European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae -
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=murinaceum=, Bull. Smell strong. P. 5-10 cm. exp. sometimes sub.u.mb.
grey, silky, cracking into squamules; g. deeply sinuate, broad, grey; s.
grey with darker squamules; sp. ----.
[=bisontinum=, Roll. P. pulvinate, cuticle thick, brown with greenish tinge, virgate with minute adpr. fibrils; g. thick, grey, with flat, transverse, more or less branched veins; s. solid, narrowed below, fibrillosely striate, with minute dark granules above, pale; 10-12 6.
=hordum=, F. P. exp. sub.u.mb. grey, dry, glabrous then breaking up into squarrose scales; g. rather distant, becoming greyish; s. 6-8 cm.
whitish, glabrous; sp.
=virgatum=, Fr. P. rigid, 5-9 cm. exp. umb. very dry, greyish, virgate with radiating blackish lines; umb. often broken up into squamules; g.
broadly emarginate, becoming greyish, crowded; s. 7-9 cm. striate, glabrous, whitish; sp. 6-8 5-6.
The only dry sp. with a virgate pileus.
[=dissultans=, Karst. P. fragile, thin, convexo-plane, acutely umb. very dry, h.o.a.ry with dense subreticulately interwoven superficial fibrils, grey; g. h.o.a.ry; s. hollow, equal, white, loosely fibrillose, apex pruinose; sp. 5-6 4.
[=elytroides=, Scop. P. exp. obt. scabrid, disc floccosely scurfy, grey; g. broad, grey; s. with dense fibrils directed upwards.
[=opic.u.m=, Fr. P. umb. even, soon squamulose, greyish as is also the flesh; g. arcuato-adfixed, h.o.a.ry; s. stuffed, equal, almost glabrous.
IV. SERICELLA. _Pileus at first silky, soon glabrous, quite dry._
* _Gills broad, thickish, rather distant._
=sulphureum=, Fr. Strong smelling. Entirely sulphur yellow or p. tinged rufous. P. 3-8 cm. sub.u.mb. silky, even; g. distant; s. 5-10 cm. striate, same colour inside; sp. 9-10 5.
=bufonium=, Pers. P. 3-7 cm. soon plane, sub.u.mb. silky, soon glabrous, rugulose, opaque, purplish brown, umber, or tan; g. yellowish-tan then pallid; s. 5-7 cm. flocculose, coloured like p.; sp. subgl. 4-5.
=lascivum=, Fr. Smell strong. P. 4-5 cm. exp. and subdepressed, even, silky then glabrous, tan colour then pallid; g. arcuately adnexed, crowded, white; s. 4-6 cm. solid, rigid, tomentose, whitish, apex mealy, rooting; sp. 8-10 4-5.
var. _robustum_, Cke. Robust. P. whitish, silky; smell weak or none.
=interveniens=, Karst. P. convexo-plane, depr. silky then glabrous, rugulose near edge, tan then pale; g. arcuato-adnex. crowded, pallid; s.
solid, equal, rooting, fibrillose, pallid; sp. 6-7 2-2.5.
=inamoenum=, Fr. Foetid. White. P. 2-4 cm. exp. umb. silky then glabrous, even; g. arcuato-adnexed, crowded; s. 7-10 cm. equal, solid, rooting; sp. 9-10 6-7.
The only white, foetid _Tricholoma_.
** _Gills thin, crowded, narrow._
=cerinum=, Pers. P. 2-4 cm. exp. obtuse or depressed, even, dry, almost glabrous, wax-yellow or brown; g. crowded, yellow; s. 2-3 cm. stuffed, fibrillosely striate, yellowish, base darker; sp. ----.
[=chrysenterum=, Bull. Entirely yellowish outside and inside. P. fleshy, convexo-plane, obsoletely umb. silky then almost glabrous; g. free, crowded, narrow; s. solid, base with white wool.
[=stiparophyllum=, Fr. Smell strong. P. exp. silky then glabrous, yellowish white; g. crowded, white; s. hollow, white, glabrous, apex mealy.
