Mysteries of the Rosie Cross Part 3

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Now as yet we had not seen the dead body of our careful and wise father, we therefore removed the Altar aside, there we lifted up a strong plate of bra.s.s, and found a fair and worthy body, whole and unconsumed.

Concerning Minutum Mundum, we found it kept in another little Altar, truly more finer than can be imagined by any understanding man; but we will leave him undescribed until we shall truly be answered upon this our true hearted Famam; and so we have covered it again with the plates, and set the Altar thereon, shut the door, and made it sure, with all our seals; besides by instruction and command of our Rota, there are come to sight some books, among which is contained M. (which were made instead of household care by the praiseworthy M. P.). Finally we departed the one from the other, and left the natural heirs in possession of our Jewels.

And so we do expect the answer and judgment of the learned, or unlearned.

Howbeit we know after a time there will now be a general reformation, both of divine and human things, according to our desire, and the expectation of others; for it's fitting, that before the rising of the Sun, there should appear and break forth Aurora, or some clearness, or divine light in the sky; and so in the meantime some few, which shall give their names, may join together, thereby to increase the number and respect of our Fraternity, and make a happy and wished for beginning of our Philosophical Canons, prescribed to us by our brother R. C., and be partakers with us of our treasures (which never can fail or be wasted) in all humility, and love to be eased of this world's labour, and not walk so blindly in the knowledge of the wonderful works of G.o.d.

But that also every Christian may know of what religion and belief we are, we confess to have the knowledge of Jesus Christ (as the same now in these last days, and chiefly in Germany, most clear and pure is professed, and is nowadays cleansed and voyd of all swerving people, Hereticks and false Prophets), in certain and noted Countries maintained, defended and propagated; also we use two Sacraments, as they are inst.i.tuted with all Formes and Ceremonies of the first renewed Church. In Politia we acknowledge the Roman Empire and Quartam Monarchiam for our Christian head; albeit we know what alterations be at hand, and would fain impart the same with all our hearts, to other G.o.dly learned men; notwithstanding our handwriting which is in our hands, no man (except G.o.d alone) can make it common, nor any unworthy person is able to bereave us of it. But we shall help with secret aid this so good a cause as G.o.d shall permit or hinder us, for our G.o.d is not blind as the Heathen's Fortuna, but is the Church's ornament and the honour of the Temple. Our Philosophy also is not a new Invention, but as Adam after his fall hath received it, and as Moses and Solomon used it; also she ought not much to be doubted of, or contradicted by other opinions, or meanings; but seeing the truth is peaceable, brief, and always like herself in all things, and especially accorded by with _Jesus in omni parte_ and all members. And as he is the true Image of the Father, so is she his Image; it shall not be said, this is true according to Philosophy, but true according to Theologie: and wherein Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras and others did hit the mark, and wherein Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Solomon did excel; but especially wherewith that wonderful book the Bible agreeeth. All that same concurreth together, and make a s.p.a.ce or Globe whose total parts are equidistant from the centre, and hereof more at large and more plain shall be spoken of in Christianly Conference.

But now concerning (and chiefly in this our age) the unG.o.dly and accursed Gold-making, which hath gotten so much the upper hand, whereby under colour of it, many runagates and roguish people do use great villanies, and cozen and abuse the credit which is given them; yea nowadays men of discretion do hold the trans.m.u.tation of Mettals to be the highest point, and _fastigium_ in Philosophy, this is all their intent and desire, and that G.o.d would be most esteemed by them, and honoured, which could make great store of Gold, and in abundance, the which with unpremeditated prayers, they hope to attain of the all knowing G.o.d, and searcher of all hearts; we therefore do by these presents publickly testify, that the true Philosophers are far of another minde, esteeming little the making of Gold, which is but a parergon; for besides that they have a thousand better things.

And we say with our loving father _R. C. C. Phy: aurum nisi quantum aurum_, for unto them the whole nature is detected; he doth not rejoyce, that he can make Gold, and that, as Christ saith, the devils are obedient unto him; but is glad that he seeth the Heavens open, and the Angels of G.o.d ascending and descending, and his name written in the book of life.

