A Rogue's Power Part 4

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I turned my attention to the man driving. He held the wheel firmly, gaze stuck on the road. His shoulder-length brown hair had been pulled back into a ponytail. His dress was casual, a T-s.h.i.+rt and black khakis.

d.a.m.n, if I could only catch a glimpse of this Xavier. I wanted to know who that deep, eerie voice belonged to. Who the f.u.c.k had lapped at my skin and called me ravis.h.i.+ng?

As the first hint of sunrise made its way over the horizon, the truck pulled into a short drive and we pa.s.sed through a tall steel gateway. There, overlooking a well-tended green lawn, stood a large white mansion. The numerous windows were framed with gold, and the*


gra.s.s was lined with pink rose bushes and trimmed shrubs. I gasped at the detail. Never had I seen such a large home. I hadn't even known there were such breathtaking buildings within the city, and to be taken there with such a dark fiend... Could this be Raphael's property?

The garage door lifted when the driver pushed a b.u.t.ton on the side of his dashboard and the truck entered the dark recess.

As soon as we stopped, Xavier opened the door and led me out into the darkness. "You should sleep. Raphael will want you well rested when he arrives tonight."

There was no point in resisting any longer. This could be the last time I see Dante. Though I'd wanted to be free of him at first, my stomach tightened in knots at the thought of losing him. But I wasn't about to fight, and I allowed Xavier to direct me into the house.

Dante's a.s.sailant pushed him along behind us while he continued to argue. "You don't need to do this. He's not the one." Dante struggled, but couldn't loosen the ropes binding him.

"Don't lie, Dante." Xavier snickered, opening the door leading into the mansion.

After stepping in and going through a small corridor, I took in the gorgeous sitting room decked with plush loveseats and chairs. Gothic silver sconces lit the way every few feet, highlighting gold designs etched into dark marble walls. We were walking so quickly that I could barely tell what the designs were.

After turning a corner, we pa.s.sed a large dining room. A group of elegantly dressed men and women- could they be vampires? -sat across from each other at a table, seemingly too caught up in their conversation to even glimpse at us. But I straightened my spine at the sight of them, desperate to appear somewhat decent.

Soon, Dante was forced away from me, down a long hallway, while Xavier coerced me up a steep staircase. I lowered my head and bit my bottom lip in fear of the unknown. I dreaded what would happen to us now that we were separated and panicked that I'd never see him again.

Why am I worried? I don't need him, do I?

We kept climbing until we reached the third floor, where a pair of large oak doors stopped us. Xavier opened one, careful to remain to my side and out of sight.

A mirror on the opposite wall sent my reflection back to me, and I got a first look at my captor.*


s.h.a.ggy, light brown hair hung messily on top of his head and around his face. A black vest and matching suit jacket hid his muscular build. And an awful red tie around his neck made me think of blood.

In the shadows to my right, a bed draped in dark covers caught my eye. Red pillar candles stood on a large oak dresser to my left, lighting the room with a soft, orange glow.

Keys jangled behind me. The pressure of the metal cuffs released from my wrists.

Immediately, I turned to face Xavier, grabbing my arms and rubbing the lingering pain away. "You're letting me see you now?"

He loosened his necktie. "Because we're home. You sleep here tonight and don't try anything stupid." He flung the tie over the back of the chair next to him. "If you do, I'll be forced to tie you to the bed. You don't want that, do you?"

I peered cautiously behind him at the double doors, marking my escape route. His eyes followed my gaze, and he grabbed my arms.

"Big mistake."

Xavier jerked my arms high over my head and pushed me to the bed. The backs of my legs. .h.i.t the mattress and I fell with a thump onto the satiny covers. I twisted my arms in the hope it would make him loosen his grasp, but instead, he tightened his fingers around my wrists and pressed a thigh between my legs.

"f.u.c.k! Get off me."

"You just bought yourself a full day of h.e.l.l, young vampire." His breathing was heavy as he leaned over me. "No one escapes me and lives to tell the tale."

My heart beat heavily and the scent of blood lingering on his lips sent my thoughts into a whirlwind. I needed it. I needed to feed.

But not on him. I pushed and writhed out of his grasp, then scooted across the bed until my back hit the headboard. Xavier lunged towards me. I grabbed hold of his face in both hands and twisted. With a grunt, he landed on his back.

d.a.m.n, I wish that would have broken his neck.

The same burn I'd experienced with Dante increased in my eyes. Despite the chaos, my legs grew weak and my body numbed. I blinked at the coy grin playing on Xavier's lips.

"You can use your spirit all you want with me." He flipped to his hands and knees and knelt in front of me. "But you won't win."*


Before I could open my lips to speak, his fist met my jaw. I turned with the stinging blow. He wrapped his arms around my waist and struggled to slide me away from the back of the bed. I pushed my heels into the mattress. He pulled again, and I found myself on my back, with him hovering over me.

Xavier's bloodshot eyes were like two fiery orbs. I'd p.i.s.sed him off. Good. Hopefully, he'd realised I'm not as weak as he thought. I smiled wickedly, and he returned the grin.

"Stop resisting. You can't keep going on alone."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why did you find me?"

"We had to. Everyone knows about you, sweet. The entire clan knows about Merrick Faust, grandson of the great Carmella Faust. You died and lived, but not by your master's hand." He grazed his fingers along my cheek. "You're a f.u.c.kin' legend."

