Rufus and Rose Part 31

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"So I have; but mine is of a different kind from yours. You run the risk of going to prison."

"And you're in prison already," said Martin, with a grin. "Seems to me I've got the best of it so far."

"Perhaps you have; but I wouldn't exchange with you for all that. Now I've got a proposition to make."

"That's what you said before."

"If you will restore the tin box, and let me go free, I'll see that you are not arrested for what you've done."

"You're very kind," said Martin; "but that won't pay me for my trouble."

"If I'll get you out of your present danger?"

"I don't know about that. S'posin' I was to do as you say, the first thing you'd do after you got out would be to set the copps on me."

"No, I wouldn't. I'd go to prison first myself."

This proposition had some effect upon Martin. He realized that he was in danger, and felt that he had been very poorly paid for his risk and trouble. He was inclined to believe Rufus would keep his word, but he knew also that matters had gone too far. Smith, he was sure, would not consent to any such arrangement, and without him he could do nothing.

Besides, it was a satisfaction to him to feel that he had Rufus in his power, and he had no desire to lose that advantage by setting him free.

Tyrant and bully as he was by nature, he meant to gratify his malice at our hero's expense.

"I couldn't do it, Rufus," he said. "There's another man in it, and he's got the box."

Rufus looked sharply at Martin to ascertain if he was speaking the truth. He decided that it was as his step-father stated, and, if this was the case, he would have more than one enemy to deal with.

"Does the other man live here?" he asked.

"Maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't."

"Who is he?"

"Maybe it's the Emperor of Chiny, and maybe it isn't. What would you give to know?"

"Not much," said Rufus, a.s.suming an indifferent tone. "You're the man that took the box,--that's enough for me."

"He put me up to it," said Martin, unguardedly.

"I thought Martin wasn't smart enough to plan the robbery himself," said Rufus to himself. He resolved to appear indifferent to this information, in the hope of learning more.

"You can settle that among yourselves," he said, quietly. "If you consented to do it, you're as much to blame as he."

At this moment Smith, influenced by curiosity, opened the door and entered.

"This is my undootiful son, Mr. Smith," said Martin.

"So his name's Smith," thought Rufus. "I wonder whether it's his real name, or a false one."

"I'm glad to see you, young man," said Smith. "So you've called to see your father?"

"He isn't my father."

"You see how undootiful he is," said Martin. "He won't own me."

"We'll teach him to be more dutiful before we get through with him,"

said Smith.

"Mr. Smith," said Rufus, "I'm not here of my own accord. I dare say you know that. But as long as I am here, I'd like to ask you if you know anything about a tin box that was taken from me the other day by Mr.


"By your father?"

"By Mr. Martin," said Rufus, determined not to admit the relations.h.i.+p.

"What should I know about it?"

"Mr. Martin tells me that, though he took it, somebody else set him to do it. I thought you might be the one."

"Did you say that?" demanded Smith, looking angrily at Martin.

"I was only foolin'," returned Martin, who began to think he had made a blunder.

"It's my belief that you're a fool," retorted Smith. "You'd better be careful what you tell your son. Young man," turning to Rufus, "as to the tin box you speak of, I can tell you nothing. Your father says that he has recovered some property which you stole from him a while since, and I suppose that may be the tin box you refer to."

"That isn't true. It belonged to Mr. Turner, my employer, or rather to a customer of his."

"That's nothing to me. Mr. Martin boards with me, and as long as he pays for his board I don't want to pry into his affairs. If he has taken a tin box from you, I presume he had a better right to it than you had.

Are you going to bring your son down to dinner, Mr. Martin?"

"I guess he'd better eat his victuals up here," said Martin.

"Just as you say. I can send Humpy with them. We shall have dinner in about an hour."

"All right; I'll go down now if my dootiful son can spare me."

As Rufus did not urge him to stay, Martin left the room with Smith, taking care to lock the door after him.

"What's the boy's name?" asked Smith, abruptly.


"He's smart. I can tell that by his looks."

"Ye-es, he's smart enough," said Martin, hesitatingly; "but he's as obstinate as a pig."

"Likes to have his own way, eh?"

"That's what he does."

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Rufus and Rose Part 31 summary

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