Also we do testifie that under the name of 'Chymia' many books and pictures are set forth in Contumeliam gloriae Dei, as we will name them in their due season, and will give to the pure-hearted a Catalogue or Register of them; and we pray all learned men to take heed of these kinde of Books, for the enemy never resteth, but soweth his weeds, till a strange one doth root it out. So according to the will and meaning of Fra.

C. R. C., we his brethren request again all the learned in Europe who shall read (sent forth in five languages) this our _Famam and Confessionem_, that it would please them with good deliberation to ponder this our offer, and to examine most nearly and most sharply their Arts, and behold the present time with all diligence, and to declare their minde, either _Communicato consilio_, or _singulatum_ by print.

And although at this time we make no mention either of our names or meetings, yet nevertheless every one's opinion shall a.s.suredly come to our hands, in what language soever it be; nor anybody shall fail who so gives his name to speak with some of us either by word of mouth, or else if there be some lett in writing. And this we say for a truth, that whosoever shall earnestly, and from his heart, bear affection with us, it shall be beneficial unto him in goods, body and soul; but he that is false-hearted, or only greedy of riches, the same first of all shall not be able in any manner of wise to hurt us, but bring himself to utter ruine and destruction. Also our building (although one hundred thousand people had seen and beheld the same) shall for ever remain untouched, undestroyed, and hidden to the wicked world, sub umbra alarum tuarum Jehova.

A Preface of the Confession to the Reader who is desirous of Wisdom.

Here, Gentle Reader, you shall finde incorporated in our Confession thirty seven Reasons of our purpose, and intention, the which according to thy pleasure thou mayst seek out and compare them together: thou mayst also consider with thyself, if they be weighty and sufficient enough to bring and persuade thee for to take our parts.

Verily it requires no small pains to confirm that which men have not yet seen, but when it shall once come to light we doubt not, but they will then justly be ashamed of such doubts and conjectures. And as we do now altogether, securely, freely, and without any hurt call the Pope of Rome Antichrist, the which heretofore was held for a deadly sin, and such in all countries were put to death for it. So we know certainly, that the time shall likewise come, that that which we yet keep in secret, we shall openly, freely, and with a loud voice publish and confess it before all the world; the which Gentle Reader wish with us with all thy heart, that it may happen with speed.

Confessio Fraternitatis,

Or, The Confession of the laudable Fraternity of the most honourable Order of the Rosie Cross, written to the learned of Europe.

Whatsoever there is published, and made known to every one, concerning our Fraternity by the foresaid Fama, let no man esteem lightly of it, nor hold it as an idle or invented thing, and much less receive the same, as though it were only a meer conceit of ours. It is the Lord Jehovah (who seeing the Lord's sabbath is almost at hand, and hastened again, his period or course being finished to his first beginning) doth turn about the course of Nature; and what heretofore hath been sought with great pains and dayly labour, is now manifested unto those who make small account, or scarcely once think upon it; but those which desire it, it is in a manner forced and thrust upon them, that thereby the life of the G.o.dly may be eased of all their toyl and labour, and be no more subject to the storms of unconstant Fortune; but the wickedness of the unG.o.dly thereby, with their due and deserved punishment, be augmented and multiplied.

Although we cannot be by any suspected of the least Heresie, or of any wicked beginning, or purpose against the worldly government; we do condemn the East and West (meaning the Pope and Mahomet) blasphemers against our Lord Jesus Christ, and offer and present with a good will to the chief head of the Romish Empire, our prayers, secrets, and great treasures of Gold.

Yet we have thought good and fit for the learned sakes, to add somewhat more to this, and make a better explanation, if there be any thing too deep, hidden, and set down over dark in the Fama, or for certain reasons were altogether omitted, and left out; hoping herewith the Learned will be more addicted unto us, and be made far more fitter and willing for our purpose.