"Then tell me more."

"I cannot. You're not my property. You're Raphael's. Now"-he reached underneath the mattress and retrieved the same kind of rope that he'd used on Dante-"it's time to sleep."

Not wanting to feel the same pain Dante had suffered, I wriggled, making it hard for Xavier to secure the ropes around my wrists. "Knock it off. These aren't poisoned like Dante's," Xavier said when he saw the concern in my face. "I could never hurt my master's possession."

The ropes dug into my skin as he tightened them. For extra measure, he pulled them, dragging me close to the headboard, wrapping the rope around the poles and tying it securely. Then he gave one last yank to make sure I wasn't able to escape.

"Your master?" I breathed.

He nodded and stood. "Yes. Raphael is my master, as he is yours. Though I must inform you, we share our property from time to time." A rousing look swept across his face.

"I look forward to it, my sweet."

Raphael's my boss? I lay staring at the stucco ceiling. The door closed and Xavier was gone. Is Raphael the one who took my life?

Maybe there wasn't any sense in resisting. Life had been wonderful since my turning. I wanted to thank him for all that he'd done.


"Malachi," Dante's voice echoed through the darkness.

Tender hands grasped my sides. I opened my eyes to a dark head of hair-Dante's hair-draped over my bare stomach, and his fingers splayed across my hips. I couldn't see his face, but d.a.m.n, I could feel what he was doing.

The heat of his breath along my thighs made me tremble. He suckled at the head of my c.o.c.k with his wet lips, then licked my slit. I laid my head back on the soft pillow and looked up at the ceiling.

"Dante?" I whispered, feeling more at ease than I had in days.

How had he found me?

He wrapped his fingers around the base of my shaft. My breath hitched as he took my length into his mouth.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Something about his voice made me glance up.

Instead of dark hair, I saw a s.h.a.ggy brown mane and two narrowed red eyes looking up at me. Xavier.

"Where's Dante?" I slammed my legs together just as Xavier jerked his hand away.

"That's why you were being so loud." He held his fingers to his mouth. "I hate to say that Dante isn't here." Xavier lapped his fingertip, then bit.

Blood seeped through the small puncture wound. I eyed the blood with intent, desperate to hold back my hunger.

"I can't help myself around you." Xavier leaned over me with narrowed eyes. "Taste me, then you may change your course."

"My course?"

"Dante," Xavier whispered, "is no good for you. He's a drifter. A rogue. A terrible dog that deserves nothing but an eternity of sacrifice." His blood soaked finger hovered just above my lips.

I forced my head away. Xavier attempted to wipe the blood on my lips, but I shook my head wildly.

A loud bang from the door hushed us both. The newcomer came to stand at the end of the bed. His short, black hair was spiked with gel and his ears were full of silver piercings, down to the lobes. His baby-blue eyes reminded me of a crystal clear river. He was the man from the bar.*


"Xavier. You dare harm Malachi?" The man-the vampire-crossed his arms.

Xavier shuddered and backed away slowly. The crimson glow in his eyes died, revealing a pair of dark brown irises. "Raphael. I'm sorry, my lord." He slithered off the bed and crawled to the other vampire's feet. "I just...I wanted a taste. Just a little."

Raphael turned his gaze towards me. My wrists were still tied and my jeans were pulled down past my thighs, exposing my naked and quivering c.o.c.k to him. I looked like a mess. What a wonderful introduction.

He crossed the snivelling Xavier and knelt on the bed. "I must apologise for my attendant's insolence." He leaned in, then gripped the waistband of my jeans, jerking them back up to my hips.

d.a.m.n, he looked delicious. More than he had at the club. Now that we were so close, I drank in his muscular features. His sculpted arms and broad shoulders proved he kept in shape. I wondered how he looked when he was out of that perfectly ironed suit and tie and whether they all dressed so fancily.

"Xavier," Raphael said. "Why hasn't he fed?"

"We've ordered a supply, but it hasn't arrived." Xavier stood but kept his head down.

"I offered myself, but he refused."

Raphael turned and Xavier stepped backwards.

"You have no right to give yourself to my possessions. I mean"-Raphael turned back towards me and touched my cheek-"Malachi. It is Malachi, is that correct?"

I nodded. My heart lodged in my throat and a cold aura filled my bones. This man scared me and enthralled me at the same time.

"Good." He drew closer to untie the bindings from around my wrists, the scent of him strangely sweet. "Do you remember me?"

"From the bar."

Xavier crossed to the door, bowed, then disappeared. The interruption stilled us for the moment.

"Please disregard Xavier's rude behaviour. That is not how I run our organisation."

"I'm sure you don't," I stuttered as I sat up.

A chuckle escaped his lips. "I a.s.sure that your stay will be much more pleasant than your welcome."

"And what makes you believe I will stay?"*


Another eerie laugh echoed from his throat. "You will stay, young Malachi. You will learn your abilities, harbour them and use them. I can show you how." He reached out and splayed his long fingers across my shoulder.

Raphael licked his lips and closed the gap between us. His lips brushed mine, and I caught an odd, sweet taste on his moist skin. Chocolate. The flavour pulled me closer. I pressed my lips to his, inhaling the sweet scent.

I forced his lips apart, wanting more of the taste. A hint of blood teased my tongue.

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A Rogue's Power Part 4 summary

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