Katherine Katt: Universal Alien Part 43

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Four commandos went first, then c.o.x, me, Alfred, Cantu, and the last two commandos brought up the rear. There was a stairway, made of concrete, not wood, meaning it was in good repair. It was also something I didn't want to fall and hit my head on. Once in a lifetime was enough for me.

The commandos had come almost as well equipped as my team had, so they had infrared goggles, which they put on before starting down. Cantu did as well. So while it was dark, it wasn't terrible.

The stairs went down what I guessed was about a floor and a half, and then we were on a pathway. Based on where the stairs had faced and the straightness of the path, we were heading right under the complex.

As we walked-and no tripwires were set off or anything-the suggestion that this was going far too well reared its head. I'd never been involved in a Mission or Operation that hadn't had some awful snag or two along the way. But so far, this one was going swimmingly. Meaning that something was really, really wrong.

"Be prepared," I said softly. "Because I think we're walking into a trap."

c.o.x, who was in front of me, nodded and slowed down. Alfred was behind me, and he got up closer. I was carrying Stripes, who I put into my purse, just in case. Wasn't sure if the others had heard me, or if the transistor system Alfred had on our team meant only they had heard my warning.

My brain nudged. Something Cantu had said was off. Had c.o.x stop walking and moved Alfred between the two of us. "Esteban, you said my husband called you this morning," I said softly.

He motioned the two other commandos to go on around us. "Yes," he replied in kind.

"What, exactly, did he say to you?"


"Humor me."

"He said that he had proof that Cliff Goodman was a mole and had been trying to kill him and his family. He described everything that had happened. I've been investigating your mother's death for the past two and a half years-along with the deaths of most of her team. I know we have a mole, I just don't know who it is definitively. Frankly, I suspected one of your mother's team for quite a while."

Interesting. Because, barring something appearing to Chuckie in his sleep, we had no proof at all that Cliff was a traitor. We could determine that he was, but proving this was why Buchanan hadn't solved everyone's problems already. "Malcolm Buchanan was your suspect, right?"


"He's not the mole."

"Yes, based on other evidence I've found, it appears Buchanan was being set up to be the fall guy. I've found some discrepancies in Goodman's records recently, and I've been pursuing those. Charles' confirmation helped, but I've had my sights on Goodman for the past few weeks."

"Did Charles tell you where he and the others are?"

"No, he said everyone was in a very safe place. Why?"

"Did he, by any chance, mention that I wasn't with him?"

"No," Cantu said slowly. "He didn't. But if you were on an op, he wouldn't."

Except that, if Chuckie trusted Cantu, he'd have told him that his wife was missing. The note I'd left for Chuckie just said I was going to follow up a lead from my side of things and that I'd be back sometime in the day and to wait for me to return before they left the Israelis. In this or any other world, I had to figure that, if Chuckie was calling his boss to share that Cliff was a murderous traitor, he'd mention that he had no idea where his wife was and that she could be in danger. Of course, there could be another reason, as well.

"Did you talk to Charles directly?"

"Yes, I did."

"Did he sound normal?"

"No, he sounded stressed, but who could blame him?"

Chuckie didn't do stressed, as a rule. He'd learned too young to never let anyone see him sweat. I found it almost impossible to believe that he'd let his boss know he was freaked out, especially if he'd called from the safety of the Israeli The only times I'd heard him freaked out in this world had been when the kids and I were in danger.

"Did he mention or Israelis or anything of that nature?"

"Yes, on the He said you'd been run off the road, four people had attacked at your home but they'd been subdued, and that your house had been blown up. There was no mention that the were Israelis."

"They weren't Israeli, they were with the Corporation." So he'd left out some key activities. There were two potential reasons why. One was that Chuckie didn't trust Cantu or had never called him and Cantu was making all of this up. Or someone was forcing Chuckie to call Cantu, to get Cantu into a position to be killed.

"Did you ask what he'd done with the who attacked?"

"I didn't have time. We don't have long conversations when we have operatives in danger and out in the cold. He gave me the gist, I told him to head in to Langley where I have a team waiting to protect him and the others."

"So, how did you know to come down here? Have you tracked Cliff to this location?"