Concerning the alteration and amendment of Philosophy, we have (as much as at present is needful) sufficiently declared, to wit, that the same is altogether weak and faulty; yet we doubt not, although the most part falsely do alledge that she (I know not how) is sound and strong, yet notwithstanding she fetches her last breath and is departing.

But as commonly, even in the same place or Country where there breaketh forth a new unaccustomed disease, Nature also there discovereth a medicine against the same; so there doth appear for so manifold infirmities of Philosophy, the right means, and unto our Patria sufficiently offered, whereby she may become sound again, which is now to be renewed and altogether new.

No other Philosophy we have, than that which is the head and sum, the foundation and contents of all faculties, sciences and arts, the which (if we will behold our age) containeth much of Theology and medicine, but little of the wisdom of Lawyers, and doth diligently search both heaven and earth: or to speak briefly thereof, which doth manifest and declare sufficiently Man; whereof than all learned who will make themselves known unto us, and come into our brotherhood, shall finde more wonderful secrets by us, than heretofore they did attain unto, and did know, or are able to believe or utter.

Wherefore to declare briefly our meaning hereof, we ought to labour carefully that there be not only a wondering at our meeting and adhortation, but that likewise every one may know, that although we do highly esteem and regard such mysteries and secrets, we nevertheless hold it fit, that the knowledge thereof be manifested and revealed to many.

For it is to be taught and believed, that this our unhoped willing offer will raise many and divers thoughts in men unto whom (as yet) be unknown Miranda s.e.xtae aetatis, or those which by reason of course of the world, esteem the things to come like unto the present, and are hindered through all manner of importunities of this their time, so that they live no otherwise in the world, than blinde fools, who can, in the clear Sun-s.h.i.+ne days, discern and know nothing than only by feeling.

Now concerning the first part, we hold this, that the Meditations, knowledge and inventions of our loving Christian Father (of all that, which from the beginning of the world, Man's Wisdom, either through G.o.d's revelation, or through the service of the Angels and spirits, or through the sharpness and deepness of understanding, or through long observation, use and experience, hath found out, invented, brought forth, corrected, and till now hath been propagated and transplanted) are so excellent, worthy and great, that if all books should perish, and by G.o.d Almighty's sufrance, all writings, and all learning should be lost, yet the posterity will be able only thereby to lay a new foundation, and bring truth to light again; the which perhaps would not be so hard to do as if one should begin to pull down and destroy the old ruinous building, and begin to enlarge the fore Court, afterwards bring the lights in the Lodgings, and then change the doors, staples and other things according to our intention.

But to whom would this not be acceptable, for to be manifested to every one rather than to have it kept and spared, as an especial ornament for the appointed time to come.

Wherefore should we not with all our hearts rest and remain in the only truth (which men through so many erroneous and crooked ways do seek) if it had only pleased G.o.d to lighten unto us the sixth Candelabrum, were it not good that we needed not to care, not to fear hunger, poverty, sickness and age.

Were it not a precious thing that you could always live so, as if you had lived from the beginning of the world, and moreover as you should still live to the end therof. Were it not excellent, you dwell in one place, that neither the people which dwell beyond the River Ganges in the Indies could hide anything, nor those which live in Peru might be able to keep secret their counsels from thee.

Were it not a precious thing that you could so read in one only book, and withal by reading understand and remember all that, which in all other books (which heretofore have been, and are now and hereafter shall come out) hath been, is, and shall be learned, and found out of them.

How pleasant were it that you could so sing, that instead of stony rocks you could draw to thee pearls and precious stones, instead of wilde beasts, spirits, and instead of h.e.l.lish Pluto, move the mighty Princes of the world.

O ye people, G.o.d's counsel is far otherwise, who hath concluded now to increase and enlarge the number of our Fraternity, the which we with such joy have undertaken as we have heretofore obtained this great treasure without our merits, yea without any our hopes and thoughts, and purpose with the like fidelity to put the same in practice, that neither the compa.s.sion nor pity of our own children (which some of us in the Fraternity have) shall draw us from it, because we know that these unhoped for goods cannot be inherited, nor by chance be obtained.

