A Rogue's Power Part 5

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d.a.m.n, he tastes so f.u.c.king good.

Thoughts spun in my head. I slammed my eyes shut, blanking out the heat soaring into my face. If I could move, I would tear at his expensive s.h.i.+rt, devour his muscular chest, taste his blood to see if it was just as intoxicating. But drinking in the zest on his tongue had me spent after only a short moment.

Finally, Raphael pulled away. "Your energies are overpowering you. We should take care of that." He shrugged off his suit jacket. "Won't you have a drink?"

He slipped his long fingernail around the first b.u.t.ton of his s.h.i.+rt and his collar fell away with a slight tug. I eyed his neck and his sculpted chest where the silk had once been.

A vigorous rumble in my stomach energised me. I snaked my arm around Raphael's shoulders, relis.h.i.+ng the pinkish colour of his skin, unlike my pale and lifeless shade-he could certainly pa.s.s for human. The pigment of his eyes hadn't changed either. They remained the same cool blue that I'd spotted from across the club.

He closed his eyes as I lowered my fangs to his flesh. Scenting his skin and the blood running through his veins, it was hard to refrain from my hunger and curiosity, but I had no way of knowing what a drink from him would do. With a weary sigh, I whispered, "No."

"Malachi," he breathed. "Don't tease me, please."

A knock at the door made me unravel away from him. I sat with my hands between my legs as he called for the visitor to enter.

Xavier had returned with another man, who was dressed in only a white silk robe. "Sir, the donor is ready."

The man s.h.i.+vered. A pair of leather cuffs bound him around his wrists. He, at least, was clearly human. Pale skin sunk into his cheeks and short red hair framed his skinny face.

Raphael straightened and waved the man over. Xavier bowed in respect then backed away, never taking his eyes off me as he pulled the door closed.*


"Come," Raphael ordered, and the man nervously tip-toed towards the bed. "We never ask. We just take," he added to me. He spread his legs and the man knelt in front of him with his head bent to the side.

Raphael ran his fingers across the man's neck. The donor trembled, his eyes wide, as Raphael leaned in close and kissed his cheek.

My stomach grumbled with need, my cheeks flushed. A headache began to pound between my temples. The scent of fresh blood under the donor's skin was delectable. His heartbeat thundered and the need for his vitality clouded my senses.

The man flicked his eyes towards me and gasped as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"We never take their life," Raphael said, guiding the man to sit closer to me. "And we never ask for a certain donor. They are all checked properly, so you get whoever you get."

I leaned in, attentive to his instructions and sc.r.a.ped my fangs against the man's offered neck. Several aged, dark wounds dotted his flesh. They spread down to his chest, his arms and his wrists.

The thumping of blood through his veins taunted me. I pierced his flesh and he yelped from the pain.

"Perfect," Raphael whispered.

I wrapped my arms around the man's neck as he began to fall limp. I was greedy, but I hadn't fed properly in days. There was nothing more gratifying than fresh, warm blood trickling down my throat. Nothing more stimulating than the heat burning in my face and c.o.c.k as I fed.

Raphael cupped the man's chin and leaned in close. He buried his fangs in the opposite side of his neck with a slight whimper from the donor. Only a few seconds had pa.s.sed before he released his grasp and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Enough." Raphael wiped a crimson drop from his chin.

I released my grasp and the donor fell back on the floor with a thunk. I almost thought we'd taken too much until I spotted his chest moving as he took a shallow breath.

"That was close," Raphael warned. "I happen to prefer him."

"Thought you couldn't make requests." I licked the remaining blood from my lips.

Raphael grinned. "No. But it doesn't mean we can't have our favourites."*


Chapter Four.

Release and Unite Raphael leant back on the bed. His baby-blue eyes were glazed with satisfaction, but there was still that familiar need for true fulfilment burning deep within me. Wicked l.u.s.t.

And there was no fighting it after a feed.

Raphael narrowed his eyes, seemingly aware of my dilemma. He reached out for me, but before he could caress my skin, the door swung open once more. Xavier entered, his eyes burning bright red and his breathing heavy.

There was chaos outside in the corridor. I focused on the commotion, voices and stomping feet, and thought I heard my name.

"Excuse the interruption, sir, but we have a problem," Xavier said.

"I'm not keen on interruptions, Xavier." Raphael's eyes focused on mine. "What's the problem?"

"It's Dante. He's broke free of his bonds."

I straightened. Has he found me?

Raphael caught Xavier's troubled stare. "Kill him."

I grabbed Raphael's arm. "No." A lump formed in my throat. "I mean, let's hear him out." The need to see Dante washed through me.

Raphael glared at me and said, "As you wish." Quickly, he stood and yanked me up by my arms, forcing them behind my back. I winced at the stabbing pain running through my shoulders.

"What are you-?"

