Oscar Wilde Part 3

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October 5, p. 160. Appropriate Subject.


July 19, p. 26. Our Booking-Office. _Dorian Gray._

September 20, p. 135. Development.

Christmas Number. Punch Among the Planets.


March 14, p. 123. Desdemona to the Author of "Dorian Gray." (_Apropos of his paragraphic Preface._)

" " p. 125. Wilde Flowers.

May 30, p. 257. Our Booking-Office. _Intentions._


March 5, p. 113. A Wilde "Tag" to a Tame Play.

With Fancy Portrait. "Quite Too-Too Puffickly Precious."

March 12, p. 123. Lord Wildermere's Mother-in-Law.

" " p. 124. Pathetic Description of the Present State of Mr George Alexander.

April 30, p. 215. Staircase Scenes.--No. 1, Private View, Royal Academy.

June 25, p. 304. The Playful Sally.

July 2, p. 315. A Difficulty.

" 9, p. 1. A Wilde Idea; Or, More Injustice to Ireland.

" 16, p. 16. On the Fly-leaf of an Old Book.

" 16, p. 23. Racine, With the Chill Off.


January 19, p. 29. "To Rome for Sixteen Guineas."

April 22, p. 189. The B. and S. Drama at the Adelphi.

" 29, p. 193. Stray Thoughts on Play-Writing.

" " p. 195. The Premier at the Haymarket last Wednesday.

May 6, p. 213. A Work--of Some Importance.

" 13, p. 221. Wilder Ideas; _Or, Conversation as she is spoken at the Haymarket_.

" 27, p. 246. A Wylde Vade Mec.u.m. (_By Professor H-xl-y_)

June 3, p. 257. Second t.i.tle for the Play at the Haymarket.

July 15, p. 13. An Afternoon Party.

" 15, p. 22. "The Play is Not the Thing."

" 29, p. 46. At The T. R. H.

August 26, p. 94. Still Wilder Ideas. (_Possibilities for the next O. Wilde Play._)

December 30, pp. 304-5. New Year's Eve at Latterday Hall.

An Incident. Dorian Gray taking Juliet in to Dinner.


February 17, p. 73. "Blus.h.i.+ng Honours."

March 10, p. 109. She-Notes. By Borgia Smudgiton.

July 21, p. 33. The Minx.--A Poem in Prose.

August 4, p. 60. Our Charity Fete.

October 13, p. 177. The O.B.C. (Limited).

" 20, p. 185. The Blue Gardenia. (_A Colourable Imitation._)

" 27, p. 204. Morbidezza.

November 10, p. 225. The Decadent Guys. (_A Colour-Study in Green Carnations._)

December 15, p. 287. The Truisms of Life. (Note 12.)


January 12, p. 24. Overheard Fragment of a Dialogue.

" 19, p. 29. "To Rome for Sixteen Guineas."

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Oscar Wilde Part 3 summary

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