The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 93

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Gen. 43:11, 15 Brethren continued to manifest legalistic spirit (doubled money) Gal. 3:3


Gen. 43:16, 33-34 Brethren dine with him and make merry Matt. 13:20-21


Gen. 44:1-2 Determined to bring his brethren into the light John 1:4, 7-9


Gen. 44:4, 16 Brethren take their true place before G.o.d 1 John 1:7-9


Gen. 45:1 Makes himself known (alone) 1 Cor. 13:12


Gen. 45:4, 7 Invites brethren to come close to him Matt. 11:28-30 John 20:27


Gen. 45:10-11 Brethren told of full provision for them Phil. 4:19


Gen. 45:15 Gives proof that he is fully reconciled to them Rom. 8:31-39


Gen. 45:16 Joy shared by others Rev. 5:9-13


Gen. 45:9-13 Brethren go forth seeking others Acts 1:8 101.

Gen. 45:24 Instruction as they go forth Matt. 28:19-20 Appendix B

Getting Right with G.o.d

If I am not a Christian, what must I do to get right with G.o.d?

G.o.d loves you and has been trying to get your attention through the dreams He has given you. If you now want to get right with Him, then you need to take the following steps: 1. Admit your insensitivity to His communication (the Bible calls this having a hardened heart).

2. Recognize and admit that in your life you have done wrong (the Bible calls this sin).

3. Turn away from doing your own thing and be prepared to let G.o.d lead you.

4. Understand that when Jesus Christ died upon the cross, He died as the penalty for your sin. He took your punishment. Jesus willingly laid down His life so that you could come into a relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d. This privilege is based solely on your faith in the worth of Jesus' blood shed for you. Jesus is the sinless and eternal Son of G.o.d. (Jesus was raised from the dead after three days as proof of G.o.d's acceptance of Jesus' blood as payment for your sin).

5. With this knowledge, now ask G.o.d with all of your heart for forgiveness for all your sins. By faith as you pray this prayer, your sin is placed upon Christ, and in return G.o.d has brought you into right standing with Himself. You are now born again and have eternal life. Hallelujah!

6. If you prayed that prayer, you have been cleansed from your sin and now need the Holy Spirit to fill you so that you have the power to live the Christian life. Simply ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit right now.

7. Congratulations! You have just made the most important decision of your life!

8. Where do you go from here?

a Get to know G.o.d by reading the Bible daily (The Gospel of Mark in the New Testament is a great place to start).

a Set aside a time to speak with G.o.d in prayer on a daily basis.

a Ask Him to lead you to a Spirit-filled church that you may be strengthened and encouraged by the faith of other believers.

about the authors Adam F Thompson Adam has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in the word of knowledge, and demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and manifestations regularly accompany his ministry as he desires to see Jesus "magnified" through the moving of the Holy Spirit. He has ministered extensively in America, Pakistan, India, Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and the Philippines in crusades, feeding programs, and pastor's conferences. Adam has been instrumental in planting *Field of Dreams' Church in South Australia.

Adrian Beale Adrian is an international itinerant Bible-teacher with a consistent ability to open G.o.d's Word and bring supernatural revelation with impartation. He possesses more than 18 years pastoral experience and has a strong desire to see believers enter the Kingdom of G.o.d.

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The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 93 summary

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