If there be somebody now which on the other side will complain of our discretion, that we offer our Treasures so freely, and without any difference to all men, and do not rather regard and respect more the G.o.dly, learned, wise, or princely persons than the common people; those we do not contradict, seeing it is not a slight and easie matter; but without we signify so much, that our Arcana or Secrets will no ways be common, and generally made known. Although the Fama be set forth in five languages, and is manifested to every one, yet we do partly very well know that, the unlearned and gross wits will not receive nor regard the same; as also the worthiness of those who shall be accepted into our Fraternity are not esteemed and known of us by Man's carefulness, but by the Rule of our Revelation and Manifestation. Wherefore if the unworthy cry and call a thousand times, or if they offer and present themselves to us a thousand times, yet G.o.d hath commanded our ears, that they should hear none of them: yea, G.o.d hath so compa.s.sed us about with his Clouds, that unto us his servants, no violence or force can be done or committed; wherefore we neither can be seen or known by any body, except he had the eyes of an Eagle. It hath been necessary the Fama should be set forth in every ones Mother Tongue, because those should not be defrauded of the knowledge thereof, whom (although they be unlearned) G.o.d hath not excluded from the happiness of this Fraternity, the which shall be divided and parted with certain degrees; as those which dwell in the city Damcar in Arabia, who have a far different politick order from the other Arabians. For there they do govern only wise men, who by the King's permission make particular Laws; according unto which example, also the Government shall be inst.i.tuted in Europe (whereof we have a description set down by our Christianly Father) when first is done and come to pa.s.s that which is to precede. And thenceforth our Trumpet shall publiquely sound with a loud sound, and great noise, when namely the same (which at this present is showed by few, and is secretly, as a thing to come, declared in Figures and Pictures) shall be free and publiquely proclaimed, and the whole world be filled withall. Even in such manner as heretofore, many G.o.dly people have secretly and altogether desperately pusht at the Pope's Tyranny, which afterwards, with great earnest, and especial zeal in Germany, was thrown from his seat and trodden under foot, whose final fall is delayed, and kept for our times, when he also shall be scratched in pieces with nails, and an end be made of his cry, by a new voyce: the which we know is already reasurably manifest and known to many learned men in Germany, as their writings and secret congratulations do sufficiently witness the same.

We could here relate and declare what all the time from the year of our Lord, 1378 (in which year our Christian Father was born) till now, hath happened, where we might rehea.r.s.e what alterations he hath seen in the world these one hundred and six years of his life, which he hath left to our Brethren and us after his decease to peruse. But brevity, which we do observe, will not permit at this present to make rehearsal of it, till a more fit time; at this time it is enough for those which do not despise our declaration, having therefore briefly touched it, thereby to prepare the way for their acquaintance and friends.h.i.+p with us.

Yea, to whom it is permitted, that he may, and for his instruction use those great Letters and Characters which the Lord G.o.d hath written and imprinted in Heaven and Earth's Edifice, through the alteration of Government, which hath been from time to time altered and renewed; the same is already (although as yet unknown to himself) ours: and as we know he will not despise our inviting and calling, so, none shall fear any deceit, for we promise and openly say, that no man's uprightness and hopes shall deceive him, whosoever shall make himself known unto us under the Seal of Secrecy, and desire our Fraternity.

But to the false Hypocrites, and to those that seek other things than Wisdom, we say and witness by these presents publickly, we cannot be made known and be betrayed unto them, and much less they shall be able to hurt us any manner of way without the Will of G.o.d; but they shall certainly be partakers of all the punishment spoken of in our Fama; so their wicked counsels shall light upon themselves, and our Treasures shall remain untouched, until the Lion doth come, who will ask them for his use, and employ them for the Confirmation and Establishment of his kingdom. We ought therefore here to observe well, and make it known unto every one, that G.o.d hath certainly and most a.s.suredly concluded to send and grant to the world before her end, which presently thereupon shall ensue, such a Truth, Light, Life, and Glory, as the first Adam had, which he lost in Paradise, after the which his successors were put, and driven with him to misery, wherefore there shall cease all servitude, falsehood, lyes, and darkness, which by little and little with the great World's Revolution, was crept into all Arts, Works and Governments of Men, and have darkened the most part of them. For from thence are proceeded an innumerable sort of all manner of false opinions and heresies, that scarce the wisest of all was able to know whose Doctrine and Opinion he should follow and embrace, and could not well and easily be discerned, seeing on the one part they were detained, hindered, and brought into Errors through the respect of the Philosophers and learned men, and on the other part through true experience. All the which when it shall once be abolished and removed, and instead thereof a right and true Rule inst.i.tuted, then there will remain thanks unto them which have taken pains therein, but the Work itself shall be attributed to the Blessedness of our Age.

