Oscar Wilde Part 2

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January 7, p. 10. "A New Departure."

" " pp. 10, 11. Clowning and Cla.s.sicism.

" " p. 12. In Earnest.

" 14, p. 14. Oscar Interviewed.

" " p. 16. aesthetic Ladies' Hair.

" " p. 18. Murder Made Easy. _A Ballad a la Mode. By "Brother Jonathan"

Wilde._ (With Cartoon.)

" " p. 18. To An aesthetic Poet.

" " p. 22. Impression du Theatre.

February 4, p. 49. Sketches from "Boz." Oscar Wilde as _Harold Skimpole_.

" 4, p. 58. A Poet's Day. Ariadne in Naxes; Or, Very Like a Wail.

" " p. 49. Distinctly Precious Pantomime.

" 18, p. 81. Lines by Mrs Cimabue Brown.

March 11, p. 109. The Poet Wilde's _Unkissed Kisses_.

" " p. 117. Ossian (with Variations).

April 1, p. 153. A Philistine to An aesthete.

" " p. 156. The Poet Wilde.

" 8, p. 168. Impression De Gaiety Theatre.

_By Ossian Wilderness._

" 22, p. 192. Likely.

November 4, p. 216. Not Generally Known.

" 25, p. 249. "What! No Soap!" Or, Pop Goes The Langtry Bubble.


March 31, p. 155. To Be Sold.

" " p. 156. Sage Green. (_By a Fading-out aesthete._)

May 12, pp. 220-1. Our Academy Guide. No. 163.--Private Frith's View.--Members of the Salvation Army, led by General Oscar Wilde, joining in a hymn.

September 1, p. 99. "The Play's (not) the Thing."

November 3, p. 209. Sartorial Sweetness and Light.

" 10, p. 218. Counter Criticism.

" 17, p. 231. Cheap Telegrams.

" " p. 238. Another Invitation to Amerikay.

" 24, p. 249. "And is this Fame?"


June 14, p. 288. The Town. II.--Bond Street.

August 23, p. 96. The Town. No. XI.--"Form."

A Legend of Modern London.

Part I.

" 30, p. 105. A Legend of Modern London.

Part II.


May 30, p. 253. Ben Trovato.

June 27, p. 310. Interiors and Exteriors. No. 13.

At Burlington House. The "Swarry."

December 7, Almanack for 1886. The Walnut Season.

"Here Y' ar'. Ten a Penny.

All Cracked."


December 10, p. 276. Our Booking-Office. _Woman's World._


January 5, p. 12. Our Booking-Office. Article in _The Fortnightly_.

July 6, p. 12. Advertis.e.m.e.nt of _Blackwood's Magazine_, containing "The Portrait of Mr W. H." by Oscar Wilde.

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Oscar Wilde Part 2 summary

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