Dave Porter and His Rivals Part 48

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By Wednesday the storm cleared away, and the air became clear and bracing. Word was sent in from Rockville that, unless another storm followed, the ice on the river would be cleared off for the game of hockey as scheduled.

"Well, we must get into practice," said Dave, and that very afternoon a portion of the river near the Oak Hall boathouse was sc.r.a.ped clear, and the seven got to work, under the eyes of Mr. Dodsworth and Andrew Dale.

"Rockville will do its best to win," said Roger. "If for no other reason than to wipe out the football defeat."

"And we must do our best to down 'em!" cried Dave.

"I am going for a sleigh ride to-morrow," announced Phil. "I've hired a big sleigh from Oakdale, and I want the whole bunch to go."

"Bully for Phil!" cried Ben. "A sleigh ride will suit me first-rate."

"Where will you go?" asked Shadow.

"I thought of going to Hopperville and back. That is about as far as we can go between four o'clock and ten. I'll telephone to the Hopperville Hotel to have supper ready for us."

"Phil, you're a brick!" cried Roger.

"Will the doctor let us go?" asked Ben.

"Yes, I asked him before I hired the sleigh."

The thought of a sleigh ride was a pleasant one, and Phil had little difficulty in making up a party of eight, including Roger, Dave, and Ben.

"It will be moonlight," said Dave. "And that will make the riding extra fine."

It was a merry crowd that climbed into the big sleigh on the following afternoon. The turnout was filled with straw, so that they might keep warm, and was drawn by four good horses.

"Now then, let her go!" cried Phil, and the driver cracked his whip, and they were off, the envy of all the students who had been left behind.

The road to Hopperville lay through Oakdale and Rockville, and as each town was pa.s.sed the boys set up a cheer and blew the horns that had been brought along. Some folks cheered them in return, and just as they were leaving the town where the military academy was located, some cadets rushed from around a corner and pelted them with s...o...b..a.l.l.s.

"Never mind!" yelled Roger, as he dodged. "You'll get yours next!"

It was dark by the time Hopperville was reached and all of the boys were glad enough to jump out of the sleigh and go into the hotel to warm up before sitting down to supper. The horses and the turnout were taken around to the stables.

The hotel was located on a corner, and across the side street was another hotel--a resort that did not bear a particularly good reputation. It had a bar attached to it, and it was whispered that sporty men often went to the resort to gamble.

The reading-room of one hotel faced the other, and as Dave, Roger, and Phil entered one apartment they noticed that the one across the way was lit up, and that the window curtains had not been lowered. Then Dave gave a sudden cry of surprise.

"Look at that man over there, Phil!"

"Why, it is Doctor Montgomery!" answered the s.h.i.+powner's son.

"Montgomery!" cried Roger. "I thought he had cleared out from these parts."

"I am going over to talk to him," said Dave.

"Want us to go along?" came from both of the others.

"You might as well."

"Say, why don't you scare him?" suggested Phil. "If you do that, you may get him to tell all about the plot against you."

"Oh, I'll do that--don't fear," answered Dave.

As supper would not be ready for half an hour, the three lads excused themselves, and hurried across the street. They found Hooker Montgomery still alone, reading a sensational newspaper.

"Well, doctor, how are you?" said Dave, coolly, as he dropped in a chair beside the so-styled physician.

"Why--ah--who--ahem!--where did you come from?" stammered Hooker Montgomery. He was so taken back that he knew not what to say. He had not dreamed that Dave and his chums would visit Hopperville, which was somewhat out of the regular line of travel.

"I guess you didn't think I'd find you," continued Dave.

"Were you--ahem!--looking for me?" asked the doctor, weakly. And now the boys noticed that he looked more dissipated than ever, and that his garments were decidedly shabby.

"See here, Doctor Montgomery, I am not going to beat around the bush with you," said Dave, sternly. "You played me a mean trick, and you know that I can put you in prison for it."

"Why, I--ahem!--I--that is----"

"You kidnapped me, and that is a serious offense."

"No! no! I did nothing of the sort!" cried the man, and his face showed actual misery. "Oh, Porter, don't blame me for it! I made a big mistake! I was a fool to listen to those others! But I needed money--times were very hard--and they said it was only a schoolboy trick--that is, that is what they said first. But afterwards----" The pretended doctor did not finish.

"Who said it was a trick?"

"Those two young men, Merwell and Jasniff. They were angry at you because of something of which I know nothing. They wanted to get you in their power for a lark--that was the story they first told. They promised me twenty dollars if I would aid them--and I never got a cent--not a cent!" added Hooker Montgomery, almost tearfully. "Oh, don't prosecute me! I am down and out! My practice has been ruined--some folks even want me arrested for practicing without a state certificate--and those rascals never came to my aid! And after all I did for them!"

Dave was a good judge of character, and he saw at once that Hooker Montgomery was a.s.suredly in a pitiable condition. Drink had made him lose his practice and his ability to induce people to buy his medicines, and now he had relied upon Merwell and Jasniff to aid him, and they had failed to do so. Evidently the man was not so much of a rascal as he was weak-minded.

"So Merwell and Jasniff promised to pay you if you aided them?" said Dave.


"But you got me to come to your boarding-house."

"So I did, but it was those two fellows who put me up to it."

"Where did s.h.i.+me come in?"

"Oh, he only furnished the auto for a consideration. He was under Jasniff's thumb--and now he is down and out, too."

"You say it was the plot of Jasniff and Merwell to get me in their power. Why did they want to do this?"

"If I tell you, Mr. Porter, will you--ahem!--will you prosecute me?"

asked Hooker Montgomery, tremblingly.

"I may prosecute you if you don't tell me."

"As I said before, I didn't understand their plot at first. They said it was only a schoolboy trick. But it was not,--as I found out later. It was a villainous plan to get you into serious trouble."

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Dave Porter and His Rivals Part 48 summary

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