Dramatic Technique Part 87

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[This scene (suggested by a friend) was entirely cut before rehearsals began.]

_Zira's house. Same scene as Act I, Scene 3. Small courtyard.

The sun has just set. It is dusk.

The gate is opened from the street.

Old Woman I (Narjis) enters, locks the gate, and lights a lamp.

Knocking at the gate.

Old Woman I opens the gate.

The two porters bring in the chair.

Hajji gets out, bent double, and trembling.

He pays the porters: they withdraw.

The Old Woman says: "Who are you?"_

_Hajji._ Hajji throws back the shawl.

He reveals himself, asks for food and his daughter.

_Old Woman I._ "Hajji!"

Hajji explains that he must escape: Leave the city at once.

Too long to explain.

He can never come to Bagdad again.

Old Woman to bring his daughter at once, Old Woman says she has just taken daughter to Executioner's house.

Hajji: "I said not before sundown"

"It is sundown."

Hajji curses Old Woman.

Says that it is her fault that he took his daughter to Executioner.

"My fault?" says she.

"Yes! You urged me on.

You agreed with me.

If I have lost her, you are to blame.

But I can't lose her.

I must risk everything.

I must get her out of his clutches."

Where did Old Woman leave her?

With wife.

An idea!

He had appointment with wife in bath at moon rise-- He will go.

If it costs him his life, he must try to get his daughter.

He goes to door; as he does so, there is knocking at door from without.

They have found him.

What shall he do?

Old Woman opens lattice in Courtyard.

"Escape that way!

When I was young many a time my lover came through that window."

Hajji off through window.

_More knocking at door.

Old Woman opens._

_Sultan. Sultan enters, splendidly attired.

Vizier Has come to claim his bride.

and a Guard. Old Woman amazed.

Old Woman._ Is he not the Sultan?

She has seen him the day of his entry into the town.

Sultan: "You have guessed. Bring forth Zira!"

Alas! Zira not here.

At Executioner's house.

Her father has destined her for Executioner.

Sultan furious.

When was she taken there?

Not an hour ago.

Sultan will go to Executioner's house.

The Old Woman I is to lead the way and show the entrance she took the girl to.



[In the play Act III begins here.]

_The Bath in the Executioner's house. (Large set.)_

_Up five marble steps (almost fifteen feet up stage) a colonnade.

Beyond it a courtyard, with a large swimming bath. The front part of the stage, couches and pierced screens. Door right to women's apartments, door left to men's apartments._

_Early moonlight in the courtyard beyond the columns. Hanging lamps in the front part of the bath._

_Women are robing and disrobing. Some are swimming in the tank.

Laughter and chatter._ Wife. Wife at her toilet.

Old Woman II (Miskah.)_ Old Woman helping.

Has Hajji not come back yet?

"No sign," says Old Woman.

Has been to outer gate twice.

Only person there a young woman Guarded by two soldiers (eunuchs).

Weeping this last half hour.

They say she has been brought by Executioner's orders.

"Another woman?

Have her brought here!"

Old Woman takes order to doorkeeper at door L. Wife goes to top of steps and orders the other women to dress and retire._

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Dramatic Technique Part 87 summary

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