Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5067 Netherdragon Wushang

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Chapter 5067 Netherdragon Wushang

A large man walked out of one of the Ten Thousand Dragon Nests. He was completely bald, and his body was covered in tiny, dense black marks. These marks were all over his face, tongue, and scalp, resembling black vipers creeping across his skin, causing gooseb.u.mps on those who saw him.

Although Long Chen also had flame runes covering his face, his runes were symmetrical and resembled a refined mask. In contrast, the black runes on this man’s body were a chaotic jumble, with some overlapping. As he moved, they seemed to crawl over him like vipers.

“The Nether Emperor’s qi.”

Long Chen’s heart shook. He instantly thought of Netherdragon Tianzhao. This man’s aura was just like his.

When Long Chen first fought Netherdragon Tianzhao, the latter hadn’t possessed such an aura. It was only after sacrificing himself to the Nether Emperor that he gained this kind of presence. This was the Nether Emperor’s qi. In other words, this person also bore the mark of the Nether Emperor. Perhaps he also had one of the Nether Emperor’s special items on him.

With every step the baldy took, the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest quivered. His berserk aura was suffocating.

“That’s an expert of the ancient era. Furthermore, he should be a reincarnated expert as his soul feels ancient. You should be wary of him in the Heavenly Flame Devil Domain,” warned Bai Yingxuan via spiritual message.

Long Chen nodded. This person was indeed powerful, but Long Chen wasn’t afraid, even without the Sovereign Blood Seal’s suppressive effect on the Netherdragon race. As long as his opponent was in the same realm, even if it was a heavenly genius from the ancient era or a reincarnator, Long Chen feared no one.

“I was sleeping just now, but your arrogance woke me up. If you’re afraid of me, I can tie one hand and foot to fight you,” said that bald man, gazing at Long Chen lightly.

While his aura was unclear and his Doyen fluctuations seemed incredibly weak, he gave off a sense of extreme anger. No one would look down on him because of this aura. Furthermore, the way the disciples of the Netherdragon race stared at him reverently indicated his extremely high position within their ranks.

The Netherdragon race’s experts laughed loudly at his words, doing so intentionally in response to how enraging Long Chen had been just now.

“If you feel like I’m afraid, you can treat it as so. I’ve fought seventeen battles today and am exhausted. I need to rest,” said Long Chen, shaking his head.

This fellow was so strong that Long Chen was actually itching to fight him. However, he wasn’t sure he could hide his ident.i.ty if he fought someone on this level. It was better to be safe.

This rejection made the bald man snort. He was about to respond when an elder of the Netherdragon race interjected, “Wushang, leave it for now. Why bother quibbling with a coward like him? Just give the Brahma Pill Valley some face today. Whatever enmities you have, you can settle them in the Heavenly Flame Devil Domain!”

In truth, this bald man’s appearance was rather sudden, interrupting the speech of the elder from Pill Valley. That felt somewhat like a slap in Pill Valley’s face.

That elder’s expression was indeed a bit unsightly. Fortunately, the elder from the Netherdragon race was not blind and immediately tried to make up for it.

The elder from Pill Valley said, “Many thanks. I hope everyone can obey the rules inside the Glacial Heaven Domain. Don’t make things hard on us.”

After saying that, he left with his people, and the Golden Crow race’s experts departed with gloomy expressions. They were the most sullen, having not antic.i.p.ated Long Chen’s sinister nature. Despite his great power, he had intentionally deceived so many disciples—it was practically the pinnacle of wickedness.

Long Chen then entered the white dragon nest. Just then, the bald man’s voice rang out behind him.

“Remember my name—Netherdragon Wushang. I’ll be the one who will wring off your head.”

Not looking back, Long Chen replied, “I’ve heard that a lot. But without exception, those who made such threats ended up with tragic deaths.”

After saying that, Long Chen walked in. The bald man seemed to say something else, but the formation blocked his voice.

“Long Chen, why would you go to such lengths just to kill some rabble from the Golden Crow race?” asked Bai Yingxue once they were finally inside. With Long Chen’s power, he should be able to easily slaughter their true experts.

“It was just for fun!” replied Long Chen with a smile.

He naturally couldn’t tell the truth—that he had to absorb their core energy immediately upon death, or it would be claimed by the Heavenly Daos. He was competing with the Heavenly Daos.

Moreover, absorbing their core energy and condensing a totem was something Huo Linger needed to practice. Without a teacher, she was figuring it out on her own and wasn’t used to it at first.

If Long Chen killed them in large numbers, much of the core energy would go to waste—a loss of a priceless resource. Someone as thrifty as Long Chen wouldn’t allow that to happen.

Killing them one by one was a steady approach, giving Huo Linger the opportunity to experiment with various methods of absorbing their core energy.

By the time the last Heavenly Chosen was defeated, Huo Linger had acc.u.mulated quite a bit of experience. She had figured out how to absorb his core energy through s.p.a.ce, all in preparation for the upcoming “great harvest”.

“You’re evil,” laughed Bai Yingxue.

“Against evil people, you should use any means necessary. You shouldn’t have any pity,” chuckled Long Chen.

Against his enemies, Long Chen never showed mercy. After all, if he fell into their hands, death would be a luxury he couldn’t afford.

Long Chen’s mind sank into the primal chaos s.p.a.ce. There were now seventeen additional crows, making a total of eighteen Golden Crows flying around eighteen Fusang Trees. Curiously, they would only fly around their own Fusang Trees.

Long Chen noticed that those eighteen Fusang Trees had grown noticeably taller than the Fusang Trees without Golden Crows.

His guess was right. The Fusang Trees had previously been stuck at one height for a long time, as if they had reached their limit. But as soon as they had the Golden Crows, they broke that limit and continued growing.

Three peaceful days pa.s.sed just like this, and the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest continued onwards. Long Chen started to see enormous snow-white glaciers so large that their tips were lost within the clouds.

At this moment, the white dragon race’s experts walked out of the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest. The minute they left, a chilling cold struck them.

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Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5067 Netherdragon Wushang summary

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