"No. Charles told me about this location and said it was where I could find Goodman."

And there it was, because there was no way that Chuckie would know about this place. My team was here because we were following what I'd call a hunch, what Mom would call my gut, and what Jeff would call my feminine intuition. But Chuckie had no knowledge of any of this. So, if he'd told Cantu to come here, it was because someone had forced him to. And that meant that Cantu wasn't a bad guy, but was a target. Made sense-if he'd been investigating what he'd said he was, then he would be someone Cliff would need to get out of the way along with the remains of my mother's team.

"Call your guys back," I said urgently. "This is a trap."

To his great credit, Cantu didn't argue. But as he tapped on his watch I heard a sound I was very familiar with-guns being fired.

Grabbed Cantu and Alfred, who grabbed c.o.x. We both took off running, toward the sounds of battle.


"TELL JAMES we'll be right there," Martini said. "Wherever his there is."

"Alpha Team is coming back to you," Walter shared.

I went to the door and got it just as James was knocking. "Nice timing, girlfriend," he said with a grin. "Do I call you that in your world?"

"You do, as a matter of fact. So don't stop here."

"Duly noted." He, Paul, Serene, Singh, and Crawford came in. I wasn't sure that Singh was officially on Alpha Team, but based on what he and Serene had told me, a.s.sumed she wanted him around to hear whatever so the A-C C.I.A. would have all the intel. Couldn't argue with the logic.

"Where are Lorraine and Claudia?"

"Taking their kids to daycare," Serene said. "My husband is taking Patrick. Oh! You probably don't know-I'm married to Brian."


"Brian Dwyer. Your old high school boyfriend."

"Oh. That's great, go you guys." I hadn't given Brian any thought for quite a while. For a variety of reasons, our having to get a restraining order against him being just one of them. "Ah, is he, um . . . mentally stable?" Because if he wasn't, wanted to ensure we didn't have a reunion in this world. Ever.

James started laughing. "I see he was obsessive in your world, too?"

"Yeah. To, uh, an unhealthy degree. But if he's married to Serene, then he's in far better shape here." I sincerely hoped.

"Yes. I was kind of the unhinged one when we met."

"Our enemies were drugging her," Martini said. "Club Fifty-One is an anti-alien organization, and they slipped Serene a lot of a drug we call Surcenthumain and my Kitty accurately calls the Superpowers Drug. They gave it to me, too. And . . . to Christopher."

"It's made the three of us more talented than normal," Serene said. "And it made Jamie and Patrick . . . much more talented."

Stared at them. "You know, you're all acting like Jamie is the focus, but if your son is like her, why isn't he under the same guard as Jamie is?"

"He is," Paul said. "Believe me, all the hybrid children are under guard. It's one of the reasons we're so happy that Denise Lewis is running the daycare program. The children are here when they're not with their parents or other guardians, and the is very well protected."

Thought about Charlie, Max, and my Jamie, who had none of this protection. Supposedly they had my CA guarding them, though, so that had to be good. She wouldn't ignore the boys just because she only had Jamie in her own world, would she?

Felt a hand on my neck. "Relax," Martini said quietly, as he ma.s.saged gently. "She'd die before she'd let anything happen to your children. Or your husband and friends. They're all hers, too, never forget that, because I promise you she won't."

Took a deep breath, let it out, and did my best to stop worrying. "Okay, so you said there was a problem with the team in Paris. Are they all okay?"

"Yeah, I didn't mean for Walter to panic you," James said. "But Reynolds doesn't want to leave the singer you found there alone."

My immediate reaction was one I wasn't proud of-jealousy. Which was ridiculous. Shoved the jealousy away-if he liked her that was fine. He wasn't my husband here. And if he just felt protective of the person I'd essentially made him manage, well, that was okay, too. It wasn't like I wanted anything bad to happen to my favorite female recording artist, especially since she hadn't even gotten started on her career in this world yet.

"Tell him to bring her along," Martini said. Everyone gave him looks that said they feared he'd lost his mind. Martini sighed. "She knows we're unusual, and the guy she's recording with knows we're aliens-he recognized me and Kitty. So, bring her along. Her grandmother said she needed an adventure. So, she'll get one."

