convex, dry, pallid, squamulosely punctate from the veil, then naked; g. sinuato-adnate with a decur.
tooth, pale umber; s. stuffed, pallid, squamulose from the veil above.
=Jerdoni=, B. and Br. P. 4-5 cm. exp. umbo fleshy, broad, ochraceous with snow-white evanescent flecks; g. adnate with a decur. line, transversely striate; s. 5-7 cm. snow-white and pulverulent above, brownish squamulose below, ring superior; sp. 10 5.
=spintrigera=, Fr. P. 5-9 cm. ovate then exp. obtuse, even, glabrous, brownish or pinkish tan then pale; g. adnate, crowded; s. 4-7 cm.
hollow, floccosely-fibrillose, white, ring distant, fugacious; sp. ----.
=hypsipoda=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. convexo-plane, even, glabrous, hygr.
brownish yellow; g. white then fuscous; s. 7-11 cm. hollow, equal, glabrous, whitish, ring median, persistent; sp. 12-14 6-7.
=cothurnata=, Fr. P. exp. obtuse, even, thin, white, not hygr.; g.
adnexed, crowded; s. floccosely villose up to median ring, white.
=separata=, Karst. P. 2-3 cm. campan. obtuse, not exp. viscid, dull ochre then pale and often rugulose; g. adfixed, greyish black; s. 6-10 cm. straight, white, base thickened, ring distant; sp. 10 7. (16-22 10-15 Sacc.)
=scitula=, Ma.s.s. P. 1-1.5 cm. campan. obtuse, smooth, viscid, drab or dingy ochre; g. almost free, grey; s. 2-3 cm. peronate up to inferior ring; sp. 12-13 4.
=fimiputris=, Karst. P. 2.5-4 cm. conico-exp. thin, subgibbous, viscid, dusky grey; paler when dry; g. adfixed, livid blackish; s. 6-10 cm.
pallid, slender, equal, pallid, with ring reduced to a zone; sp. 9-10 6.
=glutinosus=, Schaeff. P. 4-10 cm. obtuse, glutinous, purplish-brown; g.
slightly decur. whitish then grey; s. 4-9 cm. whitish, ring indistinct, solid, flesh white, yellow at base; sp. 18-20 6-7.
var. _roseus_, Fr. Smaller. P. rosy; s. white, base rosy outside and inside.
=viscidus=, Sow. P. 5-12 cm. fleshy, at length umb. edge acute, viscid, reddish-brown; g. decur. purple-umber, branched; s. 6-10 cm.
yellow-brown, flesh yellow-brown, deepest at base; sp. 18-20 6.
var. _testaceus_, Fr. P. and base of s. outside and in brick-red; g.
=maculatus=, Scop. P. 5-7 cm. convex, viscid, whitish, spotted with black when old; g. decur. branched, umber; s. 3-4 cm. cylindrical, yellow, flesh reddish.
var. _Cookei_, Ma.s.s. P. 2-4 cm. convex then either subdepr. or gibbous, viscid, whitish with black stains; g. decur. whitish then brownish; s. 6 cm. narrowed downwards, pale then blackish, flesh dark at base; sp. 20 5-6.
=gracilis=, B. P. 2-3 cm. conical then hemispher. sometimes depr. and sub.u.mb. vinous brown, or tan with gluten that leaves blackish spots; g.
decur. whitish then bistre; s. 3-5 cm. flexuous, pallid, base yellow; sp. 16-18 5.
* FASCICULARES. _Pileus tough, glabrous, bright coloured when dry, not hygr._
=silaceum=, Pers. P. 6-8 cm. convex, orange-rufous, edge whitish and silky; g. adnate, grey then olive; s. 6-7 cm. bulbous, s.h.i.+ning; sp.
Fries says it is solitary, Secretan says caespitose from a common base.