Dramatic Technique Part 88

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_The women swim to the right end of the bath. The talk is silenced._

_Zira is brought in by the slave doorkeeper, followed by the Old Woman II._

_Wife. Wife: "What have we here?"

Zira. She abuses girl.

Old Woman II._ Ill treats her.

[This scene enlarged Leads off into inner chamber of slaves.

during rehearsal. Zira in tears goes off by colonnade right Marsinah (Zira) does with the Old Woman.

not leave the stage, but veils. See play.]

_Wife._ "I'll soon break your spirit!"

_The door left opens._

_The Executioner enters in a bad humour._

_Executioner. _Wife_: "This is an unexpected delight!

Wife._ So early? Did the Sultan not keep you to supper?"

_Executioner_: "What are you doing in the bath at this time of night?"

_W._ "I was but waiting for you to ask what you wish done with the new slave."

_E._ "What new slave?"

_W._ "The woman who has just arrived, guarded by two of your men."

_The Doorkeeper_. "The men you dispatched with Hajji, sir, this afternoon."

_E_. "Oh, that woman!

I shall have her strangled."

Wife agrees.

Says girl a s.l.u.t.

Executioner finds his wife agrees with him to such an extent that he thinks the girl must be beautiful.

Rings a bell.

Old Woman II comes from Colonnade.

[This altered. Marsinah He orders her to bring Zira.

has not left the The wife tries to interfere.

stage. See note above.] Executioner angry.

Wife wonders why he is in such an angry mood.

Because he may lose his head any moment.

"Lose his head?" she asks.

"Yes. This new Sultan--"

_Zira is brought in from R. on steps by Old Woman. Zira is veiled._

_Executioner. Executioner orders her to unveil.

Zira. She hesitates.

Wife. He tears the veil from her face.

Old Woman._ He sees she is beautiful.

Says to his wife that she has lied.

"Go, get the girl ready.

I will come to her as soon as I have had my bath.

Until tomorrow, at least, I shall enjoy life.

After that--who knows?"

_He goes off up the Colonnade to left.

Wife orders Old Woman to take the girl away with her again.

Zira goes off by small door right with Old Woman.

There is a tapping sound on a screen on the right side._

_Wife._ "Hajji!"

_Wife goes and opens screen in the wall right. Hajji enters._

_Wife. Wife tells him to be quiet.

Hajji._ Executioner near at hand.

Expects an amorous embrace.

Hajji says there is no time for love making.

He has come about his daughter.

_W._ "Your daughter?"

_H._ "Yes. Zira--She came here for the Executioner. Has he seen her? Has he gone in to her?"

_W._ "So she's your daughter?

I have you to thank for this creature, Another rival."

Hajji wants to know where the girl is.

Can't Wife bring her out here and let the girl escape with him.

_W._ "Escape?"

_H._ "In that way you can get rid of a rival."

_W._ "And be strangled myself?"

He urges her.

If she won't let the girl escape, at least won't she take the girl to a sanctuary?

Sanctuary? What for?

To get her out of the way--away from Executioner.

Why not take her to the Mosque?

The Mosque of the Carpenters, where the venerable priest is?

He entreats Wife by the love she has for him.

Points out the dangerous charm of his daughter.

She will prove a great rival.

Wife is torn between jealousy and fear for her own life.

_H._ "You can say you took her to the Sanctuary for purification--Take her there!"

_They are interrupted._

_The Executioner appears in a thin robe in the colonnade with two slaves. Wife escapes rapidly into inner room to right. Hajji's escape is cut off. He grovels on the floor._

_Hajji. Executioner sees Hajji and dismisses the Executioner._ slaves.

Amazed at Hajji's presence.

/ Hajji says he has done everything to get back to Executioner. Bribed the Sultan's Gaoler, faced untold dangers.

[All this much more Grovels and at the same time tries to find out direct and brutal in < the="" executioner's="" position="" in="" regard="" to="" the="" play.="" change="" made="">

when play was written.] Has he lost his power?

What has Sultan done to Executioner?

Executioner in a boundless rage.

How dare Hajji come and ask him questions?

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Dramatic Technique Part 88 summary

You're reading Dramatic Technique. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): George Pierce Baker. Already has 491 views.

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