"Shh," he whispered in my ear. "Quiet. Do as I say or watch Dante have his head ripped off. Your choice."

I clamped my mouth shut. My legs trembled. The l.u.s.t for Raphael was gone, replaced with sheer fear.

Xavier led us to the door like the loyal servant he was. We were on the second floor balcony when I spotted Dante being held down by two vampire servants below.

"Ah, yes, Dante. What may I help you with?" Raphael asked.*


He gripped my wrists tightly. I tugged, attempting to wriggle out of his grasp, but he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me in close.


"Malachi," Dante hollered. "There is something you should know."

"You're too late," Raphael interrupted. "He's already taken my offering."

Dante's eyes widened and he struggled, unable to loosen the other vampire's grip. "You lie."

"Do I?" Raphael slid a hand up my s.h.i.+rt. The cool air bit my skin as the fabric s.h.i.+fted with his wandering arm. He released my wrists and cupped my chin, tipping my head to the side. "Now you can watch as I truly make him mine, Dante."

I squeezed my eyes shut as he grazed over my nipple. His fangs pinched my skin. No. I wasn't going to stand for this. I had to know what Dante wanted to say, now that he finally felt the need to tell me.

Raphael's grip loosened, and I wiggled out of his grasp and braced against the railing before I jumped off the balcony to the bottom floor. One of the vampires stepped in front of Dante. I swung my fist, connecting with his jaw, but although his head snapped back, it didn't even daze him.

Of course it didn't. They're vampires.

I dodged his attack as he lunged for me, then swiftly kicked him between the legs. He froze, his face going pale, and fell to his knees. The other vampire watched silently as his partner crouched on the floor.

"Very impressive." Xavier hooked Dante's arms behind his head. "Didn't think you had it in you, Malachi."

"Let him go!" I hollered.

Raphael crept his hand around my waist and pulled me in. "Indeed, Xavier," Raphael spoke over my shoulder. "Let him be. I have a better idea than death for these two rowdy men."


"Why should we waste such talent?" Raphael ran his tongue down my cheek. "Let's employ them."

"W-what did you have in mind?" I stuttered as his saliva cooled on my skin.

Xavier dropped Dante's arms with a protesting grunt.*


Dante furrowed his brow and shook his head. "I'll never work for this a.s.shole again."

"You're such a poor sport, Dante. I could employ Malachi and leave you in the dungeon. How does that sound?" Raphael asked.

Dante turned to face him, concern flas.h.i.+ng in his red eyes.

"That's what I thought." Raphael tickled my stomach. When I sought to pull away, his grasp tightened, and I gasped. "Yes, you would make fabulous seekers."

"Seekers, sir?" Xavier interrupted. "Aurora has plenty of backup."

"Yes, but I'm sure the Order wouldn't reject a couple more." Raphael turned his cool blue eyes towards me and I shuddered. d.a.m.n, he always had a way of doing that.

Dante's burning red eyes softened, then he lowered his head.

I'd been drawn to Dante, and wanted to stay with him, no matter what it took. If we were employed by this man, so be it. I needed to hear what Dante had to say.

"I hate seeking," Dante whispered. "But if it guarantees that Malachi and I are together, I suppose I can accept the offer." He lifted his head and I caught sight of his eyes, now teal-green.

Simply beautiful... I nodded. Whatever the h.e.l.l seeking was, if it kept us together, I'd live with it.

"Excellent. I'll inform Aurora she has two new servants in her realm." Raphael finally broke away from me and escorted Xavier down the mosaic-tiled hallway.

We were alone. Finally.

Dante's footsteps echoed within the empty room. I felt his presence, but kept my eyes on the floor. The quiet around me was so peaceful.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Dante asked. "It's a h.e.l.l of a job."

"I was afraid of that." I shook my head and held my palms to my face. "What the h.e.l.l is seeking?" The sound was m.u.f.fled even to me.

Dante stepped forward and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Blood seekers, Malachi. We are now responsible for making sure donors get to their proper sanctuaries."

His comforting warmth felt d.a.m.n good against my skin. I moved my hands away and stared into those awesome eyes that he'd never shown before. I wanted to escape with him, right now, so no one could catch us. We'd be free, but not here. No-we would always be on the go.*


Instead, I stared into those eyes and whispered, "Doesn't sound too bad." I leaned in, needing to kiss him.

"Oh, but it's not all cake and candy, boy," a voice called from behind.

We both turned to face a female vampire with pitch black hair falling to her waist. The clack of her heels echoed through the hallway as she made her way to us. She wore a tight, black corset and matching leather pants, making her seem controlling and quite possibly a governor of her own coven.

I expected to see a whip at her side. It wouldn't have looked out of place. I would hiss if she whipped me-that was certain.

"Aurora. It's been a long time." Dante quickly turned and bowed.

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A Rogue's Power Part 5 summary

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