A Rogue's Power Part 3

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Raphael? I'd never heard the name before.

Dante continued, "You are one special catch and you don't even know it. Raphael's been searching for you for a long time, and he wouldn't hunt down just anyone." Dante slid closer and lay in the dirt. "Normally he'd a.s.sign one of his dogs to pursue drifters. I know that all too well."

I lay next to him and folded my hands on my stomach. The moon stared at us with its eerie, pale blue face. There was a time, when I was younger, when I'd loved to stare at the moon by myself in the dark of night and dream of what I would become when I was older.

"So, what about that night?" I asked. "You said you know about my death. I'd like to thank my creator, if I may."

"Now why would you want to do that?" He turned to face me. "Aren't you the tiniest bit p.i.s.sed off that you are what you are?"

"h.e.l.l no. It's been wonderful."

"Young and naive." He moved on his side and splayed his fingers on my chest. "And so beautiful. I do think I'm beginning to fall in love."

He felt so warm, like there was a spark underneath his fingers lighting a flame deep within my core. And that word, as it rolled off his tongue, had me scooting even closer to him, begging to hear it again. I choked down my desire and furrowed my brows. "Love?

Flattery gets you nowhere von Stein."

What exactly was it about this vampire that made me lose myself?

Dante drifted his lips closer to mine. He snaked his hand down, fingers grazing the fabric of my jeans. Heated tingles raised the hair on the back of my neck. A drop of sweat tickled my brow. He was so good at that, at making me sweat.

He kissed me, warm and soft, and I inhaled the metallic scent of blood on his breath.

Why did he get to feed and not me? He opened his mouth and welcomed my darting tongue.

I craved him and the essence lingering in his breath. I ran my tongue across his fangs, until a small line of blood trickled into our mouths.

Dante grabbed my crotch, digging his fingers into the fabric, and I thrust my hips until he was cupping my hard c.o.c.k. I wanted out of these jeans.*


He moved his lips down to my neck. The taste of my blood still lingered on my tongue.

The sharp sting of his fangs made my breath hitch. He pulled up and his dark crimson eyes burned bright. "I can't help myself, you know. Your's a weakness."

I closed my eyes and turned my neck, exposing more skin. He lapped at the drying blood and I felt his fangs pierce my skin a second time, reopening the wounds he'd created.

His demanding mouth suckling on my neck and the urgent need of his hand on my crotch was a newfound weakness of mine too.

I thrust my hips again. The familiar tingle in my b.a.l.l.s warned me that if I continued, I might climax.

Man, not in my jeans.

Dante released me and sat up. "You need to feed, Malachi." I opened my eyes and saw the l.u.s.trous red glow in his eyes had dulled.

The weeds crunched near us. We both got to our knees, poised, alert and ready for a fight, until we saw the creature on the other side of the fence. A cow had wandered into the field, possibly interested in our voices.

"Perfect." Dante jumped to his feet and approached the animal. "The meal came to us."

I balanced myself on shaky legs. "h.e.l.l no. I'd rather the kind that doesn't weigh a ton when it comes cras.h.i.+ng down."

Dante chuckled. "It's something, at least."

"I'm going back to the city." I turned towards the city lights in the distance. They shone radiantly in the darkness of the night. I'd never realised just how big it was until I saw it from this perspective. I missed my city.

Over dead corn stalks, I stepped forward. Dante caught me by the arm. "They'll find you."

"I can take care of myself." How many times do I have to tell you that?

"But you don't have the slightest clue how things work. You're bound to get caught,"

Dante stammered.

"Let me go. I can fight if I need to."

He tightened his grasp around my arm. I twisted, feeling the burn of skin digging into skin until he let go. I dashed away, pa.s.sing by the fence and an irrigation ca.n.a.l, seeing the city getting closer. As I ran, I imagined myself flying-it would be much quicker if I could.

But maybe that wasn't one of my unknown abilities.*


There was nothing that could stop me from escaping back to the city.

My face hit the dirt as Dante jerked my arms behind my back, his knee digging into my spine. "I can't let you go. I dare not see what they will do to you."

I struggled and felt his breath against my neck. "d.a.m.n you. Get the f.u.c.k off of me!"

"Feed first. Then I'll let you leave." He pulled me up to my knees as he moved. In an instant he was facing me. His hair had fallen from its tie and had spread out past his shoulders. Dante brushed his locks away from his neck. "Take me, if you wish."

His neck was tight and his veins were visible under the dull light of the moon. I couldn't. I knew that nothing would become of me, but that wasn't why I hesitated. It was because each time I fed off anyone, I needed much more than just blood. I needed some form of energy to enlighten me, from the tips of my hair down to my toes, and to my c.o.c.k. A crucial drawback to feeding in a hurry.

However, my fangs ached. My body hurt. I needed something and if this was what was offered, then I had no choice.

Dante crooked his neck, baring more skin, and my heart thumped. I wrapped my arms around his sides and leaned in close. His breath hitched as I braced my fangs against his neck, digging deep, drawing out his blood onto my tongue. A l.u.s.tful moan left his lips.