"You're sure?" James asked.

"I think we have a potential hostage both Kitty and Chuck are going to care about, and by now, Richard and Buchanan probably will, too. Let's keep her safe, and that means with us."

"And who knows, maybe the PM couple will like her singing."

"I meant to just bring her to the, baby."

"Yeah, but . . . let's see how she handles it. If she's cool with coming and with what's going on, let's bring her."

"Why?" Paul asked.

I shrugged. "She's something the Mastermind can't predict. Sure, maybe he can extrapolate now that he knows something about her. But she's an unknown, even more than I am. And . . . I just think we should take her with us."

"We ignore Kitty's feminine intuition to our detriment," Martini said. "So, fine. Let's see how she handles the gates, and if she can deal with it, she's part of the auxiliary team. Oh, and if Chuck wants the male singer to come along, too, bring him. Why risk losing a registered voter who likes us?"

Alpha Team took off and we headed into the bedroom. "We're both napping?"

"Yeah, we need it." Martini kicked his shoes off and took off his jacket and tie, then lay down on the bed. "I'll change before we go, but this way it should be less uncomfortable for you."

"You're really an awesome guy, you know that?" Took off my shoes and climbed up onto the bed next to him. Put my back against his side and my head on his arm, we s.h.i.+fted a bit, and then both relaxed. "You going to be able to sleep?"

"Yeah. All of our agents are trained to sleep whenever we can. I'll be out fast. How about you?"

"Mother of three, learned fast to nap when the kidlets napped or were at a friend's house, so yeah."

He kissed the back of my head. "Great. Then let's power nap."

Martini wasn't kidding, he was asleep fast. I might not have managed it, because everything going on had my brain actively spinning, but Gershom appeared and snuggled between my chest and Martini's arm, purring softly, and as I buried my face in its soft fur, I fell asleep, too.

We were all awakened by a knocking at our door. Martini groaned but I was trained to go from dead sleep to wide awake if I heard one of the kids, so I bounded up and went to get the door.

A gorgeous black Beauty Queen was standing there. Was fairly sure I'd met her at the gigantic briefing session but couldn't swear to it, nor could I remember her name. Thought she might be Paul's sister, though. She gave me a beaming smile. "Wakey wakey. I'm your personalized wakeup call."

"Ah, thanks?"

"Abigail, what are you doing here?" Martini asked drowsily as he joined us.

"Seriously, I'm here to wake you guys up. Walter's coordinating things with Alpha Team, the Office of the President, and the Office of the Australian Prime Minister as well as with Sydney Base and James doesn't want his focus disturbed. So, you're up, my work here is done."


She laughed. "You have no idea who I am, do you?"

"Ah . . ."

Abigail came inside but stayed near the door. "I'm Paul's youngest sister." She stopped smiling. "His only sister now. And he's now my only brother."

"Oh, so you're Charles', sorry, Chuckie's sister-in-law?"

"Yeah. Speaking of which, pretty girl you found in Paris. I have hopes."


"For her and Chuck. To get together. You wake up kind of slowly, don't you?"

"I guess so." The jealousy came back. Kicked it to the curb. He was allowed to have a love life, and based on what everyone, including Charles himself had said, he'd been terribly depressed and lonely. I wasn't here to become his wife in this world. I was here to fix things, and if he and Amadhia hit it off, well, that was fixing things.

"Well, the guy with her is a cutie, too."

"Oh, Aaron came along, after all?"

"Yeah. He's all jazzed about the two of them premiering their partners.h.i.+p for the Vice President and the Prime Minister both."

"Glad he's embraced the plan."

Abigail laughed. "He's like Jeff's biggest fan now, so I say we keep him. Anyway, you two get dressed and ready. I think we're going to Sydney Base first, then to the capitol. I'll get Jamie from daycare so you two don't have to worry about that. Just expect us back soon."

Abigail trotted off and Martini and I went back to our bedroom. "I feel like I haven't had nearly enough sleep, but Mister Clock says that we've slept for a good five hours."

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Katherine Katt: Universal Alien Part 43 summary

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