[=cerinum=, Pers. P. exp. depr. almost glabrous, waxy yellow or fuscescent; g. crowded, yellow; s. stuffed, fibrillosely striate, base glabrous, often brownish.
[=onychinum=, Fr. P. exp. sub.u.mb. dingy purple or brown, margin silky; g. yellow, crowded; s. pallid, apex reddish.
=ionides=, Bull. P. 2-4 cm. soon plane, umb. even, dingy violet then pale; g. crowded, white, edge irreg.; s. 3-4 cm. elastic, fibrillose, coloured like p.; sp. 6-7 3.5.
Differs from _T. humile_ and _T. sordidum_ in white gills.
var. _parvum_, Lasch. P. reddish brown.
var. _persicolor_, Fr. P. convexo-plane, peach-colour, then pale; g.
sinuate, white; s. paler than p.
=carneum=, Bull. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. fragile, exp. obtuse, glabrous, persistently reddish flesh colour; gills pure white; s. 2-2.5 cm.
coloured like pileus, not fading; sp. 3 2.
[=carneolum=, Fr. Small. P. plano-depr. obtuse, even, flesh-red then pale; g. closely crowded, very broad behind, s.h.i.+ning white.
=caelatum=, Fr. P. 2-2.5 cm. persistently umbilicate glabrous, brown then greyish, becoming cracked; g. crowded; s. 2.5 cm. glabrous, brown; sp. 8 5.
B. _Pileus even, glabrous, neither villose, scaly nor viscid._
V. GUTTATA. _Pileus fleshy, soft, fragile, with drop-like markings; stem solid._
* _Gills not discoloured._
=gambosum=, Fr. P. 6-12 cm. flesh thick, exp. and wavy, glabrous, spotted, pallid tan, margin incurved and downy at first; g. crowded, ventricose; s. 5-7 cm. stout, flocculose at apex, white; sp. 13-14 8-9. Edible.
[=Georgii=, Clus. P. exp. rather wavy, dry, flocculosely soft, ochraceous, edge even, naked, ochraceous; g. linear, transversely striate, whitish; s. solid, stout, fibrillose. Edible.
=albellum=, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. conical then exp. gibbous, whitish, pallid, greyish when dry, mottled with spots, margin naked; g. crowded, broadest in front; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillosely striate, solid, white; sp. 6-7 4.
=boreale=, Fr. P. 4-6 cm. irreg. sub.u.mb. glabrous, rivulose when dry, margin even, naked, flesh-colour becoming pale; g. crowded; s. 5-8 cm.
solid, elastic, base narrowed, whitish; sp. subg. 4-5.
** _Gills discoloured, rufescent or smoky._
=amethystinum=, Scop. P. 3-5 cm. exp. wavy, glabrous, livid and spotted with bluish patches; g. crowded, white then rufescent; s. 3-5 cm. solid, narrowed at base, paler than p.; sp. ----.
[=graveolens=, Fr. P. compact, obt. glabrous, margin even, rivulose when dry, dusky brown; g. white then fuliginous; s. solid, firm, fibrillose.
=tigrinum=, Schaeff. P. 3-5 cm. exp. often wavy, glabrous, margin invol.
pale brown or greyish with brown spots; g. crowded, narrow, white then greyish; s. 2-3 cm. and nearly as thick, solid, white, pruinose; sp.
subgl. 8.
Differs from _T. guttatum_ in glabrous pileus with an even margin.
[=leucophaeatum=, Karst. (= _Coll. leucophaeatus_, Fr.). P.
convexo-plane, broadly and obtusely umb. pallid grey; with thin h.o.a.ry tomentum; g. crowded, whitish then dingy, broadest behind; s. equal, often curved, pallid, base strigose; sp. ----.
=pes-caprae=, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. conical then exp. umb. unequal, greyish brown, glabrous; g. broad, greyish white; s. 6-7 cm. naked, white; sp. 8 5.