It tasted delightfully exquisite. Oddly familiar, and yet strangely foreign. Like old wine in an equally old crystal chalice.

I allowed his liquor to drip down my throat, savouring it as if it were a precious harvest. But it had done something else to me that I'd somehow known it would. The taste sent waves of intensity straight down my spine and to my now hardened shaft. I pressed into his taut body. My arms weakened with every second that pa.s.sed by.

A fiery sting of energy soared through my eyes, burning to the point that I had to shut them tight.

The sound of my zipper broke the silence. Dante had slid his hand into the confines of my jeans. His fingers brushed along my c.o.c.k and I shuddered. s.h.i.+t-what was he thinking?

I quickly withdrew my fangs and turned away.

"Malachi..." He lifted his fingers to his collar and wiped at the remaining blood.

"That's not enough."

"I'm fine." I licked his taste from my bottom lip, savouring it. "No more."*


"Then let me find a safe pa.s.sage for you." He gripped my shoulder before I could stand. "Let's see, the city is broken into two areas. Xavier in the west and Aurora in the east. I bet they're on standby."


"Raphael's colleagues. You don't want to run into either of them."

Okay, there are way too many names to remember now.

"I'll be okay," I said coolly. "Besides, you shouldn't worry so much." I struggled to my feet and examined the area. I knew enough about the outskirts of the city to be able to find my own way back.

Dante quieted as I appraised my escape route. I could go west, enter the city through the highway, but that would be too obvious. Then I thought about going east, sneaking in through the alleyways. But was I fast enough to escape if they noticed me?

By the time I was ready to suggest that Dante lead, he said, "If we start at that farmhouse, we can make pa.s.sage through the sewer." He pointed to the nearest house with darkened windows. "But we must hurry."*


Chapter Three.

Dark Hand of Mystery I gagged at the smell of something rotten while we crawled through the sewer, the cement tunnel barely big enough for me. Dante followed closely while I led the way in the dark, using my keen vision to guide me. At least I could rely on the few skills I had.

I knew we'd reached the city when loud thunder burst from above as a car drove past, shaking the ground. I covered my sensitive ears to the noise. The sound of footsteps came after, followed by voices and the crunching of newspaper. It must have been early morning, the city streets slowly filling with people on their way to work.

Dante and I scooted closer to a nearby access chamber. He pushed open the heavy iron barrier and the lid clanked on the sidewalk above. I peered through the opening, spotting the sky's navy blue hue. A signal to the onslaught of sunrise.

"There you are." A low voice caught my attention. Two sets of polished black shoes stood on the concrete above. "You're quite elusive."

A big hand reached down into the sewer, picked me up by my collar and yanked me to the surface. Two men held me tight, pulling my arms behind my back. A backup gang stood behind them.

I'd thought we'd escaped them.

"Xavier," Dante said, acknowledging the man when he climbed out of the manhole.

"What are you doing here?"

"Inform Raphael we've captured him, but he has a parasite." The man looked back at the gang and they scattered at his command.

Xavier jerked on my hands, fastening a pair of handcuffs around my wrists. He splayed a hand in my hair, pulling my head back against his shoulder. "Raphael will be pleased to see you, boy."

"W-what are you g-going to d-do to him?" Dante stammered.

Another man grabbed Dante, then two others wrapped a long rope around his wrists and arms, binding them together. A hazy smoke lifted from his flesh. It caught on the slight*


morning breeze, and I cringed at the scent of burning skin. He stomped and writhed, crying out in pain.

"Keep your mouth shut." Xavier looked at Dante. "I warned Raphael not to send you on the job."

Send Dante on what job?

I wriggled, attempting to snap the cuffs, but they wouldn't give way. In anger, I stomped my boot on the ground. "Dante, what the f.u.c.k is going on?"

"Shut up." Xavier tightened his hold and jerked me back, his breath heavy on my neck.

The scent of a fresh kill on his lips made my stomach growl. "Raphael was right. You are quite ravis.h.i.+ng. Come. We must get you out of the light."

There was a loud rumble as an apple-red truck pulled up next to them. The man behind Dante forced him into the back of the cab while I was pushed towards the truck.

I kicked and writhed to get away. "d.a.m.n it. Let me go."

Xavier pushed me forward and opened the door. He slid into the comfort of the leather seat while I was coerced to sit on his lap. The entire time he was careful to keep his ident.i.ty hidden.

"Don't do this, Xavier," Dante pleaded. "I was going to bring him in."

"But you didn't, did you?" Xavier's dark voice sent chills through my bones. "You had the entire night. Tell me, Dante, what did you do in your time together?" He grasped my chin in his palm, forcing me to look up at the road ahead. "Did you f.u.c.k him?" Xavier tipped my head to the side. "Does he taste as brilliant as Raphael remembers?" He ran his moist tongue up my neck and around my earlobe.

"Xavier. You shouldn't," the driver warned.

Xavier huffed and moved away, loosening his grasp on my chin.

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A Rogue's Power Part 3 summary

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