As we now willingly confess, that many men by their Writings will be a great furtherance unto this Reformation which is to come; so we desire not to have this honour ascribed to us, as if such work were only commanded and imposed upon us; but we confess, and witness openly with the Lord Jesus Christ, that it shall first happen that the stones shall arise, and offer their service before there shall be any want of Executors and Accomplishers of G.o.d's Counsel: yea, the Lord G.o.d hath already sent before certain Messengers, which should testifie his Will, to wit, some new Stars, which do appear and are seen in the Firmament in Serpentario and Cygno, which signifie and give themselves known to every one that they are powerful Signacula of great mighty matters. So then, the secret hid Writings and Characters are most necessary for all such things which are found out by men, although that great Book of Nature stand open to all men, yet there are but few that can read and understand the same. For as there is given to man two instruments to hear, likewise two to see, and two to smell, but only one to speak, and it were but vain to expect speech from the ears, or hearing from the eyes: so there hath been Ages or Times which have seen, there have also been Ages that have heard, smelt and tasted: now there remains that which in short time, honour shall be likewise given to the Tongue, and by the same, what before times hath been seen, heard, and smelt, now finally shall be spoken, and uttered forth, viz., when the World shall awake out of her heavy and drowsie sleep, and with an open heart, bare-head and bare-foot, shall merrily and joyfully meet the now arising Sun.

These Characters and Letters, as G.o.d hath here and there incorporated them in the holy Scripture and the Bible, so hath he imprinted them most apparently into the wonderful Creation of Heaven and Earth, yea, in all Beasts. So that like as the Mathematician or Astronomer can long before see and know the Eclipses which are to come, so we may verily foreknow and foresee the darkness of Obscurations of the Church, and how long they shall last, from the which characters or letters we have borrowed our Magick writing, and have found out, and made a new language for ourselves, in the which withall is expressed and declared the nature of all things, so that is no wonder that we are not so eloquent in other languages, the which we know that they are altogether disagreeing to the languages of our forefathers, Adam and Enoch, and were through the Babylonical Confusion wholly hidden.

But we must also let you understand, that there are yet some Eagle's Feathers in our way, the which do hinder our purpose. Wherefore we do admonish every one for to read diligently and continually the holy Bible; for he that taketh all his pleasures therein, he shall know that he prepared for himself an excellent way to come into our Fraternity; for as this is the whole sum and content of our Rule, that every letter or character which is in the world ought to be learned and regarded well; so those are like unto us, and are very near allied unto us, who do make the holy Bible a Rule of their life, and an aim and end of all their studies; yea, to let it be a compendium and content of the whole world, and not only to have it continually in the mouth, but to know how to apply and direct the true understanding of it to all times and ages of the world.

Also it is not our custom to prost.i.tute and make so common the holy Scriptures, for there are innumerable expounders of the same, some alledging and wresting it to serve for their opinion, some to scandal it, and most wickedly do liken it to a Nose of Wax which alike should serve the Divines, Philosophers, Physicians and Mathematicians, against all the which we do openly witness and acknowledge, that from the beginning of the World there hath not been given unto men a more worthy, a more excellent, and a more admirable and wholesome Book than the holy Bible. Blessed is he that hath the same, yea, more blessed is he who reads it diligently, but most blessed of all is he that truly understandeth the same, for he is most like to G.o.d, and doth come most near to Him. But whatsoever hath been said in the Fama concerning the Deceivers against the trans.m.u.tation of Metals, and the highest Medicine in the world, the same is thus to be understood, that this so great gift of G.o.d we do in no manner set at naught or despise it. But because she bringeth not with her always the knowledge of Nature, but this bringeth forth not only Medicine, but also maketh manifest and open unto us innumerable secrets and wonders; therefore it is requisite that we be earnest to attain to the understanding and knowledge of Philosophy. And moreover, excellent Wits ought not to be drawn to the Tincture of Metals, before they be exercised well in the knowledge of Nature. He must needs be an unsatiable Creature, who is come so far that neither poverty nor sickness can hurt him; yea, who is exalted above other men, and hath Rule over that, the which doth anguish, trouble and pain others, yet will give himself again to idle things, as to build houses, make wars, and use all manner of pride, because he hath of Gold and Silver infinite store.

G.o.d is far otherwise pleased, for he exalteth the lowly, and putteth down the proud with disdain; to those which are of few words he sendeth his holy Angel to speak with them, but the unclean Babblers he driveth in the wilderness and solitary places; the which is the right Reward of the Romish Seducers, who have vomitted forth their blasphemies against Christ, and as yet do not abstain from their lies in this clear s.h.i.+ning Light: in Germany all their abominations and detestable Tricks have been disclosed, that thereby he may fully fulfil the measure of sin, and draw near to the end of his punishment. Therefore one day it will come to pa.s.s that the mouth of those Vipers will be stopped, and the three double horns will be brought to nought, as thereof at our Meeting shall more plain and at large be discoursed.

In Conclusion of our Confession, we must earnestly admonish you, that you put away, if not all, yet the most books, written by false Alchemists, who do think it but a jest or a pastime, when they either misuse the holy Trinity, when they do apply it to vain things, or deceive the people with most strange figures and dark sentences and speeches, and cozen the simpliest of their money; as there are now-a-days too many such books set forth, which the enemy of Man's Welfare doth daily, and will to the end, mingle among the good seed, thereby to make the Truth more difficult to be believed, which in herself is simple, easie and naked; but certainly falsehood is proud, haughty, and coloured with a kind of l.u.s.tre of seeming G.o.dly and of humane wisdom. Ye that are wise, eschew such books, and turn unto us, who seek not your moneys but offer unto you most willingly our great Treasures. We hunt not after your Goods with invented lying Tinctures, but desire to make you Partakers of our Goods: we speak unto you by Parables, but would willingly bring you to the right, simple, easie, and ingenuous Exposition, Understanding, Declaration and Knowledge, of all Secrets. We desire not to be received of you, but invite you unto our more than Kingly Houses and Palaces, and that verily not by our own proper motion, but (that you likewise may know it) as forced unto it, by the Instigation of the Spirit of G.o.d, by his Admonition, and by the Occasion of this present time.

What think you, loving people, and how seem you affected, seeing that you now understand and know, that we acknowledge ourselves truly and sincerely to profess Christ, condemn the Pope, addict ourselves to the true Philosophy, lead a Christian life, and dayly call, intreat, and invite many more unto our Fraternity, unto whom the same Light of G.o.d likewise appeareth. Consider you not at length how you might begin with us, not only by pondering the Gifts which are in you, and by experience which you have in the Word of G.o.d beside the careful Consideration of the Imperfection of all Arts, and many other unfitting things, to seek for an amendment therein; to appease G.o.d, and to accommodate you for the time wherein you live. Certainly if you will perform the same, this profit will follow, that all the Goods which Nature hath in all parts of the World wonderfully dispersed, shall at one time altogether be given unto you, and shall easily disburden you of all that which obscureth the understanding of Man, and hindereth the working thereof, like unto the vain Epicides, and Excentrick Astronomical Circles.

But those Pragmatical and busieheaded men, who either are blinded with the glistering of Gold, or (to say more truly) who are now honest, but by thinking such great Riches should never fail, might easily be corrupted, and brought to Idleness, and to riotous proud living; those we do desire that they would not trouble us with their idle and vain crying. But let them think, that although there be a Medicine to be had which might fully cure all Diseases, nevertheless those whom G.o.d hath destinated to plague with diseases, and to keep them under the Rod of Correction, such shall never obtain any such Medicine.

Even in such manner, although we might enrich the whole World, and endue them with Learning, and might release it from innumerable miseries, yet shall we never be manifested and made known unto any man, without the especial pleasure of G.o.d; yea, it shall be so far from him whosoever thinks to get the benefit, and be Partaker of our Riches and Knowledge, without and against the Will of G.o.d, that he shall sooner lose his life in seeking and searching for us, than to find us, and attain to come to the wished Happiness of the Fraternity of the Rosie Cross.


_John Heydon and the Rosicrucians._

As we have frequently to mention works of that "extraordinary Royalist, mystic and geomancer," John Heydon, who wrote so much respecting the Rosie Crucian Mysteries, and so loudly extolled the praises of the disciples, it will be advisable to present a sketch of his life as made by one Frederick Talbot, in the years 1662 and 1663, and attached to "Elhavareuna," or the "English Physitian's Tutor." He says John Heydon is not basely, but n.o.bly descended. The Antiquaries derive them (his parents) from Julius Heydon the King of Hungary and Westphalia, that were descended from that n.o.ble family of Caesar Heydon in Rome; and since in this Royal Race the line run down to the Honourable Sir Christopher Heydon, and Sir William Heydon, his brother of Heydon, neer Norwich; who married into Devons.h.i.+re. Here the family flourished divers waies, to Sir John Heydon, late Lord Lieutenant of the King's Tower of London. And this Sir William Heydon had one sonne christened also William, and had two sons William and Francis, both born in Devon, at Poltimore House; Francis married one of the n.o.ble Chandlers in Worcesters.h.i.+re of the Mother's side, which line spread by Marriage into Devons.h.i.+re, among the Collins, Ducks, Drues and Bears, he had one Sister named Anne Heydon, who died two years since, his Father and Mother being yet living. He was born at his Father's house in Green-Arbour, London (his father having bestowed 1,500 upon those houses) and was baptised at St.

Sepulchre's, and so was his Sister, and both in the fifth and seventh year of the Reign of King Charles the First; he was educated in Warwicks.h.i.+re among his mother's friends, and so careful were they to keep him and his sister from danger, and to their books, that he had one continually to wait upon him, both to school and at home, and so had his sister.

He was commended by Mr. John Dennis, his Tutor in Tardebick, to Mr. George Linacre, Priest of Coughton, where he learned the Latin and Greek Tongues; the war at this time began to molest the Universities of this Nation, he was articled to Mr. Mic. Petley, an Attorney of Clifford Inne, with eighty pounds, that at five years' end he should be sworn an Attorney; now being very young he applied his mind to learning, and by his happy wit attained great knowledge in all arts and sciences, afterwards also he followed the Armies of the King, and for his valour commanded in the troops, when he was by these means famous for learning and arms, he travelled into Spain, Italy, Arabia, Egypt, and Persia, etc., and gave his mind to writing, and composed about seventeen years since, the Temple of Wisdom in three Books, The Holy Guide in six Books, Elhavareuna in one Book, Ocia Imperialia in one Book, the Idea of the Law, the Idea of Government, the Idea of Tyranny in three parts, the Fundamental Elements of Moral Philosophy, Policy, Government and War, etc.

These Books were written near seventeen years since, and preserved by the good hand of G.o.d in the custody of Mr. Thomas Heydon, Sir John Hanner, Sir Ralph Freman, and Sir Richard Temple; during the tyrant's time first one had the Books, then another, etc. And at last at the desire of these n.o.ble, Learned and valiant Knights, and in honour of his Highness the Duke of Buckingham, they were printed.

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Mysteries of the Rosie Cross Part 3 summary

You're reading Mysteries of the Rosie Cross. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Anonymous. Already has 595 views.

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